Thursday, July 2, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.4

New Power Alliance and Sub-Alliance
James forms an alliance with Meg. He then goes after Clay because he's from Texas and is a country boy. In the supply room, James confirms the alliance with Audrey and Clay. They then meet up in the HOH room as a group of 6 (James, Jason, Audrey, Clay, Da'Vonne, Meg).

The Cloud Town alliance was formed between James and Audrey, and Jace and Austin. Jace assured James that he was on his side and would do whatever he wanted to do.

Bro Talk
Jace decides to bring some laughs by streaking in the backyard. No one really batted an eye or paid him any attention. They were actually a little annoyed. Austin was worried that he was annoying people and drawing unnecessary attention to himself. How people perceive Jace reflects on him as well because they are friends. Austin kindly sat him down and basically told him to chill out.

Veto Picks
James draws Becky
Jackie draws John
Steve draws Houseguest Choice and chooses Jason (because he hasn't spent too much time bonding with him and he hopes to use this as a reason later on)

House Drama

Da'Vonne knows that at some point there may be a counting competition where they have to know how many of things there are in the house, so she goes around counting things. She goes into one room where Clay and Shelli are, and then enters the other bedroom. Jeff walks in and makes a comment about how you can hear everything from in there. Clay and Shelli inform Jeff that Da'Vonne was in that room. When he opened the door, she walked out. He looked around and didn't see anyone in that room (which apparently was not her room), and he wondered what she was doing in there since no one else was in there. She said it was her house too, and that she could go into any room she wanted. His only logical explanation was that she was trying to eavesdrop.

Da'Vonne freaks out and goes to talk to Jason in the HOH Room. She said she overheard Clay and Shelli tell Jeff to look in the other room to find out why she was in there. She said if they wanted to know they could have just asked her. Now she doesn't trust any of them. She is upset that Clay was in there because she trusted him but now she doesn't.

Jeff comes up to the HOH Room to do damage control. He said she freaked him out when he opened the door and she was in there and he said it was creepy. She said she was mad at what he said...I guess him just simply asking why she was in that room when no one else was in there (big deal). He said he was sorry and she said she wasn't mad at him, because it was the other 2. She seriously started crying over this nonsense!

Jeff went to talk to Clay and tell him what happened. He called her a puppet master. Clay asked if he should go talk to her now or wait. He went up to the HOH Room and try to smooth things over. He asked her what was going on (with a little bit of an attitude). She said he was there when her and Jeff got into it, and he still didn't know why she was upset. She said it was because he sent Jeff in to the room. Clay said he didn't, but Da'Vonne said that Jeff said he did (granted, he didn't name names, but really why is this even a big deal?). Clay couldn't understand why her attitude about this is so negative. He said she was one of the closest people to him in the house. She continued freaking out in the DR because he was lying, she thinks she caught him lying. He just thinks she's being paranoid. After he left, she cried and said he should have just apologized to her. She was fuming!

Audrey is upset because they just brought Clay into the alliance and this could ruin things. Seeing Da'Vonne freak out, she knows that she could be a liability later on.Audrey confronted Clay and told him that Da'Vonne started crying when he left and that he should go apologize because he shouldn't have reacted the way he did. So, he tried to do some more damage control and apologize again (even though he doesn't think he did anything wrong and even though he may not be completely sincere). He gave a great, really sincere apology and she said that she was glad he apologized.

As soon as he left the room, Da'Vonne looked directly at the cameras (while no one else was in the room), and said "they're both liars". She knows that Audrey went down and told him to come apologize to her. She knows that Audrey told him the same thing she told her, to keep a smile on. By doing that, Audrey is now on her list of people that she doesn't trust. She thinks Audrey is trying to manipulate and be the puppet master.

Have Nots
As the remaining HOH, James has to pick the first Have Nots. He chooses Liz and Austin since they are both safe because of the Rewind. Vanessa also volunteers.

This year's Have Not Room is a Dentist's Office! There are dental tools and uncomfortable chairs.

Veto Competition
They will dig in the giant noses...for golden nuggets that have letters on them. They bring them back one at a time to make the biggest word possible.

Playing in the competition are: James, Jason, Steve, Jackie, Becky and John.

John is right at home digging in the noses, since he looks in people's mouths all day.

Steve grossly pulls these giant Band-Aids off of his legs while he's going through the mud and water.

John is the first one to lock in his word, with more than a minute remaining.

The Results:
James -- lifeguards (8 pts)
Becky -- closest (7 pts)
Jason -- zones (6 pts)
Jackie -- judge (6 pts)
Steve -- trombonists (12 pts)
John -- boogers (7 pts)

Winner: Steve

Alliance Talk
Audrey pulls Shelli into the HOH Room because she thinks their alliance needs people they can trust. She did this without consulting the others. Shelli was quick to jump on board. Next, she goes back downstairs and grabs Jeff to bring him up to the HOH Room. He was less than enthused to be disturbed. He thought this totally could have waited until the morning. Next, she goes to get Clay and Meg. Seriously, who ISN'T she going to bring into this alliance? She just wanted to get everyone on the same page because they are "going into battle". It would have been nice if she would have consulted her group instead of just making all of these decisions on her own. Doesn't she remember what happened to Devin last season? He freaked out and told a bunch of people about their "secret" alliance, and by the time he was done, just about everyone was in the alliance. Yeah, that didn't work out so well. It was an epic failure.

James said history has shown that large alliances don't work and he's worried that soon they will have a 16-person alliance. James said that Audrey is going to be the next one on the chopping block if she doesn't cool her jets. In the room were: Audrey, James, Jason, Shelli, Jeff, Clay, Meg...not sure if there was anyone else or not, it was hard to tell.

Veto Ceremony
Of course Steve is going to use the Veto on himself, which is exactly what the large alliance wants, so they can backdoor Jace. I really think that backdooring Audrey this week would be a better move than going after Jace.

James's replacement nominee is: Jace

Jace thought he was good because he had an alliance with James. Austin also feels betrayed and needs to figure out who has been lying to them.

Tomorrow night, either Jace or Jackie will be going home. I don't really want either of them to go, but I would rather have Jace stay. At this point, he brings more to the game than Jackie does.

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