Thursday, July 9, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.8

Post Veto
Jason is devastated that his one and only in the house, Da'Vonne was nominated. Meg is upset because Da'Vonne is so nice.

Shelli is totally upset...not quite sure I understand why.

Last Laugh Twist
A British telephone booth shows up in the house. Kathi Griffin will be calling with 15 tips and only one of them will have the clue for how to win. We all know that it is call #7.

Call #1 - Jason - "be way less annoying"
Call #2 - Meg - "lose 10 lb"
Call #3 - Liz - "breath mints, lots of them"
Call #4 - John - "a little less suck you look like a suitcase" (I listened to this one a couple times, and I'm still not sure exactly what she said because his response was that he's one of the whitest people in the house. I thought she said either "suck" or "sock" and neither one makes sense.)
Call #5 - Vanessa - "try not sucking in competitions"
Call #6 - Jeff - "showers are supposed to be daily"
Call #7 - Da'Vonne - "start thinking about eviction night because you just won the power of the last laugh"...OK, so Clay wanted #7 because that's his lucky number, but Da'Vonne camped out in front of the door because 7 is her number too
Call #10 - Shelli - "burn your wardrobe because it's ugly"
Call #13 - Becky - "you may want to get more beauty sleep"
Call #15 - Clay - "deodorant was invented for a reason, ew"

Da'Vonne was ecstatic to tell Jason that she got it. This is the disaster that no one wanted to happen. She went on a mission to talk to everyone and get them to vote to keep her. Surprisingly, a lot of them said they would...but I'm hoping that they are all lying. Clay noticed how happy she was all of a sudden and he's pretty sure that she won the advantage. He knows his vote will be cut because she hates him. He knows she only said she wanted #7 because he said he wanted it.

Twin Twist

Da'Vonne is sure that Liz has been playing as a twin. She noticed that her body is not the same every time she sees her. She said in the morning she had a lot more weight on her and SlimFast doesn't work that fast. She said the one playing earlier was the nice one, and this one right now is not. What did I tell you, this was way too easy. They would have been better off to have had Shelli's male twin play in the house at the same time and see if people could figure that out!

As soon as Jason and Da'Vonne knew for sure, they decided to go around and tell everyone. They had it down to which one wears what and which one works out more and which one lays around more. They all ran to the Memory Wall to look at the picture.

Jason called the one sister "Fat Bev"...oh my!

Da'Vonne confronted Liz and told her that she needed to remain calm. She told her that people are saying that she is a twin switching in and out. "Liz" (actually Julia) couldn't believe people were saying that. Da'Vonne told her that they needed each other.

Power of the Last Laugh
Da'Vonne chooses the 3 people who will not be voting: Becky, Jeff, Jackie

Wow! I'm shocked that she didn't pick Clay! Like totally surprised! Maybe she didn't want people to know that she was the one with the power. For some reason, Julie kept it secret from them.

Da'Vonne called most of the house cowards in her speech. She said she is strong and will protect "you". If they vote her out, they will sit next to Meg next week.

Jason -- Meg
Clay -- Da'Vonne
John -- Da'Vonne
Audrey -- Meg
Austin -- Da'Vonne
Liz (actually Julia) -- Da'Vonne
Vanessa -- Da'Vonne
James -- Da'Vonne
Steve -- Da'Vonne

7-2 bye bye Mama Day! I'm wondering if the 3 she sat out were good picks or not. Either way, I'm happy this was the outcome. 1/2 of the drama-causers was evicted, so that leaves just Audrey, and hopefully her number will be up next week.

Da'Vonne's Exit
Da'Vonne said that the entire house is afraid to evict and even put her up for eviction just because of her being transgender. She said that she called that on day 2 and that's why she said she would work with her. She dissed Audrey's goodbye video, but Julie revealed that she voted to evict she kind of had to eat her words.

BB Takeover: Rob Gronkowski
His twist is "Party Week". He doesn't like Have-Nots, so there won't be any Have-Nots this week.

HOH Comp
So of course, since Gronk is the guest this week, the HOH comp is like beer's Gronk Pong. They will roll a ball down a little shoot and pop it into a cup. Each cup has a number...the 2 with the highest score will be the co-HOH.

Liz (Julia) - 23
Jackie - miss = 0
John - miss = 0
James - 23
Audrey - 17
Clay - 6
Jeff - 14
Becky - miss = 0
Austin - 28
Jason - miss = 0
Meg - 1
Steve - miss = 0
Vanessa - 23

Austin wins with 28 and there's a 3-way tie for 2nd: Liz, James, Vanessa - they will do another round.

Liz - 22
James - 35
Vanessa - 52

So Austin and Vanessa are the 2 new HOHs this week. I'm not sure how I feel about these 2 yet, so next week should be interesting.

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