Sunday, August 10, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.11

The Top 10 will now be performing with All-Star partners each week.

Bridget & Brandon - Bollywood/Disco
What a combination: Bollywood and Disco. All those disco lights are enough to give you a headache! Not to mention all of the spinning above his head that she did. This dance never slowed down, it was constantly moving. They only time they stopped was to do lifts. Wow, what a number!

Tanisha & Ryan - Argentine Tango
This dance was lacking something for me. It was a little boring. There weren't a lot of the signature leg hooks, which I always enjoy.

Emilio & Jasmine - Hip-Hop
This routine was ridiculous! Jasmine is such a beast! Emilio really brought it, too! Really great routine! I loved the end with him ending up like the snake in the basket.

Valerie & Ade - Jazz
I didn't get much out of this dance for some reason. It just wasn't very memorable.

Rudy & Jenna - ChaCha
This was a very hot and steamy ChaCha! I love the song Maps by Maroon 5, so this routine really had it all. They had great chemistry that was very captivating and fun to watch. I loved the little looks that they gave to each was a great connection. Jenna was one of my favorites last season, and she continues to just be awesome!

Jacque & Cheon - Contemporary/Ballet
This combination is a first for the show. I don't normally care for ballet, but pair it with Contemporary and have Travis be the choreographer? That's a winning combination in my book. The lights and shadows gave such a cool effect to their dancing. It was so graceful, and they both just floated across the stage.

Ricky & Lauren - Jazz
It's so nice to see Lauren Froderman back on the show again! Fast paced, and so much movement! Ricky kept up with Lauren. I loved the floor work they did with their legs, that was really cool and interesting.

Casey & Kathryn - Broadway
Broadway just doesn't interest me unless it's a fast, upbeat number. This one was just slow and boring to me. I didn't really care for it.

Jessica & tWitch - Hip-Hop
Gotta love tWitch!! Jessica's got her work cut out for her being paired up with him! I love tWtich playing an old gray-haird man...and he's got a fake belly! That's hilarious! She managed to match him step for step.They had really great chemistry and their timing was great. That was a very cool and fun routine by NappyTabs! Best one of the night I think!

Zach & Amy - Contemporary
The basis for this dance is very sad, as Sonya based it on someone she knew who had passed away. Zach did an amazing job. It was beautiful. All of the leg extensions and held poses were crazy! So much core strength to do that. The ending was so moving.

Bottom 4
Guys: Emilio and Zach
Girls: Bridget and Jacque

Going Home
Emilio and Bridget

I'm so sad to see Emilio go!

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