Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.19

For "winning" the Battle of the Block, Caleb and Victoria will have to perform the 3 punishments they selected. Caleb will have to shave his head, they will have to be shackled together for 48 hours, and they have to eat slop for 2 weeks.

Caleb is throwing a hissy fit about having to shave his head. He said his hair won't be back to normal in 2 months, before the show ends. He said he looks dumb with his hair shaved. Zach tried to tell him that he was not in a worse spot than him, who is still on the block and could go home before someone like Victoria!

Not only do Caleb and Victoria have to be connected, they, like Adam and Eve have to be dressed in leaves like Adam and Eve. There could not be 2 worse people to put together...these 2 HATE each other!!!

Before shaving his hair, Caleb said that he loved it and that he would see it again soon. Ha! The funniest part was watching Frankie get a little too excited during the shaving process.

New Alliance and an Unreliable Alliance

Nicole is super excited to form an actual alliance in the HOH room. She is with Hayden, Derrick and Cody. Apparently their new name is The Rationale, because they are all rational. Oh my...that might just be the dumbest name yet!

Derrick is worried because Nicole's plan is to backdoor Frankie. He is going along with this, but he is not OK with it. If Frankie gets put up as a replacement, he could be outed as either part of the Detonators, and/or TeamAmerica.

Nicole has other problems though. Christine feels like Nicole is drifting from her. She makes up a rumor that Zach told her that Hayden and Victoria made out and that Hayden wants Victoria to stay. Nicole told Hayden and he assured her it wasn't true. Both Nicole and Hayden saw right through her lie and now they are turning their sights on Christine. Christine also told Nicole that Hayden wanted Zach to stay, so she needed to put up either Cody or Derrick.

Nicole told Cody and Cody said that Christine and Frankie must be playing them. They now think that Frankie needs to go. How did they come up with Frankie's name out of all that? I sure hope that doesn't happen! I sure hope Frankie wins the Veto, that's the only way he's going to be safe!

Veto Player Selection
Nicole draws Caleb
Zach draws Christine
Jacosta draws Victoria

Zach is ecstatic because he's playing against a bunch of losers and if he doesn't win, we can all call him a "froot loop dingus" (his new favorite phrase).

The Detonators have a meeting before the Veto comp to make sure they're all on the same page. Unfortunately, they all have different agendas. This is a disaster!

Veto Comp
This comp will be competed one at a time. They have to swing on a zipline and zip past a wall with superhero posters. Then they have to fly and get the matching posters and line them up in the exact same order. Each one is a comic based on each one of the houseguests. The covers are very similar, and only have slight differences.

Nicole messed up her own picture of herself with her weiner. "That weiner mistake cost me valuable time." lol!

Caleb is obsessed with Amber's poster (go figure). He said he would have to buy "millions of prescriptions" of that comic"!

Victoria is struggling because she's afraid of heights and she's afraid she'll hurt her knee and she's "over it". Nothing but whining during the whole thing! Her time ran out before she finished.

Jacosta wanted to show her family that she is actually a superhero. It is super annoying how much she cracks herself up.

Zach feels fired up. He thinks he's nailed it, but time after time he is wrong, wrong, wrong. Now, he's livid. Zach attack is ready to go on a rampage! He starts picking up all of the posters and he throws them and yells at Big Brother (I guess?). He keeps saying that he has them all right. Finally, he swings again and sees they were in the wrong order. Oh my...only 2 were wrong. It was Victoria--"leave it to Victoria to screw it up!" He's so upset with himself. He basically told Nicole to put him on the block, and now he's screwed up the Veto to save himself. Now who's the froot loop dingus? Better watch what you say and how confident you get in this house Zach. It's catching up with you and kicking you in the butt!

Nicole: 12:20
Caleb: 15:48
Victoria: 35:00 xx
Jacosta: 14:39
Christine: 11:50
Zach: 26:17

Christine wins the Veto.

Christine wants Zach gone, so she is going to do whatever she thinks is going to get him sent home. Zach totally tries to kiss up to Christine to get on her good side.

Christine isn't sure if she should use the Veto on Jacosta and hope that Nicole will put up a pawn or if she should try to convince the Detonators to turn on Zach...which could cause them to turn on her.

Nicole and Hayden scheme about wanting Frankie to go, but seem fine if it would be either Frankie or Zach, because that would be a big move. Boy, it really isn't looking good for Frankie or Zach right now. I am not happy about this! Those 2 are so much fun to watch! It's so disgusting to think that the 2 biggest losers in the house: Jacosta and Victoria are going to just get to slide through this game without doing anything! Ugh!

Veto Meeting
Zach pulls another epic speech out of his hat. Instead of pleading for Christine to save him, he tells a joke about a grasshopper, cracks himself up, and then he sits down! Epic! I guess if you're gonna go down, you might as well make it memorable. The looks on everyone's faces were hilarious!

Jacosta doesn't know how to top that. She said she would love for Christine to use it on her and if she doesn't, no hard feelings.

Christine chooses to not use the Veto. So, it looks like...bye bye Zach. It was nice knowin' ya! She said it's her mission to get Zach out. She will try to convince the Detonators that they are better off without Zach. Derrick said that Zach isn't aware that the Detonators might not be as loyal to him as he thinks.

Zach thinks if he doesn't mess up this week, he'll be safe. Oh boy...he's never going to see this coming. And oh yeah, tomorrow is a DOUBLE EVICTION! I don't think I can handle the craziness!

Nicole said "Zach, I gotta tell you something, you gotta go home you froot loop dingus!" lol

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