Sunday, July 5, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.6

Power Duo
Shelli and Becky couldn't be a better matched duo-HOH combo. They are so similar and I think they get along really well. Let's hope they can pull off something big this week (aka get Audrey or Da'Vonne out).

They are both nervous about keeping Audrey in the game. They want to do 4 pawns in order to backdoor her. Other than that, they aren't really sure what to do. Shelli said she doesn't want Clay to go up. Becky said she could see putting Steve up because he kind of makes people uneasy by just showing up in different rooms when people are talking. The girls decide to gather some information from everyone and meet individually with all the houseguests.

Jason told Becky that he would be OK with her putting him up since he put her up last week. Austin told Becky that with Jace gone he feels like that is it for him and his biggest fear is being backdoored like he was. I'm sorry, but Austin has barely shown up on anyone's radar at this point. I don't think he has to worry about being backdoored, which is exactly what Becky told him. James told her to try to keep him safe. She said she likes him...she can't promise him anything, but he isn't a target. She told John they have a target and they are working on the 4 people to use as pawns. With most of the people she talked to, she didn't specifically name Audrey as the target, she just implied that they should know who the target the "elephant in the house". With Steve, she did mention Audrey and told him to keep it quiet.

More Audrey Drama

Audrey tells her group that Vanessa can't be trusted and that she instigated an all-girl alliance with Becky. Audrey then tells Vanessa that there is a rumor going around that she was an all girl alliance and that her name was being associated to it. She just wanted her to know. How nice of her.

Later, Vanessa confronts Da'Vonne while Audrey is in the room and says that Audrey told her about the rumor. Da'Vonne said that Audrey was the one that told HER about it. Trying to cover her tracks, Audrey said it came from Da'Vonne. Now you know that Mama Day is not going to take this lying down! Audrey, just done been caught in a lie again! Da'Vonne asked Audrey if she wasn't the one who just told a huge group of people that Vanessa was in an all-girl alliance and Audrey said "no".

Da'Vonne decided to call a house meeting. The whole group said that Audrey told them about Vanessa. She continued to say that they were all lying. They all know now that they can't trust Audrey. Da'Vonne pulled out some other problems in the house that all involved the fight between her and Clay...all Audrey. Da'Vonne has the last words "your (bleep) done hit the fan point blank and the period".

Alone, Audrey said that she really thought people were buying what she was telling them. Her strategy is to lie down and play dead. Good one.

Shift in Target
In the storage room, Clay tells Jeff that he can't trust anything that comes out of Audrey's mouth. However, he doesn't think that Audrey would come after them and Shelli. He said that Da'Vonne now doesn't trust them and would be coming after them. He thinks Da'Vonne should be the next target. They need to get her out before she gets them out. Obviously Audrey would be on board with that plan as well. Meg busts in on their conversation. Clay asked her if there was one person she would want out this week, who would it be. She said Audrey. Next thing you know, Audrey comes in. She said she literally has no one and is at rock bottom. She said if they give her a chance, she will target the people who started all the trouble. Clay said her only chance is with this side of the house. Jeff realizes that Audrey is using Clay as her puppet and she is a master manipulator. She knows he's a nice guy and has a big heart.

Clay talks to Shelli about possibly going after Da'Vonne. She said she is on board with this plan and would like to see her go this week. He even suggested going up as a pawn himself. NOOOO! Clay, NOOOO! She said she would never do that because the ones they want to go could take themselves off and then campaign for him to go. At least Shelli is thinking smart on this one! They bring Jeff into the conversation and Clay says "just put me up". No, Clay! That is not the right answer! Are you kidding?! Have you never watched this show before? His reason for wanting to go up is because he doesn't trust anyone else to throw the BOB. Shelli said John isn't that strong and could be a good pick. They bring John into the mix. They ask John who he trusts in the game and he said Becky and Jeff. Shelli said that's perfect because he is in with the people who have the power. They said they are telling him this because they trust him. Shelli said they want to put him up along with Da'Vonne and they want him to throw the competition. They promise that he won't go home. Clay said he keeps his word. Secretly John wonders why HE has to be the they not like his face or something? I love John, he's hilarious! I have to say that I'm really liking this group of Clay, Shelli, John...possibly Becky.

Becky Hit by a Train...Literally
Becky tells the group that she was hit by a train last year. There was a van beside the tracks and she stuck her head out  to look, and the train came by and hit her in the face. She broke her wrist and leg, her nose was crushed and her teeth busted out her lip. She was off work for 8 weeks and made a complete recovery with no plastic surgery. I don't know about anyone else, but I do not buy this story. This just does not seem realistic at all.

Shelli nominates: John and Da'Vonne
-she only says that Da'Vonne doesn't trust her and she's only protecting herself
Becky nominates: Jason and Steve
-she says that Jason nominated her last week and wished her luck, so she does the same thing; she said she hasn't talked game with Steve and can't wait to see what happens this week

Half of the house expects Audrey to be backdoored. The other half is on board to get rid of Da'Vonne. This should be interesting!

Da'Vonne and Jason think they are being targeted because they have been proven to "snatch a wig". Becky reassured them that the plan is to backdoor Audrey.

Audrey asks Shelli and Clay if there is a Plan B if Jason and Steve throw the competition. Shelli said she doesn't think they will throw it. She knows she can't rat out Becky's plan because that would be bad for her game.

John just cracks me up! He tells Da'Vonne that they need to be fresh for the competition. He isn't sure if he wants to win it so he can be safe, or if he wants to throw it so he can gain a whole new group of people to align with. It's such a big decision...I love hearing him describe his agony. Hilarious! He shouts in the DR almost as loud as Chef Joe from a few seasons ago.

Battle of the Block
They will be shown a cameraman shot list. Then they will use a camera to point at the props in a set to match them up. Each team has to wear one big shared t-shirt so they have to move together.

Da'Vonne is just pulling John around. She has the idea to open up all the cameras at once. He said this is the worst strategy ever and he won't even have to try to throw it...she will do it for him. She's doing all the work and he's just along for the ride. She kind of realized that she was doing all the work, but she didn't seem to think he was throwing it...yet anyway.

Steve and Jason's strategy is to do 2 cameras at the time. They are working well together as a team and even have their walking strategy down...meanwhile John and Da'Vonne are stumbling all over the set.

Jason and Steve win pretty easily and Becky is dethroned. Becky is certain that Shelli will carry out the rest of their plan to backdoor Audrey.

Da'Vonne is ready to break any bone necessary to win the POV and save herself. Yeah, good luck with that. As long as either Da'Vonne or Audrey goes home this week, I will be happy...they both need to go.

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