Monday, July 13, 2015

The Bachelorette, Ep. 11.9

The Confrontation Continues
We left off with Shawn confronting Nick. We all know this is not going to end well, right?

Well, that was pretty anti-climactic, wasn't it? We really only saw the same thing as last week. The only new thing was Nick bringing up the Eskimo brother thing. Shawn didn't deny it and just said how horrible he is to bring stuff like that up, and then he left.

Ben's Overnight Date
The go for a horse ride. They both talked to their was cute! And oh look, donkeys! They're so furry! Now they are chasing them down the hill and attacking Ben, oh my!

They ride to a castle for a picnic.  He said over the last few weeks he's started falling in love with her and he realized that it wasn't just the situation. The more he talks, the more I keep thinking that he is way too good for her and he deserves so much more. It's apparent that I seriously have a thing for him :)

She tells Ben that they are going to be having dinner inside the castle, and if all goes as planned (for her) they will be spending the night in the castle.

Kaitlyn said she can see a future with Ben and she thinks it would be a fun life.

Ben drops a bomb...he said he had a birthday on the show...he turned 26. She was shocked, as she realized that she's older than him (30). She said age wasn't an issue. He told her that she is the hottest older woman he's ever seen.

She looks so happy with him. He makes her smile, she makes him smile.

The Fantasy Suite card comes out. She said this is a big deal for her, but she wants to make sure that he is 100% sure about everything. He said they've never talked about this or any of the other people involved because he's confident in what they have. He said it would be super exciting, and he said it would be the best sleepover ever.

After their night together, she said she's more confused than ever because she had a great time with him. She didn't want to say goodbye to him.

Shawn's Overnight Date

She brought him a gift, and it was goofy golf outfit. She picked a bright pink shirt and bright blue pants. She said he was the hottest dork ever.

Again we witness some of Kaitlyn's horrendous driving skills as she drove the golf cart.

Kaitlyn said if she wins, she gets whatever she wants. If he wins, she gets whatever she wants. Selfish much?

Their long game was much better than their short game. Their balls spent a lot of time in the a lot.

She said she felt like she won, so she thinks they should play Truth or Dare. She dared him to streak across the green. She said he could cover with his hand or his little glove...or big glove as she corrected herself. Always up for a dare, he went for it and she laughed hysterically the entire time. Then she took off with his clothes! She's so mean!

Through it all, Shawn still has a smile on his face. Poor guy. He thinks they are in a good spot. She decides to talk about a touchy spot. She said no one has a bad thing to say about Ben, but he and Nick are always going at each other. She wanted to know what it was about him. He said he doubted that he was there for the right reasons. She wondered why he wouldn't talk to him. He said he did go to talk to him and he told him what a jerk he was. He said he made ridiculous allegations and he left. He said he just tried to smooth-talk him because that's what he's good at. She told him that Nick told her about some Eskimo brother thing. He got upset and said he is delusional and he acts like he's a 16-year-old guy. He said if she ends up with him he won't be upset because it wasn't meant to be because they are both complete opposites.

On that lovely note...because I think she had enough of the awkwardness and wanted a way out...she brings out the Fantasy Suite card. Obviously that's the only thing on her mind. She said in the morning she will know a lot better whether or not he could be her husband.

As he left in the morning, they barely hugged or anything, he just walked out. He ran into Nick, who looked like he was stalking him or something. Nick said he wanted to talk and Shawn said he didn't want to talk to him at all. Confrontation #2 coming up! Since Shawn left last time, he didn't get a chance to respond. Nick was shocked and impressed that Shawn came to talk to him for once. Shawn told him that if his name came out of his mouth again it wasn't going to be pretty. Nick accused him of threatening him. Shawn wouldn't even let him talk. He told Nick that he was a smooth-talker and only likes to hear himself talk. Shawn said he was the last person he wanted to see or talk to ever again. Nick responded with "fair enough, Shawn" as he threw him out of his room. Nick didn't think it was classy for Shawn to mention that he just spent all day and night with her. He said he didn't know that (yeah right). He has a lot of room to talk considering what he did to Andi at the After the Final Rose Ceremony. Nick said he knows Kaitlyn's smart and she'll make the right decision because she has to be sick of this. I really can't be on either of their sides right now. They are both acting so childish. Nick is just a jerk and Shawn comes off as a whiny, insecure child who yells, pouts, and storms off. He stood up to Nick, but couldn't manage to have a decent back and forth conversation.

Kaitlyn's Decision
Kaitlyn sat with Chris an talked about what she was feeling. She has absolutely nothing but good things to say about Ben. She talks about how fun and sweet he is. He is just so drama-free. Then you have Nick, who no matter how many bad things she hears, still is head-over-heels for him. She likes what she has with Shawn, but he is so jealous and is afraid that that could ruin their relationship. Clearly, keeping Ben should be a no-brainer. If it were me, I would pick Ben and send the other 2 yahoos home. Of course, we know that's not what's going to happen. She makes it seem like she's having a really hard time making this decision and asks for more time. If she was really, truly considering Ben, I think she would have told him about what she did with Nick. Clearly she doesn't think her relationship with Ben is as important as the one with Shawn.

As she stood there and handed out the roses, she was shaking so badly! She couldn't keep her hands still.

She let's poor Ben go. But, in all honesty, this is the best thing for him and I think he comes out as the winner in this situation. She told him that she didn't know how to say goodbye to him. He said he felt like he showed her who he was and he thought that this could really work. He said it's going to be hard not seeing her anymore. He handled it so well, as a true gentleman. She was crushed.

Who would have thunk that Nick and Shawn would be the final 2 this season? Clearly, Ben H, Ben Z, Jared, Chris, or maybe even Joe...any 2 of those would have made a perfect final 2. It's clear that she must enjoy the drama or she would not have kept 2 of the most drama-causing guys as her final 2. She said the only thing getting her through all this was that she was falling in love. How awkward to be with 2 guys who hate each other so much that they can't even stand to be in the same room together. Just standing next to each other they have the biggest scowls on their face and you can tell they are clenching their teeth. Never before have a final 2 hated each other's guts so much. Shouldn't this be a huge red flag for Kaitlyn? One would think..

They are now off to Utah to meet with the guy's families. Again, another change. Instead of going to the guys' hometowns, the families are all being brought to Utah.

Nick's Family Visit
Nick shared with Kaitlyn that the last time he professed feelings of love, it was on the show the last time. He said he doesn't like to compare, but last time, he had some questions and reservations. He said if he were to move forward, he would have been taking a leap of faith. He said that this time it won't be a leap of faith. He knows he is in love with her.

His family said they were worried about him coming on the show again after what happened the last time. They were all emotional even before Nick and Kaitlyn showed up. Like seriously emotional...there were like 10 of them and over half of them were in tears! Nothing like having your family totally doubt your decisions. His parents said they hope he knows what he's doing because they don't want to see him hurt like he was the last time.

I forgot that the had so many siblings! Who could forget the youngest, Bella who had some tough questions for Andi last time. I wonder what she'll throw at Kaitlyn.

Oh no, Nick and Kaitlyn start doing "The Carlton"...I wondered what prompted that!

Nick's sister Maria was the first to talk to Kaitlyn. She wanted to know how things were different with Nick than they were with Chris on her season. She said Nick really surprised her and he was very different from who she thought he was.

She has a great conversation with 3 of his brothers. Then came Bella. She asked what Vancouver was like, and then she asked if she loved Nick. Kaitlyn danced all around the question and didn't say she was in love with him. She said she "really, really, really" liked him a lot. Bella said she could see Kaitlyn as her sister-in-law.

Nick's mom said that Kaitlyn must be pretty special because it would take a lot for him to go back on the show again. She said she was glad to see the happy, goofy side of Nick back again. Kaitlyn said she has seen a lot of that side of him.

Nick told his mom that he was 99% sure that Kaitlyn loves him. He said last time he was confident, but he was naive about what else was going on. He said he doesn't really feel that way this time. His mom was comforted by the way Kaitlyn looks at him and the way they are together. She said she didn't see that the last time with Andi.

After meeting with the family, the 2 started groping each other on the couch. Nick said he loved her, she asked if he promised, and he said with all of his heart. THEN, he said, and I quote: "We should make babies someday. Just sayin', someday. They'll be pretty." Oh. My. Word. These 2 deserve each other, seriously.

Shawn's Family Visit
His family is skeptical if Shawn and Kaitlyn can make a decision about their future after only knowing each other a few weeks. Kaitlyn met his dad, 2 older sisters and his aunt (his mom couldn't make it).

Kaitlyn said that on the first night, right out of the limo there was an instant connection and that he got the First Impression Rose.

Kaitlyn talked to his oldest sister and she wanted to know if Shawn was ready for marriage. His sister, Jessie said that if he thought she was the one, she could for sure see him getting engaged.

Both sisters really liked Kaitlyn. They said they have very different personalities, but they compliment each other very well.

His dad said he's never seen Shawn like this with anyone. He hopes that Shawn's feelings aren't just in the moment and a lust reaction. Shawn said he thinks he's been able to open up more with her than anyone and he feels like he has been changed and is a better person. He said he hasn't told her that he loves her yet because he wanted to wait until she met his family.

After the visit, Shawn told Kaitlyn that there was one thing he had to get off of his chest before things went any further. He said in Texas, he told her that he was falling in love with her, but that isn't true. He is actually in love with her and he has been for a while. He was a little disappointed that she didn't say it back. he thinks she would like to say it back but she can't.

She left Shawn and went back to her room and had a breakdown. She said the day went better than she thought it would and that's why she's so emotional. She made it sound like she was hoping it wouldn't go well so she could just pick Nick and be done with it.

Next week..."The Men Tell All" should be a good one!

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