Sunday, August 17, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.24

"Bomb Squad" is in Control
With only 8 people left in the house, there's only 2 people in the house who were not in the original Bomb Squad: Donny and Victoria. That's just crazy to think that Devin's alliance has remained almost intact and the core members are truly calling all of the shots. Everyone says the targets are obvious. However, Derrick has other thoughts.

I hate the fact that other plans are going to keep someone like Victoria safe for another week. They called Victoria into the room and told her that neither Derrick nor Frankie was putting her up this week because "she's been up enough" let's "give her the week off". Seriously?

Frankie and Derrick agree not to target Team America. Derrick tells Donny that he will probably be going up on the block, but he's not anyone's target. Derrick will try to find a way to keep him without looking like he's trying to keep him.

Team America
America's next task for the trio is to create a distraction by hiding a personal piece of clothing that belongs to each houseguest. Then, they are to create a neighborhood watch program to be on alert to keep it from happening again, and they have to be on guard for 24 hours.

Items they talk about hiding:
Christine's glasses
Cody's hat
Zach's gator shirt
Caleb's "Amber" bunny slippers

Derrick is looking for a "volunteer" to go up on the block next to Donny. Caleb has volunteered 3 times, and he's upset that no one else is stepping up to the plate. No one is budging and no one wants to do it. They even talk about doing Rock, Paper, Scissors to see who should go up. Finally, Zach breaks and volunteers, but they decide to be a little more fair about it. So, what do they do? Then they decide to draw Skittles--each person is a color, and whoever's color is drawn goes up. Hahahahaha! This is awesome!

Whoever is drawn first, will go up against Donny and will throw the comp. Purple is the color drawn, and that was Christine's. She is not too happy about getting the worst task, of having to throw the comp.

The next 2 drawn will go on the block together, and need to win the BOB. The red Skittle is drawn, and that is Cody's. He's also not too happy about this, and is worried about Christine actually throwing the comp. Finally, the green Skittle is drawn, and that's Caleb's Skittle. He's pissed because he has to go up again, and Zach gets to sit back and relax.

Time to Dump Zach?
The group minus Zach decide that it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to try to backdoor Zach. They needed Zach for a while as a number, but they don't need him any more. Derrick says that Donny or Victoria can go any time. I hate this statement for so many reasons. The main reason is that EVERYONE ALWAYS says that about floaters, and then when it comes down to it, they make it all the way to the end, and because they have no blood on their hands, they can end up winning. Case in point, Season 15's winner Andy, and the entire final 3 including Gina Marie and Spencer....all floaters. They got the big players out early, and then turned on each other, and the floaters were all that were left.

Donny's Not So Clueless
Derrick and Frankie tell "the plan" to Donny. Donny said that having his fate decided by colored candy lets him know he's expendable to Team America.  I love that Derrick said they drew the Skittles in front of everyone in the house except for him, because he was sleeping. Hahaha! He picks up on their language of "we" and "they" and he knows they are working together. They tell Donny that Zach and Victoria are the targets this week. Of course, he doesn't know that the plan is for Christine to throw the comp.

Derrick nominates Donny and Christine
Frankie nominates Caleb and Cody

Battle of the Block
The Black Box challenge. This is exactly like last season. They enter a completely dark room and they are in search of items, which in this case are bones. They have to get them to fit into their board.

Cody and Caleb bring back 2 bones, but only 1 of them fit.

Christine is having a very easy time throwing this competition because Donny can't see what she's doing. Unfortunately for everyone, Donny is doing pretty good. He's now found 2 bones and the score is tied.

Christine just literally handed a bone to Caleb! Yes!

Caleb and Cody have 3, but Donny just found #4. He realizes that he has found all 4, and has figured out that she is throwing the comp.

Come on Double C! Oh no! Donny just found #5...another single-handed BOB win. Sorry Donny, but I really wanted Caleb and Cody to win. This makes things very tricky for the Veto.

Derrick is now dethroned, and is relying on Frankie and the other Detonators to win the Veto so they can replace either Caleb or Cody with Victoria (or maybe Zach). Yikes!

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