Sunday, July 12, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.9

Post HOH Comp
Austin's alter-ego "Judas" has some plans that may or may not include going after Audrey like the rest of the house wants.

Vanessa reveals that Austin is the closest person to her in the house.

Jason is really worried because he has not spoken one word of game to either Austin or Vanessa.

Meg thinks this is going to be an easy week because everyone's agenda is the same: get Audrey out.

Jeff didn't realize that Austin won HOH, he thought Vanessa was HOH...he forgot that there were 2 HOHs. Oh my...get in the game buddy!

James thinks he is in trouble this week because he hasn't talked game with Vanessa.

Possible Targets
Audrey is the most likely target for the week, but Vanessa has other ideas. She thinks Jeff is a real threat in the game. She is also considering putting up James. She said that they will let the house think that they are still targeting Audrey and that will make it easy to backdoor someone else.

Austin is thrilled to be co-HOH with Vanessa because they are both on the same page and just hopes they can make their plan work. Um...Austin...I think you are on Vanessa's plan, because I seriously don't think you have a clue about anything in this game.

New Alliance
"Liz" told Vanessa that people have been talking about her being a twin. Vanessa asked her if it was true and Julia told her that it was and that her name was Julia. Julia hopes that Vanessa will work with her and Liz. Julia even revealed that the twins have to make it 5 weeks in order for them both to be in the game at the same time, and that they switch places every 3 days.

Vanessa is stoked that she has this information and proceeds to tell Julia what she needs to do to be more like Liz. She told her that Liz is funnier and flirtier and she told her that she has to eat more because she is way skinnier than Liz. They think they can get Shelli on their side. Vanessa approached both Shelli and Clay and told them about the twin twist. Shelli is so excited to "meet" Julia.

Vanessa then asks Austin if he's heard the rumors about Liz...he got a funny look on his face. She said the twin thing..he goes "huh?". Man, he wasn't kidding when he told Julie that he didn't have any idea what was going on in the house. He may want to start paying more attention if he hopes to make it in this game. He can't just rely on Vanessa to tell him everything. Austin then asks why it matters that she's a twin. Obviously he is not putting 2 and 2 together that they have actually both been playing the game as one person. He apparently just thought "oh, so she has a twin on the outside, big whoop".  At least he admitted in the DR that he's an idiot.

Finally, Austin thinks about things and realized that Liz and Julia did have some differences. He said he has a different connection with both of them. He kind of has a thing for Liz and now he wants to keep her safe more than ever.

...oh, and all of this happened BEFORE last Thursday's eviction. Not sure why they are showing us this out of order.

So, Julia switches out, and Liz comes back in. Everyone is so excited!! They come up with a name for their new alliance, and it is Sixth Sense. It is kind of interesting that they are kind of 3 sets of 2: Austin & Vanessa, Shelli & Clay, and Liz & Julia.

I have to say that I wasn't so crazy about Liz/Julia, but I think I am kind of liking this alliance of 6. I think they could be very strong...mostly because of Vanessa...we all know that Clay and Shelli haven't been the brightest so far in this game, even though they did manage to get out a big threat, which was Da'Vonne. Now, how can we get John in on this? That would be a perfect 7!

Detective Dentist and Doofus
John is talking to Jeff and Jackie and he said he asked "Liz" about the crown that she had on #9. She said "what crown?". He thought maybe she was just sensitive about it and didn't want to talk about it. John said he could tell because when she smiled (the other one) that the one tooth was slightly a different color than the others. Then, brilliant Jeff said, "So you're saying that there's just one Liz?". Oh my gosh Jeff, you idiot! John said "No, I'm saying maybe there's two." John said if he can get a good look at her teeth he could show him because that's not something that you can switch in and out. So, they decide to go talk to her.

He decides to make an imaginary camera with his hands and goes around to everyone snapping fake pictures. He tells Liz to smile...nothing. She said he was acting weird, John just kept staring at her weird, not able to get a good enough look.

Jeff decided to go talk to Austin about his suspicions. Jeff asked him if he noticed that sometimes Liz likes to work out with him and then sometimes she doesn't at all. He said he thinks she could be a twin and Austin pulled off the fakest surprised face ever. Jeff thought he was doing him a big favor by telling him this. Austin told him that he was so glad he told him because he isn't very good at this kind of thing. Jeff told him that one of them has a crush on him (Austin) and the other one has a crush on him (Jeff)! Austin was like "yeah, I noticed that!". Jeff said they can use this as an advantage. He told Austin about John trying to figure out by looking at her teeth. Austin thinks that if Jeff keeps pressing this that he may need to go.

The Pawn Game

So Austin really wants to backdoor (or frontdoor?) James or Jeff. Vanessa said that Austin needs to put up Meg and she was trying to think of who to put up herself. They suggested Johnny Mac. Liz felt bad for him because he's been up every week. Vanessa said they will have to offer him something in return, like safety 2 weeks into jury or something, So, it's time to break the news to poor Johnny Mac. I'm laughing already, because I know exactly what his face is going to look like when they tell him the plan, because it has happened twice already. He's going to stare blankly at them, as his face will get paler and paler, while they deliver the news. Then, he will half-heartedly laugh and nod his head. Let's see how this plays out this time...

Blank look - check!
Half-hearted smile - check!

His response to them, in a very monotone voice: "We gotta do what we gotta do."

Vanessa told him that both her and Austin would promise not to nominate, backdoor him or evict him until there were 10 people left. Oh, and they are also asking him to throw it again. He gave Vanessa a weak hug and you could tell he just was not excited about this at all. He said if the house is telling you you have to do something, you just do it.

Austin -- Meg and Jason
Vanessa -- James and John

Meg and Jason know that they were paired together for a reason: they are both weaker in challenges.

James feels OK because he knows John is good at competitions and he thinks they will do well together. John knows that he has to make this look like he is actually trying because he can't let everyone know that he has been throwing competitions. I don't think it matters which group wins, so I REALLY want James and John to win so John can be safe.

Battle of the Block Competition
There's a big foam party in the backyard. They have to find a piece of clothing in a huge pile and match it up to the right person. To make things even worse, the whole place is a maze.

This looks so hard! John shouldn't have any trouble throwing this because it is going to be hard whether he tries to throw it or not.

Both teams each have found 1 correct match. John and Meg are now on the course. Austin notices that John is moving very slowly and is choking on the foam, which means he's doing exactly what he's supposed to do. Somehow he finds his match and takes her to the VIP area. He now realizes that he did it too quickly...he needs to slow this thing down! LOL!

It's now tied 2-2 and James is struggling. The only pattern he knows is camo...he is in trouble, or as he put it "a deer in headlights". John is stoked that for the 2nd time his partner is helping him throw the competition so he doesn't have to do anything.

Jason, on the other hand, is right at home. This is just like shopping and boy hunting. They are now running away with this competition and it is a blowout!

James/John end up with like 3 people, while Meg/Jason find their 10th and win the BOB.

Vanessa stays HOH and Austin is dethroned.

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