Thursday, August 6, 2015

Big Brother, Ep. 17.20

My Thoughts Heading into this Live Eviction
So, according to the live feeds (which I don't watch, but I follow sites that do), it seems that this week's decision has been, and continues to be a difficult one. At times the house is split, then they lean toward Shelli, and then to Clay, and back to Shelli. It seems that either Steve alone could have the deciding vote, or him, Becky, and Johnny Mac could sway it handily in one direction or the other.

Clay has apparently sacrificed himself hoping that Shelli stays. I'm guessing that he is doing it because (1) he is blinded by love and not thinking clearly, and (2) he realizes that of the 2 of them, Shelli is a better player strategically, socially, and at times...even physically. I for one, would like to see Clay stay, not only because he's cute, but I would like to see what he can do without being chained at the hip to someone (although that drunken display by Meg could mean that he would just substitute Shelli with Meg...who knows). I had such high hopes for him at the beginning of the season, but it didn't take him long to become way too close to Shelli, way too fast (like from the second they each introduced themselves to the was all over for both of them).

I think if the house was smart, they would easily vote out Shelli because she has been a beast in competitions and she is the brains behind the Clelli duo. They would be dumb to keep her.

Clay vs. Shelli

James tells John that Shelli is definitely the target. Vanessa thinks it would be better for her game to have Shelli stick around. Shelli told Vanessa she wasn't going to campaign against Clay. Vanessa said that was OK, she would do it for her. Austin also wants Shelli to stay (big surprise, since he follows everything Vanessa does). They are having a hard time swaying James. He doesn't want to have to deal with a scorned woman, in Shelli if Clay goes. They try to tell him that it doesn't matter who goes this week because the other one is the target next week. Jackie is curious about Vanessa's motives and she thinks if she is trying to save Shelli this week, then she isn't planning on send her home at all. Nice catch, Jackie!

Liz and Julia can't decide what to do because they can't stand Clay, but Shelli is a bigger game player and it would be smart to get her out. Vanessa thinks if Clay stays, Meg and the others will work with him.

James confronts Austin about what Clay and Shelli told him. He told him about the Judas thing and Austin choosing to put him up at the last minute. Austin is pissed that Clay and Shelli threw him under the bus and are trying to destroy his game. "Is nothing sacred in this game?" Um...Austin...that's kind of the name of the game. You've done just as many bad things, you're one to talk! Austin made up lies that destroyed Jeff's games, so yeah...cry me a river. Vanessa went to Shelli to find out exactly what they told James. She said they didn't say everything that James was saying they did. Shelli tried to mend fences and said that James had her against the wall and she didn't want to have to out the Sixth Sense. I don't know if any of them are buying her apology.

And...we have our first kiss, ladies and gentlemen! Is anyone else shocked that they haven't kissed before now? Seriously, they are together ALL the time!

The Votes
Clay uses his speech to beg the house to vote him out so Shelli can stay. Shelli's speech was nothing but weeping and gushing over Clay.

Vanessa - Clay
Meg - Clay
Austin - Clay
Jackie - Clay
Liz - Clay
Julia - Clay
Steve - Clay
Becky - Clay
John - Clay (his hair!!!! "IT'S BEEN A WEIRD DAY, I VOTE TO EVICT CLAY!")

I can't believe this stupid house! They are really going to regret this, I think. Like Dan Gheesling said on Twitter...when someone asks to be voted out, you do the opposite. I can't believe the house was unanimous for the first time ever! And after there was so much back and forth all week on who it was going to be. I really don't want to have to listen/watch Shelli be all weepy and whiny forever now that she's lost her man. It's gonna be rough. But, if she can pull herself together, she will win this game because clearly she can persuade people to do the unthinkable. A few more moves like that, and she could become this season's Derrick. I will miss Clay (read: seeing Clay), but not as much as I would have had he played as a single player and not as a showmance. #WhatCouldHaveBeen. It's definitely sweet that he would throw away his game for her, but give up like that :(

Thank you, Julie for asking what in the world was going on with Meg and that awkward bathroom scene! Clay said she's pretty much had a showmance with everyone in the house.

HOH Competition
This marks the point in the game that the next evictee will be the first jury member.

Oh look, it's the famous liquid transfer to a bowl on a slippery runway. They again have the opportunity to play for HOH, the Never Not Pass (to never be a Have Not), or win $5,000. And we again have to wait until Sunday (unless we check out the spoilers via the live feeds) to find out who wins.

Meg is hilariously moving at a slower than snail pace. Wow, that took her a ridiculously long time to get 1 cup. So far, no major wipeouts. If Austin goes down, it's gonna be hard...just sayin'.

Oh week is a double eviction!

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