Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.13

Johnny Mac's motto is Fight Win Live! Other weeks he was trying to stay on the block as the pawn. This week he tried and lost and so this is just lame. He has a good streak with winning Vetos, so he's hoping to #FightWinLive.

Audrey Damage Control Continues
Audrey tells James that she is pissed at Shelli for throwing her under the bus to Jason. She said that was a dumb move for her to betray her like that because she's been loyal to "the couple" aka Clay and Shelli. She said they are naive to think that no one is going to try to split them up. James has no idea why Audrey would be telling him all of this. He doesn't know and he doesn't care. What he is going to do though is tell Clay and Shelli so they can "sort this mess out". Ha! Another lie backfire for Audrey. James thinks this is a smart move for him to tell Shelli and Clay because he isn't a threat this week and it will prove that he is on their side. This was the last straw for Clay and Shelli. Clay is right, this kind of stuff has been going on for weeks. It's finally time to do something about it.

Clay asked Audrey why she's been acting weird. She doesn't understand why Shelli would do that to her. Audrey cries that she has no one in the house and everyone else has another person. She continued acting like a child by pulling the blanket over her face the entire time she was talking to him. She is worried that she is going to go up as a replacement nominee. Clay tries to reassure her, but the truth is it's probably going to happen. Shelli is worried that she's going to have to make the decision to put her up as a replacement nominee. She doesn't want to be the one to send Audrey home. She had the opportunity 2 weeks ago and didn't do it and now she is faced with the same situation. She likes Audrey and wants to trust her, but the whole house wants her gone.

Whackstreet Boys

How funny are Jason and Johnny Mac in their boyband. LOL! They had a little mini performance on the sky bridge. I do not like Johnny's "chin strap" facial hair! The whole house loves them and are totally their groupies. They need to work on some new material though because they did the same song and the same dance moves...every single time.

Veto Player Picks
Shelli draws Vanessa
John draws Meg
Jason draws Houseguest Choice and he picks James

The Veto players decide to work together, but they don't know what they are going to do yet. James goes and tells Audrey the plan and that they don't know what they are doing yet. James, what are you doing?!

Veto Comp
"Saved by the Smell" lol! They have to mix chemicals to make certain smells by watching a list of chemicals on a screen and then being told to pick certain ones. If they are right they move on, if they are wrong, it will explode and they are out.

Of course, Johnny Mac is cracking me up! His short-term memory is not so good, so he hopes he can repeat the colors quickly in his head. Vanessa's strategy was to only remember the first letter of each color. Meg decided to make them into songs.

Round 1: everyone is right
Round 2: James is out and he is covered in yellow and he looks hilarious!
Round 3: Shelli throws it and is out and she is covered in green!
Round 4: Meg is out and covered in blue!
Round 5: Johnny Mac and Jason are wrong! That means Vanessa wins

More Audrey Lies
Audrey worked her way into Clay and Austin's conversation, which at the time was Austin asking Clay for advice for how to proceed with Liz. Audrey said she feels so alone because everyone has another person who is their crutch. Clay told her she is just paranoid and she needs to trust people, which then made Audrey offended that he would say that because she has been loyal to Shelli. Clay said that Shelli has done so much for her in this game. Clay said that he doesn't think Shelli's trust has in her has been reciprocated. He said she is always questioning Shelli's loyalty and she asked him if Shelli was going to backdoor her. Audrey said that those were not her words. Clay got upset and said those absolutely were her words...word for word. Let's check the tape...yep...she said it! OK, not 1000% word for word like Clay said, but she definitely asked him if she was going up as a replacement, so yeah, same thing. And yep, she's trying to lie her way out of it again. Clay is not buying it at all. He knows that's exactly what she said. She said she has a vivid memory and remembers everything and she can't help it if he perceives things differently. Talking to her must be exhausting because she just lies up and down, backwards and forwards all day long and pushes until she gets you to believe her.

Audrey then gets all emotional and plays the victim. She goes running to Shelli, who was in the HOH room with Clay. She wanted to talk to Shelli but so did Clay, so she told Shelli to mediate. Shelli asked if they were having a fight and she said yes. She starts crying and saying that she didn't ask Clay to swear that Shelli wouldn't backdoor her. Shelli said she was offended that Audrey would say that they haven't done anything to help her in the game. Shelli said there was a lack of trust from her. Audrey said that she thinks Clay's actions stem from something deeper in him and he's making this whole thing about him. Wait, what?!?! She said she thinks that's why he cornered her outside. Wait, what?!?! I'm just as shocked as Clay was with that statement. SHE was the one who inserted herself into Clay and Austin's conversation. SHE was the one who brought up games stuff. Oh my gosh, she is so annoying! She is really good at playing the innocent victim, isn't she? Well, she plays it, but she isn't that good at it because EVERYONE sees right through all of it and it is getting her nowhere. In fact, it is sealing her fate and sending her right out the door. The only reason her back has been against the wall the entire game is because she can't keep her mouth shut and out of everyone else's business. She starts with one lie and that turns into 5 or 6 just to cover her tracks.

And the fun continues! Who knew Vanessa was in the room while this argument was going on? I sure didn't! Shelli asked if she had anything to add. Audrey looked at Vanessa and told her she was a good manipulator in the whole getting Jeff out thing because she played it off like he wasn't the original target and then they made up reasons to get him out. That struck a nerve with Vanessa because AUDREY was the one who wanted to get him out...Vanessa had no reason to target him until Audrey gave her reasons. Audrey, in true Audrey fashion, turned it on Vanessa and said that Austin, Vanessa and her all were coming up with reasons to go after Jeff. Yeah, I don't remember it that way.

Veto Meeting
Audrey has a pity party for herself. She knows there is nothing she can do now to save herself. She wraps herself in hoodies and blankets and secludes herself in the Have Not Room. She decides she is going to break the rules andnot attend the Veto meeting. What a baby!

I loved Jason and John's speeches! Jason said Big Brother has been an obsession of his and he hopes Vanessa won't let his dream end yet. John said that his favorite kind of Vetos were the Vetos were meant to save him, so it would be really cool if she would use it on him.

Vanessa decides to use the Veto to save Jason. Shelli wisely decides to put up Audrey. Finally! She said she feels like her first time as HOH that Audrey hadn't had a fiar shot in the game, but now she has had a fair shot.

John said that being up against Audrey, his best move is to do nothing. Yep, just do nothing and you're golden Johnny boy!

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