Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.16

Perfect Plan Blown to Bits
I still can't believe that Clay and Becky choked and lost by literally milliseconds. Vanessa is devastated because she wanted Jackie to remain HOH so that backdooring Austin wouldn't be on her hands.

James tells Becky and Clay that he did everything he could and really did try to throw the comp. He said Liz figured out the whole thing.

Johnny Mac thinks it's funny that Clay is still on the block and has to actually fight for the Veto like he's had to do every week. He laughed and said "maybe someone will come up to you and ask YOU not to use it!". "You could be stuck on there until eviction, man! It's not fun is it?!" Oh, Johnny...

Liz thinks something's up because James wasn't very happy that they won. She thinks he threw it. Austin is freaked out because he doesn't think that Steve is the ultimate target and that it's actually Liz. He's worried that people aren't being honest with him.

Liz is in a Pickle
Liz loves hanging out with Austin and always being around him. But now it's clear that he's really starting to like her and she doesn't see anything romantic with him. He was getting so cuddly and tickly with her and she was really getting annoyed that he wouldn't leave her alone. He did a sneak attack kiss on her and totally caught her off guard. Unfortunately, her shyness and playing hard to get...I think it's actually making him like her more.

Veto Player Draw

Vanessa draws Houseguest Choice and she picks Shelli (I knew it!)

Clay draws Johnny Mac (I totally called it! He said he isn't up this week and still has to's like being called into work on the weekend!)

Becky draws Liz

Vanessa pulls the group together to discuss the plan. Do they tell Liz about Austin so that if she wins she would be OK with using the Veto so that they could backdoor Austin? Liz will either go to Austin and say "what the hell?" or tell him that they are trying to backdoor you. Vanessa is OK with her confronting her about him betraying her and Liz because that's the truth. Shelli said to wait until after the competition is over and see what happens.

Steve Has a Stalker
So I don't know why they randomly show video clips of Steve doing weird random things all alone. Last week it was him trying to fold and put away the ironing board. Tonight, he notices one of the camera following his every move. He tries to get away from it, but it keeps following him. So random.

Veto Competition
They are all dressed like cute squirrels. They have to roll acorns up and over a board and catch it on the other side 250 times in a row. If the nut hits the ground, they start over at 0. I literally don't think I can watch this. Clay has a 1 in 3 chance of getting off the block because he has Shelli playing for him. She is a great competitor, so I think she has a good chance of winning this to save her man. I think if Vanessa wins she would save Clay and not Becky, so he could have a 50% chance. If John or Liz wins, I don't know if they would use it or not. Obviously if Becky wins, she saves herself.

Clay is in the lead...for now with 160. John has 116. Shelli drops it, so she is starting over. Oh no!

Not watching, not watching...don't want to jinx him! Becky is at 120, Clay is at 209...and he stops to take a breather. John said maybe his Achilles heel is going all the way up to his lungs.

Becky drops and she has to start over! It's between Clay and John. For some reason Steve is really, super excited that Becky dropped her ball and is almost crying that she probably isn't going to win this. What in the world did Becky do to Steve to make him relish in her failure. He was so giddy...I just don't get that at all. I feel really bad for Becky. She should not have to be in this situation. She is pretty devastating.

And he's done it! Way to go Clay!!! He didn't drop the ball once! The plan can now go forward to backdoor Austin.

Liz Learns the Truth
Vanessa now decides she has to tell Liz about Austin. She told her to meet her in the HOH room and she was so worried about what was going on. Liz told Vanessa that she knew Austin was going to talk to Jason as insurance. Vanessa told her that he didn't just give a little bit of information but also sold out her sister. She said she knows Austin made a big mistake but she doesn't think he would intentionally do anything to hurt her or Julia's game. Liz did say that she doesn't even like him, but yet she somehow still wants to work with him. I guess it's because she knows how much he is in love with her and would never vote her out. She still thinks that he still has her back and only did what he did to protect her. Shelli and Vanessa can't understand why she's defending him. They realize that even though they can't trust him, he's still a number for their side...oh no, I see where this is going. Vanessa decides to talk to Austin one last time, give him the benefit of the doubt, and give him a chance to explain himself.

She asks him why he would go to Jason and throw Julia under the bus. He said he is emotional and falling in love, and he really thought he was pulling off a really good plan. He thought he could trust Jason and didn't think he would go and tell everyone. Vanessa got emotional saying she thought she could trust him. He finally admitted that he messed up. She said she was the one who gave him the Fast Forward in the first week, and forgave him for throwing the POV, she took all the blood on her hands being HOH. He asked her if she was going to put him up and she said it was a real possibility. He almost starting crying and really started freaking out saying he would do absolutely anything. She said she thinks he's a great guy who made a stupid mistake because he was in love. He said he would never and could never go against her in this game and he is a vote on her side. She is swayed, but is in a real pickle because she gave her word to the house that she would put him up. Now she doesn't know what to do. She said that if he could work something out with Shelli and Clay as an alternative, she would listen.

Austin's Hail Mary
So now, he's on a mission to make something happen to save his sorry behind. Austin has to tell Clay and Shelli what his true intentions were and why he did what he did. He said he was thinking emotionally and he can't believe Jason betrayed him. He said he's falling in love with Liz and he doesn't even care about the money. Shelli told him to really be honest. He said he had an emotional conversation with Jason and as soon as he mentioned Julia he realized what he did was wrong. He said he's a number in their corner and he will never go against them. Shelli said they do need the numbers because the other side has some strong numbers. Shelli seems all for keeping Austin and keeping the numbers on their side, so now they need to convince Vanessa.

Vanessa thinks keeping Austin is a good idea because of the numbers, BUT it puts a big target on her back with the rest of the group who she gave her word to. She said if they follow through with backdooring Austin, they won't be targets next week, so it won't matter if they don't have the numbers. She is torn. Even if she decides to do that, who does she put up next to Becky? She thinks Jason is the only option, and getting rid of him is smart because he is the brains behind the other alliance and they will crumble without him.

Veto Meeting
Clay uses the Veto on himself...thank goodness he was smart enough to do that! Sometimes I worry about him!

Vanessa made the difficult decision to put up Jason. Lots of shocked faces on that one! No one (besides Clay and Shelli) saw that one coming! She felt horrible about doing it, but it was best for her game.

Welp, this doesn't look good for Jason. Lots of people were pretty upset with that blindside.

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