Sunday, August 17, 2014

Rising Star, Ep. 1.9

This is the Semi Finals
The judges votes will only count for 1% this week. The top 3 are moving on to the Finals, while 1 of the eliminated singers tonight will again be saved by the West Coast.

I love this song, and I think he's going to do pretty well with it. He's starting off really strong, and totally nailing all of the tricky notes. He definitely is capturing the energy needed for this song. Totally loving this performance. His vocal runs are sounding so good tonight. This was a risky song choice for a lot of people, but for him it is totally paying off. LOVED IT!
-All the judges voted yes.
-Score: 81%

Maneepat is the singer who was saved by the West Coast from last week. She picked an EXTREMELY hard song this week. She wasn't great last week, so the chances of her nailing this are not good. She's starting off pretty good...but she isn't to the hard part yet. And there it is...some not so good notes. She did kind of hit the high note of the "chandelier"...but I'm not feeling it. She slowed the song down I think just so she had time to work herself up to the high notes. That's OK, but it totally took away from the song, and you could tell that she was really thinking and trying to get those notes. It just wasn't great.
-Ludacris voted no, but Kesha and Brad voted yes
-Score: 27%

Let's show 'em how it's done Jesse! Let's hit the 90% mark! And he's doing "Billie Jean"...this is going to be AWESOME!!! I love his song choices and I love the way he sounds on every song he picks. He is the total package! They were definitely right about him sounding different with this song. He's taking a much quieter approach. I hope people still connect with him the way they have in the past and vote yes! There's the Jesse we've come to love. That grit...just love it! He puts his heart and soul into every performance, and it is just so amazing every time! I think that might be his lowest score yet, but 83% is still pretty darn good.
-all 3 judges voted yes
-Score: 83%

Absolutely hate what she did to this great Maroon 5 song. Vocally she sounded great, but I hate this slow, cabaret/lounge style singing. Yuck! Not my style at all. Not surprised that she greatly surpassed the very low score of 27% to knock Maneepat out.
-all 3 judges voted yes
-Score: 75%

Audrey Kate
I love this song, and I think it's a good choice for her...right in her wheelhouse. I really like what she did with this song. This is a song you don't hear anyone do on singing reality shows, so it was cool to see this oldie but a goodie come back. She did it great justice, and may have even sounded better than the original. I'm really hoping she can surpass the 75% to knock out Dana. It wasn't quite enough...hoping that the West Coast will save her. She just ran out of time...the bar was raising slowly, just not fast enough.
-all 3 judges voted yes
-Score: 69%

I wish he would have stuck with his original song choice of "Love Me Again" by John Newman. I love that song. But no...Brad had to talk him into doing a country song. And not a song choice that I really like either. I would be shocked if he doesn't pass Dana at 75% to make it an all-guy top 3. This song has been done so many times. Boring! If you're not going to change it up, you just sound like every other country singer out there. No originality. It doesn't matter how good you sing it if it sounds like it's been done 1000 times before. Wow...he didn't quite get there. Apparently there are some other people who thing the same way as I do!
-Ludacris voted no, but Kesha and Brad voted yes.
-Score: 72%

1. Jesse - 83%
2. Austin - 81%
3. Dana - 75%
4. Joshua - 72%
5. Audrey Kate - 69%
6. Maneepat - 27%

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