Monday, August 24, 2015

Bachelor in Paradise, Ep. 2.8

Ashley I and Joe
Ashley I thought Joe could commiserate with her because he got broken up with just like she did. He basically told her to suck it up, as she bawled her eyes out in front of him. Which then made her even more upset. But he did ask her who she was going to give her rose to and she said she didn't know. We all know what he was thinking...she could be my chance to get a rose, since all of the other people are coupled up.

She was able to go 3 hours without crying, and she had a heart-to-heart with the bartender Jorge.

Mikey & Juelia's Date
Wow, I totally called it that he was going to get the next date card. He obviously asked Juelia, adn she obviously said yes.

They have barely taken off in the plane and they are already making out. She says Mikey is a man, and Joe is just a boy.

Juelia is sure that they are going to do something romantic. They end up at a lucha libre wrestling match. Afterwards, the crowd cleared out and they had their own wrestling match inside the ring. They fake pushed each other into the ropes and "threw" each other around. Looks like they had a blast.

Mikey seems like a different person when he's around Juelia. He isn't the "meathead" he is around all the other girls. He didn't try to force himself on her like he did on Clare. He actually does have a sweet side and he's not all jokey all the time.

Their date was an overnight date, and they decided to share a room.

Juelia said it's been a long time since she's been so excited about someone and so happy thinking about the future. Sorry Juelia, but I think you said the same thing about Joe just a few days ago. :(

Joe & Samantha

Samantha is done with the drama. Joe wants to throw her under the bus like she did to him. He's ready to see her crash and burn. The rest of the group are seeing that Samantha was the orchestrator of the whole thing, since she did the same thing to Joe and Nick. He knows he has the text messages that she sent him before the show. She keeps saying that text messages aren't the same as real life and she said you can have a great text conversation with someone but you don't know what will happen when they meet. Joe says he doesn't want to bring out the texts because it will make her look really bad. She says none of this changes how she felt about him and the great time they had on their date. He said he's not sure how strongly she felt now. He is furious that she is not taking any of the blame for this situation.

The guys said he should apologize to Samantha. He doesn't think he did anything wrong. He then seeks out Ashley I.'s advice. Um...why?! He laid a blanket down for her so she wouldn't "get sand in her hoohoo". Classy. She told him should go up to her and tell her "Hey. I'm Joe. I think you're really pretty you want to go talk for a minute?" - so they can start over with their relationship. Then she said, that sounds cheesy, but it might work and it might humor her. He thinks that might be a good idea. This is so ridiculous. He is willing to try anything at this point.

His attempt to be "cute" went over like a lead balloon. She was not into it at all. She acted like he was just plain annoying. He tried to ask her where she's from, and he looked like a buffoon and she wouldn't even talk to him. Yeah, good advice Ashley. Brilliant.

Carly & Kirk
Kirk decided to surprise Carly and take her fishing. It's something they both love and they bonded on the first night talking about it. They're both so happy now...but how long will it last? The previews a couple weeks ago showed them having a fight and it doesn't look like they end up together. Sad. On the bright side, that sunset was GORGEOUS!

Justin Arrives
Joe is so excited to see his good friend Justin! But...we all know that Joe is about ready to lose it over the whole Samantha thing. Naturally, he doesn't know who's with who, and he's going to go for the first person who grabs his attention. That person would be...Samantha! Of course!

Joe grabs him right away to throw out any name except for Samantha. He suggested Jade or Tenley. Really? Jade and Tanner are basically married. He said he really didn't want him to take Samantha. He said he was welcome to tell Samantha what a great guy he is. Yeah, that's not going to happen. He was honest with Joe and said that he didn't know who would be there, and Samantha was one person he hoped would be.

Joe is delusional and he thinks that Justin is a great guy and he'll do the right thing. He said "he will probably tell her what a great guy I am." Is he serious?

Time bomb is about to explode any second, because Justin just officially asked Samantha out.

Joe goes at Justin, he confronts Samantha...nothing new...all the same stuff rehashed over and over and over. He regrets coming, he ended up looking like a fool. He knew she was out of his league, but he went for her anyway. He is now ready to go home. Go home Joe! We're all sick and tired of you!

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