Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.25

Nomination Aftermath
Vanessa tries to convince John that he doesn't have anything to worry about, in order to try to smooth things over with him. He isn't buying it that she is over their little spat. He wants to let the whole house know that he is coming for Vanessa.

Austin gets all bent out of shape because John gave him the "death look". He can't believe he would be mad at him, the twins don't know why he would be either. Austin says he wants to go yell at him.

Steve tells John that he needs to stop going at it with Vanessa. He will do whatever it takes to keep him safe this week, and hopes to smooth things over with the twins. Steve tells him he needs to eat a good breakfast. The twins say that John worries them and that he's volatile. Steve asked them if they ever talk and they said no. Steve reassured the twins, Austin, and Vanessa that if John stays he won't target them.

Time out for a classic hilarious John moment: Becky wakes up and asks John if someone is in the other bed (because the covers are a little mounded up). He walks over to the bed, raises his leg and smashes it down into the covers. Good thing no one was there, or I don't think they would have appreciated that too much. LOL! OK, time back in.

John goes up to the HOH room and Austin wants to know what John was going to tell them when he walked in on Vanessa. John said that Vanessa told him that she was up there to make sure he wasn't going on the block. Liz and Austin were shocked! Yet another Vanessa lie! was a lie, but wouldn't you think that Austin and Liz might be a little skeptical seeing as John could just be lying to try to save himself?...this house believes EVERYTHING that ANYONE tells them! John tells them that he has been going after Vanessa the whole game, he just hasn't told anyone because everyone loves Vanessa. He has been holding onto things that he's known about for quite some time now. They all agree that she is really paranoid and she does nothing but talk and manipulate everything that everyone says. John said that anyone that she has had a blowup with goes home. Well, that is true, and it will be true again this week because she has had a blowup with both John and with Becky.

Time out for another classic James scare move! This week's victim -- Julia. In the dark, Captain Camo stealthily moves through the room and walks creepily up to Julia's bed, lays down next to the bed (keep in mind she can't see anything and doesn't know he's there). She thinks someone is in the room, she thinks it's James and yet he still freaks her out and she leaves the room screaming. Gotta love James. OK, time back in.

Veto Player Draw

Liz draws Houseguest's Choice and she picks Austin (duh)
John draws Meg
Becky draws Steve

Julia is mad that Liz didn't pick her to play in the Veto. Julia says she never gets picked.

Austin tells John he should throw the Veto to him. John said he might just throw the comp because he's not too worried. WHAT?!?! John, no, no, no, no. That is the absolute kiss of death!

John told Becky the only way for her to stay is if she wins the Veto, so he might throw the Veto. Nope, not a good idea. Don't do it!

Steve doesn't want to win the Veto because he doesn't want to add to his comp win count. He really wants Becky to not win the Veto because he really wants her gone this week.

Veto Competition
It's the return of OTEV! There's tons of food and a butter slide. OTEV is a rockin' roll. They have to determine who OTEV is singing about and dig through the food to find the butter with the right person's name on it.

Round 1: John is last and he is out...he totally went slow and wasn't even trying because he thinks he's safe no matter what. JOHN!!! Don't you know that when you feel safe is when you are most vulnerable? I don't like where this is going AT ALL!!!!

Round 2: Steve is last and he is out...he was pretty much throwing it, and throwing a bunch of butters into a pile, so Austin is going to check out that pile on the next time out

Round 3: Becky is last and she is out...she ripped a couple butters out of Austin's hands when she saw a "y", but unfortunately it wasn't "Clay", it was a "Becky"

Round 4: Meg is last and she is out...I can't believe she was still in it up to this point

Round 5: Austin is last and he is out...he's so bummed because he didn't care about the Veto, he just wanted the makeout...yuck!

So, Liz wins Veto...wah wah

Vanessa's on the Prowl
Immediately after Liz's win, Vanessa goes up to the HOH room and the first thing she asks is if John told her who his target is. Liz stumbled a little bit but said he didn't say and why would he tell them. She said she thinks it's better for her game to go after Becky. This reaffirms to Liz that Vanessa is very paranoid and she is reminding her of Audrey 2.0.

Austin also thinks that Vanessa is too paranoid and doesn't think she's the best ally. She told Austin a bunch of stuff about Becky targeting the twins when James was HOH.

Vanessa breaks down...again...this time to Steve. He pokes her from underneath the hammock and she starts crying because she is lonely. Steve said he didn't know she felt that way. He decided to go put some clothes on so they could play chess. Vanessa cries to Liz that she doesn't have anyone and she tries to hang out with her and Austin but she feels like any time she comes in the room everyone leaves. She feels so weird that it's like she's on the block. Oh, poor baby!

Liz is worried that if Vanessa stays one more week, she's going to try to take Austin out.

Austin & Liz
This is just getting to be too much. The makeout session is way gross. Why do Austin's tattoos show up so darkly in the dark? Spooky! Why is she playing with his hair? Ew! And now Julia sees that Liz has a hickey! Enough already! To make matters worse, the feeds are saying that they, know...


Veto Meeting
Liz (stupidly) decides not to use the Veto. She could have made a big move this week, and I really think if she would have put Vanessa up that she might just go this week. Keep her around another week and it's just more likely that she will continue to stay and she will make it to the end. This could have been a huge move that would have been looked at highly by the jury. But, who cares about the jury, right? They only decide the winner and usually base their vote on who played the best game and made some big moves. So...

I kind of get her reason for not using the Veto, but I think there are more reasons to use it than to not use it. Her reason for not backdooring Vanessa is that she knows that the entire house is targeting her. And if they are targeting her, they are not targeting her, Julia or Austin.

One last Johnny Mac mention...his Veto speech contained a reference to how much he likes the black chairs, but the blue chairs are much more comfortable, and he doesn't want to be talking to Julie tomorrow, so Liz should keep him.


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