Monday, August 25, 2014

Bachelor In Paradise, Ep. 1.4

Date Card #1 Drama
When they get back from the Rose Ceremony, Robert has a date card. Sarah is thinking that Robert should pick her since he just gave her a rose. She was right! She was so excited to get asked on a date. Michelle, on the other hand, still really emotional from what happened at the Rose Ceremony, went and cried in the bathroom. Graham went to check on her. He told her that there are so many people who would love to take her on a date. "Really?" she asks. She wonders what's wrong with her, and what she's doing wrong. I'm thinking that if Graham stays missing for much longer, AshLee is going to come looking for him, and I don't think she will appreciate him comforting another girl.

The next day, Sarah asks Michelle to do her hair. Michelle did it without complaining, but it was really hard for her. While Robert and Sarah are on their date, Michelle whines about being alone and rejected by Robert.

Date #1: Robert & Sarah
They go for a ride on a small sailboat. They talk about other people coming, and Robert said whoever comes is "kind of screwed". Sarah said they will probably go for Michelle or Jackie. Robert said, and I quote "Oh yeah, Michelle, I forgot about that." Ouch!

Robert is having a lot of fun with Sarah. Sarah feels safe with him. She said it's great having someone like Robert, next to her, who isn't afraid of the ocean. Ha!

New Arrival: Cody

Chris joins Marcus and Marquel from Andi's season.

Cody has a date card and he immediately asks Clare. She hesitates and then asks if they can go for a walk and talk about it. He tells her that she was one of his favorites. She said that she loves that he would ask him...but, she's already started something with Zack. He still tries to persuade her and says that it wouldn't hurt to just go on a date to get to know each other. Then she says she wants to talk to Zack. He tells her that he wouldn't be jealous or upset if she wanted to go on a date with him, and he didn't want to tell her what to do. She was hoping that wouldn't be his answer. She wanted him to confirm that they were together. He says they're on the same page, and she said "we're not". She asked him if another girl asked him out, what would he do. He said it would depend on the situation. That was clearly not the right answer. She said he was basically saying he still wanted to keep his options open and wait to see who else shows up. Looks like there's some trouble in paradise. She wants him to be sure about her, and she doesn't think he is.

Zack talks to Graham, and Graham said he basically told AshLee she should get to know other people...kind of the same thing Zack was implying. He asked how she took it, and Graham said "not well." Basically the guys were both thinking the same way, and the girls are thinking the same way.

So, after that awkward conversation, Clare talks to Cody. She tells him that she doesn't think she can accept the date card. She doesn't want to jeopardize what she has with Zack. She thinks that's the right thing to do, and that's what she would want done to her if the roles were reversed. Cody was disappointed, but he respected her decision and said that if she ever wanted to go a different direction that he would be there.

So, now he has no idea who he wants to ask. He's heartbroken...over a girl he had never met before. He said he doesn't want to be a hypocrite by saying he wants to go with Clare, and then take someone else. His decision was to give the date card to his friend Marcus. That was really nice of him. It was probably not a smart move, seeing as the girls are giving the roses, he needs to make a connection or he will go home.

Obviously, Marcus asks Lacy. And now, Clare said she likes Cody even more. She's hoping that Zack is going to be worth it, because she's really getting interested in Cody.

Date #2: Marcus & Lacy
They have a romantic dinner for 2. How weird is this...I was just going to type that these 2 were totally smitten with each other. But before I could, Marcus said "I'm smitten". Wow...that was weird!

They spend the entire time talking about how much they like each other. Marcus said "I love you for who you are" and then he covered it up, and said "I like you..." Too late buddy...she totally heard it!

Clare & Zack
Zack told her that he was happy that she decided not to go. He said after he had time to think that he wouldn't want to see her with another guy. He said he wants to keep things between them and not pursue anyone else. That should have been exactly what she wanted to hear. But...of course, she didn't know if she believed him, and she still continued to argue about it. After some more talking, things got better, and they finally seemed to be on the same page. At this very moment, she said she couldn't be happier.

Lonely Michelle
How many times tonight has Michelle said that she doesn't have anyone, that she's all alone, and that she hasn't gone on a date? Seriously Michelle...we know!

New Arrival: Kalon
Kalon (Emily's season) arrives, and you KNOW there's going to be drama. This guy is the guy who referred to Emily's daughter as "baggage". Michelle is disgusted...she was hoping for someone who would be interested in her. But instead, Michelle (who also has a child) is not interested in him at all!

Of course, Kalon's got a date card. Who would be his most likely choice...yep, you guessed it...Michelle. She does not want to spend her "paradise time" with someone like him. But...she doesn't hesitate to say "That's so sweet, I'd love to." You could see that she was regretting those words while they were still coming out of her mouth.

Then to top it all off, we get a lovely soundbite from Kalon saying he would love to motorboat on her. Classy. He also says that he is drawn to crazy. I'm sure she'd love to know that he said that.

The next day, Michelle wants to talk to him about his reputation and what she thinks about him. He admitted that he never had feelings for Emily, so he didn't take her seriously. She tells him that out of respect for her friend (Emily, who called her crying after what he did), she said she would have to decline his invitation.

In another wonderful comment, he said that 2 years later, people are still talking about the "b" word, and he said "is a child baggage, I don't know, it depends who's carrying it". Nice.

So, now he has to find another victim date. He next asks Jackie. She said it's not that she doesn't want to go, but she doesn't think that it would be beneficial.

Next he targets Sarah. She was really hoping that he wouldn't come talk to her...but he did. She told him that she hit it off with Robert. He said that's why he didn't ask her to begin with.

Date #3: Kalon
In a Bachelor in Paradise first...Kalon goes on a "one-on-none" date...with himself. He's stoked! Finally someone he wants to spend time with...himself. He repels into a deep cave with a pool of water inside. He commented on how romantic it was. He was hoping to fall in love with himself...but he's already in love with myself.

The best part of the whole date...when he carried on a 2-way conversation with himself. And then yes...he pretended to make out with himself. He said it was his best date ever. Wow. No words.

Everyone back at the beach thought that he was there with the right person. Finally, someone for him to really connect with. They really had a lot of fun thinking about what he might be doing.

New Arrival: Jesse
Jesse Kovacs (from Jillian's season) arrives. All the girls are saying that they've heard things about him being a player.

He of course has a date card. He chooses Jackie. Pretty quickly, she accepted. Marquel was pretty sure that he was going to get a rose from Jackie since they had a great date. However, now he's not so sure.

Date #4: Jesse & Jackie
They go to a very old Mayan cave that's lit up with candles.

He realizes that he has a very short time to make a connection, since the Rose Ceremony is tomorrow night. He said he didn't have time for chit-chat. Jackie wasn't too quick to open it up. But, he was going to keep working on her.

She was on to him and she straight up asked him if he was strategizing. That caught him a little off guard. He said he's not good at faking it, and that's not who he is.

What have all the dates so far in paradise been missing? Yes, the intimate musical performances. So, further into the cave, another nobody musician and band (Andrew Ripp) was there to serenade them as they swayed back and forth.

Cody & Michelle
All the couples were gathered around the campfire. Michelle noticed that ALL of the couples were giving each other massages...and then there was her and Cody. So, she hinted...and he obliged. No doubt, it was because he was the only one there...but then she REALLY enjoyed it. So, maybe Michelle will be lonely no more. We can only hope, so we don't have to hear about it any more. At least Chris is gone so we don't have to hear about how much pain his knee is in....that would just be too much!

The Storm
AshLee talks to Zack. She asks him if he's sexually attracted to her or if he just thinks she's pretty...there's a difference, she says. He was obviously surprised that she would ask him something like that. He said he was sexually attracted to her. She said if he isn't totally "sold on her, and committed to her", that she would advise him to meet other people. She said she loves Clare, but she's "cuckoo" and she f***ed a guy in the ocean!" Zack said he doesn't know if it went that far, and he doesn't really care. He couldn't believe that AshLee would bring something like that up, and she's probably going to regret saying it. Then AshLee off-handedly says "I'm surprised there's not a camera on us." Well...surprise, surprise, surprise! Zack said there probably is, but she didn't think so. Zack then points, and she says, oh yeah, they got us, it's right on us. I hope she also knows that...even if there wasn't a camera on them...YOU'RE WEARING MICROPHONES THAT ARE RECORDING EVERYTHING YOU SAY! So now, she's kind of freaking out because she realizes what she said. Oops! Now, she's running around and telling EVERYONE what she did and said. Way to cover it up AshLee.

The girls are all saying that AshLee is completely different when she knows the cameras are there. She will always tell them that she can't say something on camera. They said it's about time she got caught.

Lacy pulled Clare aside and told her exactly what AshLee said to Zack. Clare was furious! And rightly so! The more time that goes by, the angrier Clare is getting. She said she has gone out of her way to consider her feelings, and has tried to be friends with her, even though she has a reputation for not being the nicest woman. Clare asks AshLee if they can talk later. So, AshLee knows that Clare knows, and Clare knows that AshLee knows that she knows. Like Michelle said, there's a storm a-brewin', and she ain't talkin' about the weather. It's about to hit the fan!

AshLee talks to Jackie and said that Clare is going to try to start something with her. She said she has somehow "caught wind". She said she's been nothing but nice to Clare, even when her head was really thinking...BEYOND!

Graham and Robert are scared...they want nothing to do with the drama. He's worried about AshLee though.

Clare talks to Zack about what AshLee said. He doesn't want to get in the middle of anything, and he doesn't want her to be concerned about what the other girls are saying. She asked what she was supposed to do. She wished that he would have stuck up for her and said that she didn't do that. He said, he did. She was mad at him because she didn't want to have to hear what she did from the other girls. He said he didn't want to play the gossip game. He said he didn't come here to get involved in girl drama. She got mad and said, "you don't have to" and then walked away. Zack said the whole thing just left him with a bad taste in his mouth.

AshLee then actually asks Clare if she can talk to her. She said she can tell something's wrong, and she's not sure what. Clare's like "You're not sure? Really?" She said she may have heard something and she wants to know if she said something to hurt her feelings and if so, she wants to make it right because they are friends. Clare said they are NOT friends. She said the things she said to Zack totally threw her under the bus and she feels super disrespected. She asked her why she even brought it up if she didn't mean to do it. AshLee said "we were just talking in a general sense" and that it was just 2 friends talking. Yeah, that makes no sense, and Clare's not buying it. AshLee said she really didn't mean to upset her because she's been nothing but kind to her. THEN, AshLee has the audacity to say "I'm not upset with you, don't feel like you've done anything wrong." Clare said she respected her apology, but what she did was very tacky. AshLee asked if she wanted to hug it out, and Clare said "I'm OK."

AshLee later said she works very hard on her character and she makes a conscious effort to make people feel better, and it really hurt her feelings. What?! Out of something that is her fault, how does she end up with her feelings hurt? I'm confused.

Cocktail Party
Jesse, Marquel, Cody and Kalon are all feeling uneasy about whether or not they are getting roses.

Cody talks to Michelle, and he said he has a better connection with her than he thinks he would have had with Clare. He said he really wants to get to know her more. She said he is kind of sweeping her off her feet. They even share a kiss.

Jesse spends time trying to seal the deal with Jackie. She's really his only shot, so he's trying to really get his 2 cents in. Marquel also wants Jackie's rose.

Michelle is not buying what AshLee's selling. She wants Graham to be happy and she doesn't think AshLee is right for him. Michelle pulls Graham aside because she doesn't want him to accept the rose. She realizes that AshLee hasn't told Graham what happened with Clare. So, she breaks the news to him about what she said to Zack. Graham was not happy to hear about what happened. He said it was disturbing and difficult to stomach. He said he doesn't approve of people talking like that. The fact that she was worried about the cameras makes him wonder what kind of a person she is. He wonders if she's being fake and what's she trying to hide. He's got some serious doubts about her "in his life"...oooh!

Rose Ceremony
Lacy gives her rose to Marcus
Clare gives her rose to Zack
AshLee offers her rose to Graham...he looks at the floor, then walks out...Michelle then goes after him...

TO BE CONTINUED TOMORROW NIGHT on a special Tuesday night episode....oh the drama!

SPOILER ALERT: I've heard Graham walked out only because he was feeling really sick. We'll he "sick-sick" or emotionally sick?

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