Thursday, August 27, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.29

I've been watching the blogs that watch the feeds, and while it's been back and forth, it unfortunately looks like our dear Johnny Mac is going to be going tonight. The Austwins are dumb and they just want him out, badly. Meg and James  (aka The Goblins) were close to coming around, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen. Who would have thought that the only person truly in his corner would be Vanessa? She campaigned and campaigned hard to both sides to keep him, but it doesn't appear that either side is budging. Usually what Vanessa wants, happens, so I thought that might be good for him, but it looks like she fails this week. The good news is that someone from jury comes back tonight, and we know that John is a great competitor. He will have his work cut out for him with Shelli, though. Becky could be tough, too. I don't think he has to worry too much about Jackie, though, However, even if he is lucky enough to come back, he's right back where he started, and next week, he might find himself right out the door again (unless the returnee is awarded immunity). But we have to think positively, and hope he's coming back. I can't imagine the game without him! Our only comedic relief will be James.

Side note: why is the alliance name "The Goblins" used all over the feeds, but we have never once heard it mentioned on the tv episodes?

Veto Aftermath

Johnny thinks he went from a 0% chance of staying to a 2% chance because Vanessa seems so mad at Steve. Steve isn't feeling very good after being attacked by Vanessa in front of the house. Liz apologized for not coming to her sooner with the plan to backdoor her. Vanessa said she's not mad at them, she is only mad at Steve because he orchestrated the whole thing.

The Austwins want to confront Johnny Mac for blowing up the 5-person alliance. She then thought better of it because he's a jury member and/or could be coming back into the house. She approaches him more calmly. John said he did it because they went back on the deal because they put Steve and him on the block. He said by them doing that it made him think that they had a deal with James and Meg. Totally justified. She's ridiculous for getting mad at him for trying to save himself.

Vanessa said she wants Johnny to stay, but she will NOT vote against the twins, ever. The only thing she can do is get them to also vote to keep him. If they don't, there's nothing she can do to save him.

Steve and Vanessa talk and they get all confused about what happened last week and what happened this week. Steve tried to clean up his mess, but Vanessa's attacks have him all atwitter and he can't think straight. Vanessa asked him again when the 5-person deal was made. Steve said this week, she said she thought it was last week when Liz was HOH. John comes in and he said it was last week, proving Steve wrong. She doesn't see how he could possibly screw this up. He said he was obviously remembering things wrong. Things are not looking good for Steve.Then Vanessa breaks down...yet again. Oh, I just can't handle her emotional breakdowns...real or's gotta stop! It appears that all of Twitter totally agrees with me!

Vanessa told the twins that if Steve makes it to the end, everyone will for sure vote for him to win. If they keep him, and Jackie comes back, he will be her target. The twins just aren't sure they can trust John.

The Votes
John's speech - he said he doesn't know a lot about the game, he knows how to pick up his own dishes and is good at gas management.

Steve had a very good speech, and he seemed like he was in a very spirits (probably because he's staying). He mentioned playing Spin the Bottle and giving Meg her most awkward kiss ever, and how it has been a dream come true for and he's so happy to have the opportunity to play the game. I love that he said he would be a month behind in his degree but would be leaving with a 5:00 shadow and a cool new haircut. Nicely done, Steve.

Meg -- John
James -- John
Vanessa -- John
Julia -- John
Liz -- John

Womp womp. And he just had to wear that outfit again? Those long black socks and shorts...yikes! The house noticed that the crowd went nuts for Johnny Mac when he walked out the door. They said he's like a rockstar.

His interview with Julie is hilarious! I don't care how many people think his voice and laugh are annoying...I could listen to him all day long. Cracks me up...every time! He said his fatal flaw was not being able to win comps. He talked a big talk, but couldn't back it up. At least he was good at throwing comps and that kept him alive for a little while.

I am hating that everyone in their goodbye videos said they wished they could have worked with him. THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU, YOU IDIOTS!

And I really hope he was just nervous and feeling on the spot when Julie asked him if he gets back in the house who he'd target, and he said "Meg". Seriously, Meg?! Twitter is blowing up at how incredibly stupid that is.

HOH/Juror Comp
All houseguests are holding onto a rope. I think I remember this comp from many years ago! And, I'm right! Parker from Season 9 just tweeted that this was on his season. The game is called "Dizzyland". They hold onto the rope with their feet on a tiny rope at the bottom while being spun around in a circle. Oh, and as they spin, they bang into a giant hand that sends them spinning even more.

The last person in the house will be HOH and the last person from jury will come back into the game. BONUS! If the last person standing is a jury member, they come back in the house AND are HOH.

Big surprise, Meg is dizzy already. Everyone on Twitter is taking bets on whether Meg will have fallen off by the time they come back from commercial. LOL!

Steve, Julia, and Meg are down as they come back! I'm liking the way this is going! Just need to get at least Vanessa and Liz off yet.

And, of course, this is to be continued. :/ One last time: GO JOHNNY MAC!!!

So, this "endurance" comp lasted less than 15 minutes! The good news: Johnny Mac is coming back! Woohoo! Bad news: Vanessa won HOH. Womp womp. IF she decides to target the Austwins and NOT Johnny Mac, I'll be happy about this, but until then, I'm a little worried...especially since next week is a DOUBLE EVICTION! Times are tough for our dear Johnny Mac. Maybe those idiots who said they wished they could have worked together will make good on that. I would love to see some shifting going on. If Steve, Vanessa, and John could band together, they could possibly take down the solid fortress that is the Austwins. Probably just wishful thinking...

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