Monday, August 11, 2014

Bachelor in Paradise, Ep. 1.2

Crazy Michelle
So, as we left her last episode, she was leaving because she hadn't formed a connection with any of the guys. She had acted weird (even for her), by insinuating that she might have a boyfriend. When she left in the limo, she said she might have found love.

Chris tells us that before they started filming, she started a flirtation with the guy next door in the hotel. It went beyond just talking across the balcony, to unlocking their adjoining room doors. Chris went to see her the morning of the Rose Ceremony and asked if he could come in and she slammed the door in his face. Turns out the guy was a crew member. She confirmed their relationship to one of the producers...but wouldn't talk to Chris.

After leaving, she came back. Ryan, the producer came to see her. When there was a knock on the door, he panicked...went out to the balcony, which is about 25 ft. high...and jumped!!!

They did a reenactment of one of the cast's handlers coming to Michelle's room wanting to talk to her. Michelle was naked under a robe and wouldn't let her in. Lauren, the handler, then went outside, and heard a noise. It was him. She could tell he had broken his legs, and he just kept saying "It was a mistake", and "My job! My job!", and "It wasn't worth it."

Through all this, Lauren and Chris, just can't stop laughing!

Ryan, from his hospital bed, said he thought the drop was only 6 ft. And the best part? His name is Ryan PUTZ! What a putz! Ha!

Current Couples
AshLee & Graham
Lacy & Marcus
Michelle & Marquel
Sarah & Ben
Clare & Robert
Elise & Dylan

New Arrival: Chris Bukowski (Emily's Season)

Guess who! The guy who won't go away! All the guys are hoping he won't steal any of their women. All the guys know his less than stellar reputation.

He has a date card. He chooses Clare.

Clare also knows Chris's reputation, but she is willing to give him a chance, in order to make her own judgments.

Their date is to go to a spa and get pampered.

Chris asks what she has heard about him. She said she thinks he doesn't have a great reputation. He said he went on Bachelorette and was in love with Emily. Then he went on Bachelor Pad and just wanted to have fun. He said he may not have made the best choices, but he can be loyal. The more he talks, the more Clare starts to really like him.

Love Triangle
Robert is hurt that Lacy is holding hands and kissing Marcus right in front of him. He said they had a great date, and he really opened up to her. He thought they were being really rude to do that in front of him.

Date Card #2: Marcus
Marcus obviously chooses Lacy. They seal his offer with another kiss. It's pretty obvious that these 2 are really moving forward, and she's just going to leave Robert in the dust.

Marcus talks about finding love so early with Andi on The Bachelorette. He said he felt an instant connection with her when they met. He invited her on the date to show her that he really does want to get to know her more and continue what they've started.

He said he could see himself having a future with Lacy. So, apparently, he just really falls in love fast.

Love Triangle/Square #2
After coming back from his date with Clare (who says she's made a connection with Clare), Chris sets his sights on Elise. Keep in mind that Elise and Dylan are getting really close. The only problem is that Dylan said it would be OK for her to go on a date with another guy because he wants her to meet other people. So, Elise said "watch what you wish for", and so Chris became an option. Next thing you know...Chris and Elise are kissing in the ocean.

Clare sees this, and it confirmed all the rumors she's heard about him. On their date, she was seriously thinking about giving him the rose. Now, she's really NOT.

Elise was trying to make Dylan jealous, and she said that might involve kissing someone else. He asked if she kissed someone else. She said she did, and he said he was glad she was having fun, but it was kind of a slap in the face. She said she wasn't having fun, and the only reason she was talking to him was because he told her to talk to other guys. He said this kinds of says that maybe they aren't meant to be. He said he wouldn't just kiss someone else. She starts crying and says the kiss didn't mean anything to her. She said he's killing her, and he said to not turn it around on him. He told her not to give him the rose, and he wouldn't let her give it to him. She thinks that this is just a bump in the road, and they'll work past it. She said it only means that he really does have feelings for her.

Chris knows Elise is his only shot of getting a rose, so he tries to kiss up. He said he talked to Dylan and he didn't seem too upset about what happened. He said if he could get rid of someone to make things easier in paradise, it would be Dylan. He thinks that Dylan looks like a "bloated, tanner version of Matt Damon from Good Will Hunting". His nickname for him is Fat Damon.

New Arrival: Zack (Des's Season)
Clare was bummed because with Chris turning out to be a dud, she now didn't really see herself with any of the guys. She wasn't sure who she would give a rose to, and she thinks her chances of finding love in paradise weren't very likely.

That was, until Zack showed up. She knows him, and has hung out with him before.

Date Card #3: Zack
Zack chooses Clare. Wow, she's really the popular one isn't she? 2 dates within a couple days.

They took a stroll in the city, and tried on some crazy hats and then they go for a swim in the ocean.

She is starting to feel a romantic connection with him, and she thinks he has good pheromones. She said "I felt his connection in the ocean". Ummm...OK.

Date Card #4: Dylan
Dylan hopes that Elise isn't hoping that he's going to ask her...because he's not. Chris is hoping that he doesn't ask Elise because he wants to hang out with her and "get to know her".

Dylan asked Sarah. She paused...and asked why he didn't want to take Elise. With his explanation, she said she would think about it. Elise is her best friend there, and she didn't want her to be upset. After talking to Elise about it, Sarah decided to accept his invitation.

On their date, they have a romantic dinner. Dylan tells her that he didn't just ask her by default, he asked her because he's interested in her and sees something in her that he's attracted to.

They seem to be hitting it off, and they make a cute couple.

The Letter
Marcus spilled water on Ben's backpack. Inside his backpack, a letter fell out. The letter said "I'm so glad to call you mine...3 weeks is nothing...I love you, Lindsey". Yikes! Just seconds ago, they showed Ben saying that he hasn't made a romantic connection yet, but he wants to fall in love. He wanted this to be his redemption story. Well, looks like that's out the window.

Marcus shared the letter with Marquel. From this, they assume that he obviously has a girlfriend. They discussed what they should do about it, and they decide that they need to confront him about it. They find him on the beach and ask to talk to him. Marcus told Ben how he found it, and he said he wanted to give him a chance to explain it in private, rather than in front of everyone. Ben said he found it when he got here. He met this girl 3 weeks before he left. Marcus and Marquel said it seemed like he was only there to be on TV. They asked him why he was there, if he had met this girl who he had feelings for. Ben made it seem like it happened really fast, and that he was surprised to have found the letter with "I love you" on it.

Meanwhile, everyone on the beach wondered what was going on, so they sent Clare to spy. She snuck up behind Marquel and asked if everything was OK. He whispered back that Ben had a love letter. That was really awkward, because Ben was right there as they were like whispering back and forth. Clare goes back and reports it, and they all decide to go join in on the conversation.

Marquel said he couldn't believe he stayed, especially after what happened with Michelle K. He said he couldn't throw the letter away because she meant a lot to him. Michelle asked why he was there, and he said he wanted to experience it. He said he hadn't lied to anyone, he was honest about not having any feelings for anyone there. Michelle broke down because she left her daughter to come on the show with people who she thought wanted the same things. He said he left his son, and she asked what for. He said that's why he's going home. She said she was offended and feels like he was treating everything like a vacation.

They asked him if he felt like he had a connection with this woman before coming, and he said he did. Clare said "you shouldn't have come!" Everyone was upset that he's wasted everyone's time, and took the place of someone else who wanted to find love. He then openly admits that he loves this other woman. Wow...he's living up to exactly what he proved on Des's season.

With that, he says his heart is in Dallas, and he's done with TV.

Michelle is a complete mess. I get why she's upset, but she's taking it a little far...I's not like she liked him and he's been lying to HER specifically this whole time. Get over it.

Cocktail Party
Michelle is feeling pretty good about her relationship with Marquel. They sit down to talk before the Rose Ceremony. Marquel said he has some concerns. One being, that he thinks she likes to drink. He asked himself if he was OK with that,and he said right now, he doesn't think that he is. She was really shocked because no one has ever said that about her. She was also offended that he was kind of judging her and after only knowing her a week, had a list of things he didn't like about her. Now might not have been the right time to say that. He's lucky she doesn't really seem to have a connection with anyone else right now.

At that moment, Robert strolls in. He's also looking for someone to give him a rose. Her first question to him was "Do you think I drink more than other people?" He said "no".

Sarah doesn't know what to do. She really likes Dylan, but so does Elise. Elise really wants to still give him the rose. Dylan told Sarah that if Elise offered him the rose, he wouldn't accept it because he doesn't want to give her the wrong idea. She told him that she doesn't want things to be weird with the 2 of them and Elise if she did give him the rose. Dylan told Sarah that she came to find love and not find a best friend, so she shouldn't base her decision solely on hurting Elise's feelings.

Dylan pulls Elise aside to basically tell her what's going to happen if she gives him the rose. Elise thinks he's going to tell her that now that he's had time to think about things, he wants to give them another shot. Instead, he asks her how things are going with Chris. He said he didn't want her to not feel like she could do things with him if he's still around. Elise is totally confused and has no idea what he's trying to say. She wants him to be real with her. He said he thinks of her as a friend. Ouch! He said he doesn't want her to hold back feelings for other people. For him, he likes hanging out with her, but that's it. He couldn't really be any clearer, but she's so confused, even after he said he wouldn't accept the rose if she accepted it.

Rose Ceremony
Just like last week, there will only be 1 other person who's not getting a rose, since Ben has chosen to leave early.

Lacy -- Marcus
AshLee -- Graham
Clare -- Zack
Michelle -- Marquel
Elise -- Chris
Sarah -- Robert

So, Elise decided to offer it to Dylan, who like he said he would, refused. He said he couldn't accept it and said she deserved better. Elise then made a long speech, saying she wants to thank Dylan...and then she rambles on and on about finding someone to fight for her through thick and thin. Dylan thinks she's nuts, and she was smothering him. He felt like because of her, he didn't get a fair chance to get to know anyone else.

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