Thursday, July 30, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.17

I just want to ask one thing before I get to tonight's recap. Has anyone else noticed the strange, abrupt disappearance of the BB Takeover twist? At the beginning of the season, we were told that there would be a new twist every week. I think the last one was either Gronk or Kathi Griffin and that was several weeks ago. All of a suddent, this twist just died with no explanation. Just wondering what happened there. Can't say that I'm too disappointed though, most of the twists were kind of silly and didn't really add a lot to the game. Maybe the producers realized the same thing and decided to scrap the whole thing mid-season. Just some food for thought. On to the recap, as we will most likely be saying goodbye to the flamboyant Jason tonight.

The Blindside
Jason was blindsided, but so were Meg and Jackie. Meg is all beside herself because she thinks she will be losing her BFF. Jason realizes that everyone is shocked and upset...except for Shelli and Clay. He realizes that they have been behind all of the evictions so far (I don't know if I would go that far. Clay does a pretty awful job of acting like he didn't know Vanessa was going to do that and that he had no idea. Meg begged Clay to tell her if he knew or not and he swore he didn't know and that as far as he knew backdooring Austin was always the plan. Meg then goes to Vanessa and asks if they (Clay and Shelli) knew about the change in plans, and Vanessa said obviously they did and if they say they didn't they are lying. She said it would be stupid of her to make a move alone without someone else helping her. Vanessa said she wouldn't have done this without everyone supporting her, and it's good to know that they are denying their part in this. Great, this is not going to end well. Jackie calls out Shelli in front of Vanessa and Shelli said she doesn't want Jason to go, and she wouldn't confirm that she agreed with Vanessa's plan. Meg and Jackie now also make the connection that Clay and Shelli have had a hand in every eviction. Oh no...

Plan #SaveJason
Jackie says Jason is better for her game than Becky is and she wants him to stay and wants to know how they can get the numbers. They have 3 and they need 2 more. Their options are Clay & Shelli, Austin & Liz, or Johnny Mac & Steve. They think Austin and Liz are dumb and gullible and they might be able to scare them enough to switch sides. Jason tells Clay and Shelli that the plan is to go after them next week in order to scare them. Jason said he can ensure their safety and people like James and Meg will be eternally grateful if they voted to keep him. Wow, some compelling arguments that I didn't expect. I wonder what's going to happen!

Johnny Mac Attack!
We are privileged to get lots of Johnny Mac in a video package that featured his family, coworkers, and even a patient. They said we are seeing a very different side of him than what they normally see. What I loved was getting to see some funny moments that weren't shown his sexy flossing, and the kissing move he put on Becky. Classic Johnny Mac...loved it!

The Votes

Austin -- Jason
Meg -- Becky
Liz -- Jason
James -- Becky (side note: why is he wearing a rodent hat?!)
Steve -- Jason
Jackie -- Jason
Shelli -- Jason
Clay -- Jason
John -- Jason

With a 7-2 vote, Jason is out. I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, he was a great character and was fun to watch. On the other hand, he was sneaky and devious and he could eventually be the demise of some of my more favorite people in the house. I also feel a little sad for him because it seemed like this experience meant a lot to him and he didn't end up making it too far. He didn't even make the jury.

Twin Twist
Since Liz and Julia survived 5 evictions, Julia re-enters the house, but this time as herself. Liz and Julia will now be playing as individuals.

Julia comes back, and James has that befuddled look on his face again, that looked similar to the one he got when Audrey announced that she was transgender.

Julie announces that with the twin twist coming to an end, the game is resetting. There is going to only be 1 HOH for the rest of the season. This also means that there will no longer be a Battle of the Block either.

HOH Competition
We finally have an endurance comp! Really, really, really hoping Clay can win this one!

The challenge is to stand on the edge of the cliff and hold on as the wall starts tilting and moving back and forth. They have just a couple small handles to hold on to. And of course, here comes the rain! Whoa, and now they are flying birds right at them! That actually looks like it would hurt the way it is hitting them right in the chest.

Austin is so big, I would think he would have a hard time with this one. I think there are quite a few people who could last for hours. I think this is going to be a long one. And of course it's going to be continued, so we will have to wait until Sunday to find out who wins.

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