Thursday, August 13, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.23

We're in for a full's a double eviction! And the 2 evictees will be this season's first jury members.

Veto Aftermath
Needless to say, Vanessa is ticked, upset, and emotional. She kind of pulls an Audrey - she pulls her hat over her face and goes and hides in bed. When she emerged, she confronted Becky in the backyard. She said what Becky said was harsh. Vanessa felt betrayed because supposedly Becky and 7 others all agreed not to put each other on the block or vote to evict. Vanessa went around the room and basically forced everyone to say they agreed. What they showed, Becky looked like she didn't answer. Vanessa said she went back on her word and was cold-hearted, and Becky responded by saying she was basically put in a room, pointed at, and forced to do what Vanessa said.

Vanessa then makes the rounds to secure votes. She first went to Steve. He said she had his vote, but secretly he said he was going to stick with the person who was staying in the house, and that was Shelli. She played James using her emotions. She said Becky was dangerous and she told James that Becky said he was her target before she was HOH. She said that every conversation he had with her went back to Clay and Shelli. James suspected there was a rat in their group, and now he knows who it is. He takes the info back to Meg and Jackie. They think Shelli has a better chance to keep winning challenges.

Live Eviction #1

Shelli and Vanessa's speeches couldn't be more different. Shelli used her time to shout out to Jason (it's his birthday), her family, and of course Clay. Then as an aside, she said she hopes to stay and if not, come back for "bonus!" (not sure what that meant). Then Vanessa was almost in tears as she said what she wrote in her journal 10 years ago and how much she wanted to stay in the game.

Austin -- Shelli
Steve -- Shelli
James -- Shelli
Meg -- Shelli
Jackie -- Shelli
Julia -- Shelli
Johnny Mac -- Shelli (and as always, I'm dying! "What do you want?!" lol)
Liz -- Shelli

So, it's unanimous, and totally obvious that Vanessa has the whole house under her spell. They will regret this, I'm sure of it! Now that Vanessa is safe, she tells everyone there's no way she can do an HOH and POV in 30 minutes because her brain is mush. Yeah right...

What we didn't see it, but word is, that what may have tipped the balance for the flip was a big blowup Shelli and James had. James had one of Clay's sweatshirts. Shelli decided to take it without telling James, and he wasn't too happy about it. That probably wasn't the only thing, but I'm sure it didn't help her.

HOH Competition
The house was showing a bunch of video clips of themselves on loop. They know that it will be a part of the next HOH competition. They have to answer True or False.

Question1: all right
Question 2: James, Liz, Meg, Jackie out
Question 3: all right
Question 4: Julia and Vanessa out
Question 5: all right
Question 6: Austin and John out

Steve wins HOH! All I care about is that I'm hoping that this means that Johnny Mac is definitely safe. Steve has obviously been saving up his wins for when it really matters. This was a very important HOH. How funny is it that someone in the middle of the house wins. I wonder what in the world he's going to do! This is probably the best time for him to get it because he won't have the power for too long to psych himself out and worry about everything.

So, this is pointed out by EVERY former BB player on Twitter: why is no one scrambling and trying to talk to Steve?!? They act like they could care less what happens. So weird.

Steve nominates Meg and Jackie. Ooh! Interesting. I wonder why he didn't go for his archenemy Becky! He can't stand, is she is backdoor target? One would think...

Players: Steve, Meg, Jackie, John, James, Vanessa

The game is to roll balls on a tilting maze and land them in the slots. There are 3 balls to set.

Quickly, fuss...Johnny Mac comes away with the win! Woohoo!!!! He couldn't have made that look any easier if he'd tried.

Johnny Mac decides to...not use the Veto on anyone (since he can't use it on himself, and he doesn't know who the replacement nominee would be). seems like Johnny Mac and Steve talk and they've talked game, so...why wouldn't they have huddled up and discussed a plan? This is just so weird...not sure what is going on. Even if he didn't know who the replacement nominee would be, he knows it can't be himself, and you would think he would trust Steve to make a good decision, so why take it out of his hands?

Then, to get even more weird, right before the cameras cut to commercial, we hear Steve tell both Jackie and Meg that he will explain something to them, but he needs a moment to collect himself because he can't speak coherently at the moment. So this makes me think that neither one of them were his original target. Which would make sense - I would expect Becky to be his target because he's been saying that for weeks and she put him up this week. So now, is he going to be mad at Johnny Mac for not using the Veto? I'm so confused!

Live Eviction #2
Vanessa -- Jackie
Becky -- Meg
Johnny Mac -- Jackie
Austin -- Jackie
James -- Jackie
Liz -- Jackie
Julia -- Jackie

Well, this was pretty obvious I think...Meg hasn't been on anyone's radar at all, and she is terrible at competitions, so she is a pretty safe one to keep in the house for quite some time. Jackie hasn't done much in the game either, but I think people have questions about her, whereas Meg is pretty much an open book and what you see is what you get.

The last thing we see is Steve...talking to himself (as usual). He said "Well...Steven...that just happened..." The rest was just some mumbling.

That was the craziest double eviction. I still don't quite know what to think. I think1 of 3 things happened:

  1. Steve had a very interesting, not obvious reason for doing what he did
  2. Johnny Mac screwed up Steve's "perfect" plan by not using the Veto, so he couldn't backdoor his real target
  3. Steve has no idea what he's doing and he just blew a very big opportunity to get out an actual, real big threat 
Twitter is blowing up as all former houseguests are all just as confused as I am. They have no idea what Steve was doing. He could have targeted Becky, Vanessa, James everyone is forgetting about...THE TWINS!!! Hopefully, as some time passes, we will be privy to the weirdness going on in Steve's head so that we can try to make some sense of this.

UPDATE: so I just saw someone tweet that obviously Johnny Mac was saving Becky by not using the Veto! Johnny Mac loves Becky and they are really close. She was most likely Steve's target so yeah...duh...why did I not put that together!

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