Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Bachelorette, Ep. 10.11 The Finale and After The Final Rose

Meeting the Family-Nick
Nick meets Andi's mom and dad. He's super nervous and her dad Hy called him out right away for being nervous. Let him have it Hy! His mom also noticed that Nick didn't hold her hand or show any affection toward Andi. Making quite the non-impression with the family...unlike the impression that earned him the first impression rose that Andi gave him on the first night. Could he have been any more boring? He did his best to let her parents know that he loves Andi and that she's the one for him.

Andi talked to her sister and said that she had an instant connection with Nick. She said she feels like he sees all of her and sees into her soul, and she's never felt like that with anyone before.

Hy talks to him one on one. Nick asked for his blessing, as he kind of laughed his way through trying to ask. Hy kind of looked at him blankly, but he said if they decided to get married and that's what Andi wanted that he approved.

Meeting the Family-Josh
Before Josh arrived, Andi told her parents about how she kind of passed off Josh at the beginning because of him being a ball player. She said he's not like any of the other athletes she's dated. Her dad was now skeptical of whether or not he was different.

When Josh arrived, Hy noticed right away how much Josh was sweating and how incredibly nervous he was. Her mom thought he was really boisterous and chaotic as he was trying to hide his nervousness.

Andi talked to her sister about how she was skeptical of Josh and constantly pushed him to show that he was different. She said every time, he stepped it up.

Andi's sister talked with Josh and he opened up and was very genuine with his answers about how much he loves Andi and how he's wanted to find someone to settle down with and hadn't found anyone until he met Andi.

Hy had his turn with Josh. The more Josh talked, the more Hy seemed to be buying into what Josh was saying. Josh asked for his blessing, because he did want to ask Andi to marry him in a couple days. Hy said he wasn't concerned about how fast things were going. He said he trusted her judgement. He said it wasn't his blessing he needed, it was Andi's.

Hy said he didn't have any concerns about Josh and could see him being their son-in-law. He actually looked like he could fit in with their family. Hy joked that Josh was one of the 2 nicest guys they've met.

Final Date-Josh

They go for a yacht ride in the Dominican Republic. They talked about the journey so far, yada yada yada.

In the evening part of the date, they talk about their feelings and if the way they're feeling is really real. Josh made it very clear that they can overcome any obstacles because of how strongly he feels about her. She told him she wished she didn't doubt as much as she does. She always worries about what could go wrong instead of what could go right.

As a surprise for Andi, he wrote her a really nice letter, and he told her he was making her a baseball card. He put stats on the back, including "Errors: can't dance and swears too much". It was really cute and funny. She seemed to really like it. Nice one Josh!

Final Date-Nick
They go off-roading in a jeep. The jeep got muddy, they laughed and smiled, but not a whole lot else happened. Then they had a little picnic and they talked about him meeting her parents. He didn't think it could have gone any better. I think it could have.

In the evening part of the date, Nick starts talking to her like it's the first time he's talked to a girl. He didn't look at her, he stumbled over his was really kind of embarrassing. He's acting like an 8 year old. What is wrong with him? Oh my gosh, he just needs to stop talking. Andi thinks he thinks too much and he needs to turn his brain off. I think maybe he actually needs to turn it on, because if this is him using his brain, that's scary. Their whole conversation is kind of a downer, wah wah. He can't even talk to her sitting up like a normal person, he's got his head laying back on the couch like he's about ready to pass out.

He also has something for Andi. He gives her a gold bag with a necklace in it. He got sand from the beach where he first told her he loved her, and he made it into a necklace. She liked it, and thought it was thoughtful...but she didn't seem to love it as much as the baseball card that Josh made her.

The Final Day
Thinking over her 2 choices...

She loves her connection with Josh. She was skeptical, but he's pushed past any obstacle. She said she feels young and vibrant with him. With him, it's always a battle between her head and her heart.

With Nick it's all about passion. With him she feels a mental connection as well as the physical and emotional connection. She feels like she can express her emotions with him.

Josh is anxious and nervous because she might say no. He picked out an absolutely huge ring!

Nick says he's going to propose to Andi and he feels like she is going to say yes. He said it will be a day he will never forget. Nick is getting ready for the ring guy to come show him some rings, but...instead...Andi shows up at his door. You all should know what this means, right?!

The Break-Up
So, we all know it's coming. If you read the spoilers, you knew it before she showed up at his door.

Nick seems to know that something is up, and he's even more nervous than normal. He is breathing really hard and looked like he was going to cry.

She said that he had told her that when he proposed to someone before, he woke up that morning and something didn't feel right. She said she woke up that morning and something wasn't right. She didn't think that today was right. He asked when she felt something different. She said on their last date she just wanted to have fun and relax, but she wasn't able to do that with him because they both overanalyze things. She said she thought if she stayed with him, her whole life would be overanalyzing everything.

He said he doesn't know how she could look at him and the way she talked to him like she did, and now for her to be doing what she's doing. He said he thought she meant what she said before. She said she did. He asked if it was more about someone else, and she couldn't answer.

The longer they talked, the more agitated and upset he got. He said he felt like she took things too far for it to end like this. He felt like she led her on, especially after he told her that he loved her. He thought she shouldn't have said and done things that she did to make him sure that she felt the same way that he did. He asked her if she was a million percent sure, and she said that she was. As much as I really don't like the guy, I feel really bad for him. I think he really genuinely had strong feelings for her, and I think maybe he was blinded a little bit and didn't really leave any possibility that she might not feel 100% the same way. He had himself really believing that it was just the 2 of them. In the real world, everything would be completely different. In the Bachelor world, you have to realize that there is someone else who is feeling the same way you are and that a choice has to be made and it's a 50/50 chance.

Andi's Final Choice
So, Josh doesn't know it, but he is the only one left. She's going through with the official process of him meeting her in the limo, so it would be unbelievably cruel for her to reject him like you know, it's going to have a happy ending!

Josh tells her that he had given up baseball was because he was searching for a great love. He didn't know if he'd ever find it, but then he met her. He said she took his breath away when he stepped out of the limo. From their first date, he felt like she was an answer to his prayers, and he felt like they were an "us". He said he loved to make her smile, and he wanted to be with her forever.

She said she never expected so many ups and downs, and there were a lot of struggles. She said when he said that the next person he said "I love you" to was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, that she took that very seriously. She said she has loved him since the first time she laid her eyes on him. She said he's it, he's the one she wants to spend the rest of her life with and have babies with.

He got down on one knee, and put that huge round rock on her finger and asked her to marry him. And she said....YES!

It's a good thing she said yes, because his face was beet red and he was sweating profusely! He might have just keeled over and passed out if she would have said no.

After the Final Rose

Apparently Nick was more devastated than most people who get dumped. He tried over and over to get Andi to sit down and talk with him, but she refused. He said he's not over her yet.

Nick said he called Chris Harrison to ask if he could see Andi before the finale to talk to her. He has unanswered questions. Chris talked to Andi, and then relayed back to Nick that she wasn't ready to see him yet. Nick gives him a letter to give to Andi. Nick said he's hopeful that today could be the start of something and that things could change after today. Um, Nick...she doesn't want to see you, how in the world do you think she could change her mind? He's really delusional.

It's time to come out on stage live. Andi will now have to finally face him. Awkward!

Awkward hug...awkward silence. When given the chance to speak, he rambles kind of like he always does when he talks to her. He asked if she read the letter and she said he did. He said he just wanted her to know how he felt. That was about it. He said he thought he'd have more to say. Silence. Any questions for Andi? Silence. This is your moment buddy. You've had so much time to prepare, and now you have nothing. He basically just said how heartbroken he was. She said that's why it was so hard for her to break up with him because he was so much of a skeptic in the beginning, and then he was able to get to a point of loving her and being so open about it.

Chris asked Andi if she was in love with Nick. She said she wasn't. She said that's why she never said it to him and she was very careful not to say it. She said there was nothing wrong with him or wrong with their relationship, it was just that she found something greater with Josh. She admitted that she probably should have just said that to him months ago. He didn't understand why, if she wasn't in love with him, why she made love with him. Ouch! Andi was really taken back by him saying that and she said that was below the belt (no pun intended) and that she thinks that should be kept private. She said everything she said and did with him were real and she meant them. She said maybe he took them differently than she did. He said she knew how he felt about her, and by her being with him, that was like "fiancee type stuff" to him. He said it meant the world to him. She got defensive and said she did know how he felt, and that's why she didn't let him pick out a ring and she didn't let him think that he was going to get engaged. She said she did what she did because she did care for him. Chris ends the conversation, even though it looked like Nick finally did have more to say.

The Happy Couple
Andi and Josh are so happy to finally be out in public as an engaged couple. They can't keep their hands off each other. They admit to sneaking out to see each other since they only live 5 minutes apart. Their story seems almost too good to be true. They are both living in Atlanta, and traveled the world only to end up with each other.

They look so happy...I really hope they are another example that can make it!

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