Sunday, August 2, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.18

HOH Competition Continued
Everyone seems to be doing pretty well. They are getting rained on, birds are flying at them....and now there's bird poop!

Before the comp started, Liz told Austin she would give him a kiss if he won. Yeah, so he's pretty determined to win...but...I'm sure she's betting that he won't win and she has nothing to worry about. She's in luck because he's huge, so he pretty much has no chance to win this one...he will most likely be the first one down. He keeps leaning way far forward and staring creepily down at Liz.

James keeps asking if anyone wants to make any deals. When he gets no answer, he says "OK, I'll just go back to my wall then."

Steve goes and next goes Austin (big surprise). Julia is down followed closely by Meg. After 1 hour, Jackie falls and James feels like all the pressure is on him to win. Liz goes next.

James decides to squat down acting like his back and legs are starting to hurt. He is playing mind games with Clay hoping that it will make Clay start to doubt himself. Shelli keeps telling Clay to stop moving around so much and she begged him not to fall, but he can't hold on any longer.

Becky falls, and the final 3 are: Shelli, James, and John.

All of the pressure is now on Shelli's shoulders for the Sixth Sense. Vanessa said anyone but James looked like a safe bet for them. James doesn't trust either John or Shelli at this point.

James is hoping to seek some revenge this week and he's sure that if he would fall that he would be the next target and he's not going to give them that satisfaction.

Shelli isn't sure that winning HOH for a 3rd time is really in her best interest. She asked for James's and John's words that she and Clay, and even Johnny Mac (who isn't even technically in her alliance) would be safe this nominations and no backdoors. Of course he says what she wants to hear. He said she and Clay are safe and yells down to Johnny Mac that he is safe and doesn't have anything to worry about. Johnny Mac was like "OK?". He didn't even ask for offer anything up to James, so he was like, I'll take it. He falls off the wall in a rather silly fashion (we should expect nothing less from him). Shelli takes James's word and she also falls down, giving James the HOH win. She feels OK with her deal with James and thinks he will keep his word since he made the deal in front of the whole house. She thinks it would be bad for his game to back on his word. In the DR, James said he will "bounce checks" and doesn't seem to think much of making promises.

Twin Catch-Up

Liz and Julia talk about what Austin did. Julia is still fuming that Austin would tell Jason her name and say that people could target her the next week. Liz said it wasn't true and that Jason was making things up. Julia confronted him and he agreed that he said too much, and he finally admitted that he told Jason her name. Liz continued to defend him saying that he was only doing it to try to help them. Liz knows he would do anything for her, but I get where Julia's coming from because of the 2 of them, he's obviously going to protect Liz over her.

Targets and Planning
Vanessa is a little concerned that while Shelli was asking for safety that she failed to include Vanessa and that shows her how low she is on their safety totem pole. Um...Vanessa...did you think she might not want to out the alliance like that? I'm sure the others know you are all in an alliance, but do you really want them to know how tight you guys are?

Meg is ecstatic because finally, one of "her" people won't go home this week. James said it was "time to rattle the cage".

Shelli told Vanessa why she did what she did. Vanessa agreed that for her game she did the right thing. Vanessa is worried that she will be the target because she sent home Jeff and Jason - 2 of James's closest allies. I hope that Clay and Shelli don't get too comfortable because they are don't have immunity and ANYTHING can happen...this is Big Brother! Shelli is worried about losing one of the twins or Vanessa this week and it's going to all be her fault.

James finds it funny that Shelli was so concerned about making a deal with him. If they were friends and were working together, she would have been happy to be up with him and would know that she was safe. He thinks her and Clay are running the house and need to be taken care of. He thinks Shelli should be the target because she is making all of the decisions and Clay is going along with them. If they get rid of her he will be nothing. They consider putting her up next to Austin or Liz. The group of James, Becky, Jackie and Meg couldn't be happier to finally be doing something to that side of the house instead of it happening to them.

Becky thinks that since Shelli and Clay had a lot to do with her staying last week that she owes it to them to tell them what James is thinking. She tells them that the group is blaming most of what happened last week on Shelli and Clay and not Vanessa, even though she was the HOH. She said they are thinking of putting both of them up together. She told them to act happy because if they act sad and paranoid they will put them both up on the block together. She stressed that they must act happy happy if they want only one of them to go up, and then they will put one of them up or put up Austin and Vanessa instead. I'm failing to see why them being happy or sad would be the deciding factor for them as to who to put up. Shelli said that if neither of them go up then they will try to backdoor one of them. Becky said then they need to win Veto and freeze it. That's great Becky, but what if neither of them get picked to play in the Veto? Then they are screwed! Clay asked who brought up putting them up and she said it was all 3 of them. She said she tried to steer them in another direction, but they were pretty set on what they wanted to do.Shelli was really upset and wanted to walk it off but Clay wouldn't let her. He said they needed to come up with a gameplan for talking to James. Shelli said she wanted to go right to Vanessa and tell her what was going on. Clay said that to save herself, Vanessa would throw them under the bus. Shelli said she would like to tell Vanessa that they would be OK with blaming everything on Austin.

Vanessa goes to talk to James and she tells him she really dropped the ball last week. She said she did it, but it was "more of a house decision" than anything. She said everyone knows that she trusts Clay and Shelli but when Shelli was on the wall, she only made a deal for herself and Clay which makes her feel like the 3rd wheel. James asked if he would target them if it would bother her. She said if he has to go after one of her friends, if it's the right move for him she won't take it personally. She makes an offer to him: if he doesn't put her up, if she's HOH before the final 7, she will let him exclude 1 person along with himself for her to put on the block. James said she's a straight shooter and has never lied to him. She's also a great competitor, so this would be a dumb deal not to accept.

Clay and Shelli go to talk to James to figure out what's going on. Shelli said she wanted to make sure that the deal they made was still good. Clay said he felt like they were being targeted as the reason why Jason was voted out. James said he was upset that he didn't find out that Jason was going up until it happened. They threw Austin under the bus and said it was his idea to save himself and throw up Jason as the replacement to save himself. James is only telling them what they want to hear at this point.

James can't sleep because he is trying to come up with a plan. He told Meg that he might just go for the jugular and put both Shelli and Clay up together. He said they need to be broken up, and if one goes up, they are both going to be mad anyway, so why not just put them both up and get it over with. Meg agreed and said that the house would most likely keep the nominations the same if Shelli or Clay didn't win it.

James puts up Shelli and Clay...wah wah. It's going to be an interesting week y'all! Promises mean nothing! James said that he was blindsided by what happened last week and that's why they are nominated. James said the deal they was up to him to decide if it was valid or not. Shelli said that James publicly made a deal with her and the house should know his word means nothing. Shelli said that her and Clay didn't have anything to do with Jason going up last week and if they want to know what really happened, they can come talk to them. Vanessa said that was a bad move throwing her under the bus because if they have any hope of both staying this week, they are going to need her. Did I miss something? Because I didn't hear Shelli give any names (other than Austin).

I saw this coming from a mile away. Clay said they were maybe naive to think that they could trust that people would play the way they do and honor their word. Um, yep Clay, pretty naive. Big Brother is all about lying and backstabbing, you should know that by now.

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