Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.14

Audrey is Checks Out
No one knows what's going on with Audrey. She was a no-show at the Veto meeting, in which she was named as the replacement nominee. Everyone wondered if she might just leave the game. She stayed in hiding for awhile, then emerged, still covered in blankets, didn't talk to anyone and went to the Diary Room. She flopped on the chair and just laid there. Seriously, grow up, Audrey. She talked such a big game, and she is only where she is because of her mouth. Own it and go out strong...don't just wimp out and play the victim. She has boasted about all of the people she has targeted and gotten out of the game, and now that it's finally happening to her, she runs scared.

James felt bad for her so he made her an omelet and brought her some orange juice. Wow, how nice was that?! Honestly, the way she has behaved she didn't really deserve it, but that was a really nice thing he did. She didn't even acknowledge him in the room as he brought it to her. He left it and she didn't even say anything to him...what a jerk!

She obviously has mentally (and physically) checked out of the game. She clearly is not cut out for this game, and it appears that it could be detrimental to her well-being to stay in the house any longer. I don't know that the game has ever seen a breakdown this bad before. Leave it to Audrey, she is full of firsts this season.

Audrey's Family

We learn that Audrey's name "before" was Adam. Her family says they don't have any pictures of her as Adam, only as we can't even see what she used to look like. I'm dying to know! Because I'm sorry, I just can't picture what "he" looked like. She looks so feminine, and there really isn't any trace of masculinity to be seen. Wouldn't it be the biggest lie yet if she wasn't truly transgender?

The Votes
The best part of Audrey's last speech before the votes was great! She said "From a game perspective, I think this is a move that you've wanted for a few weeks now, so Merry frickin' Christmas". LOL! And of course Johnny Mac! I expected nothing less than the hilarious speech he gave! He gave a very loud shoutout to his Whackstreet Boys members and said he was sorry about what happened on the tour bus...he thinks the roof can be fixed and the stain might come out. Then he told the house if they wanted to keep him "awesome" and if not "cool"...of course said in his best, loud, shouty Kermit the Frog voice. Hilarious! I'm so glad I'm watching this episode recorded and I know what happens because I would not want to be worried that the house was going to do something stupid like vote out the show's best pawn ever!

Clay -- Audrey
James -- Audrey
Austin -- Audrey (but Judas votes to evict John! oh dare you!)
Jason -- Audrey
Vanessa -- Audrey
Becky -- Audrey
Jackie -- Audrey
Steve -- Audrey
Julia (Liz) -- Audrey
Meg -- Audrey

By a (thankfully) unanimous vote, Audrey is FINALLY evicted! And...she had a penalty vote against her because she did not attend the Veto meeting! Ouch! Another first for the show thanks to Audrey. But wait, Julie said 9 votes plus a penalty vote...does that mean they counted Judas's vote for John? Austin said "Austin and the house are unanimous but Judas votes to evict John". It didn't seem like he was meaning to actually vote out John, or was he? I'm so confused! Seriously, one personality per person is enough to keep track of!

And, on her way out, she hugged no one except Vanessa and Shelli at the door. I'm very interested to see what she has to say now that she's been evicted. And...we didn't learn a whole lot from what she had to say :( Boo to Julie for not asking the really tough questions.

HOH Competition
Head-to-head face-offs to listen to a song and answer with "HOH", "BOB", or "Veto"

Steve vs. Jason -- Jason wins
Johnny Mac vs. Austin -- Austin wins (OK was Johnny throwing that, because he was IN that comp!)
Jackie vs. Becky -- Jackie wins
Liz vs. Vanessa -- Vanessa
Jackie vs. Meg -- Jackie wins
Austin vs. James -- James wins (Hilarious seeing them up against each other because Austin is seriously like 3 feet taller than James! With only hearing a couple words, James rang in! I think he was just guessing but got lucky! And what's with having 2 songs about the same competition?)
Vanessa vs. Clay -- Vanessa wins
James vs. Jackie -- Jackie wins (Again, he just hits his button as soon as he can...was he trying to throw it or what?) Jackie is the first HOH
Vanessa vs. Jason -- Vanessa wins and is the 2nd HOH

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