Thursday, July 16, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.11

Ok, so this recap is going to be shorter than normal. Forgive me if there are any misspellings. My Internet is down again, even after being "fixed" yesterday. As a result, I have to do this recap on my phone...because I'm that dedicated. Definitely slows down the typing, but I'll give it my best shot.

Rallying the Troops
Austin thinks he might be OK sitting next to Jeff. Jeff tries to find people to be on his side and apologizes for things he's done. He told Clay that he isn't threatened by his relationship with Shelli and hopes they can still work together. Clay believes in second chances but he's not sure if he can trust Jeff. He gets all weepy talking to Shelli and said he knows he's done wrong things. Jeff confessed to Jackie that he played on Shelli's emotions. Jackie said that if he can sway Shelli, she will sway Clay and they might be able to get the numbers.

Clay and Jason think James is much more trustworthy than Jeff. Meg is still undecided. She thinks James is likable and that could take him far in the game.

Love Triangle
Austin has a good relationship with Liz. Steve has also shown some interest in her. Austin gets jealous when she and Steve playfully say they love each other. The triangle becomes a square when Liz starts flirting with Jeff.

Jeff tells Liz that they have similarities in that they are both twins. She asked him to tell her who told him. He didn't want to say. They are whispering in bed and Jeff pulls the covers over their head. Of course, Austin comes in and freaks out. Liz said Jeff looked so,scared that he was going to poop his pants. Jeff did not just won Austin's vote with that move. He was upset and full of rage that Liz would allow Jeff to pull the covers over them like that. She was supposed to be staying away from him. He makes a statement that he would sacrifice himself in the game to fill the emptiness in his heart. Dude needs some help. Liz thinks Austin is trying to manipulate her more than Jeff is.

The Votes
I think Jeff had a really nicely prepared speech...I was a little shocked that it was so coherent.

Jackie -- James
Austin -- Jeff
John -- James
Meg -- Jeff
Clay -- Jeff
Shelli -- Jeff
Steve -- James
Liz -- James
Jason -- Jeff
Becky -- Jeff
Audrey -- Jeff

By a vote of 7-4, Jeff is evicted. Very interesting split. Did anyone else catch in Liz and Julia's goodbye video that they said sorry for voting him out because it was better for their game? They voted for James. Their vote must have changed at the last minute. Jeff was not surprised they were twins, as He said he's really been studying them this week. He said one was more flirty with him and touched his butt and the other one did not.

Austin's video introduced Jeff to his alter ego Judas. He said no one comes between him and his twins. Jeff thought it was funny and openly flirted with Liz in front of Austin just because he knew it made him mad.

HOH Competition
They will watch a dance routine and they will answer true and false statements about what they saw.

Q1 - James, Jason, Steve, and Clay out
Q2 - Austin and Meg out
Q3 - Liz and Shelli are the only 2 to get it right, so they win HOH

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