Monday, August 18, 2014

Bachelor in Paradise, Ep. 1.3

Fallout from the Last Rose Ceremony
Everyone thinks what Elise did was terrible. She should have never offered the rose to Dylan because she knew he was going to reject it. And then to do her speech, was just ridiculous. Chris said she should have just given him the rose first.

New Arrival
Danielle (from Juan Pablo's season) was at the house when everyone got back from the Rose Ceremony. She has a date card, and the date card said "the flight leaves at 9:00". That didn't give her much time to make her choice. She doesn't know who is paired up with whom, and she doesn't want to "be that person" who comes in and breaks up a couple. Does she know what this show is about? That's kind of the point...especially as a newcomer. If she DOESN'T break up a couple...she's going home.

Michelle told Danielle that she should go with whichever guy she wants (and then in her ITM long as it's not Marquel). So...guess who she picks...I bet you can't guess. It was Marquel! So, obviously Michelle is upset. She just gave Marquel a rose...even though they are going through a rough patch right now. Little does Michelle know, but Danielle said she purposely came to meet Marquel after seeing him on Andi's season. Uh oh...trouble in Paradise.

So, the next morning, Michelle tells Graham that she is over Marquel. She is into Robert. She was worried that he wasn't going to get a rose, since he was the last one to get a rose. She is thinking that she should have given her rose to him. She also thinks that Marquel and Danielle might actually have a good connection. Wow, that's quite the 180. She's worried that Robert is mad at her for not giving her rose to him, when she kind of seemed like she was.

Date #1: Danielle & Marquel

It doesn't look we're going to see much of this must have been pretty boring. We see them get in a plane, but that's it for awhile. Then we see them in a pool and she admits that she has a crush on him. She told him that she was hoping he would be there. He was very flattered, and hopes he doesn't disappoint.

Their time in the pool is cut short when the wind picks up and it starts to rain. Then, 5 feet from Marquel was a huge lightning strike and a crack of thunder. Let's just say, he may have needed a new pair of pants after that :) ...very scary!

Date #2: Elise & Chris
Elise is so excited to go on her date with Chris. She said nothing could ruin the day. Well...she was wrong...he was getting ready for the date and he messed up his knee really badly. The medics came and wrapped his knee all up. They are not sure if he should go on the date...he should stay still and keep his leg elevated. So...karma?

Meanwhile, Elise is getting ready, and Michelle is helping her curl her hair...for a date that's probably not going to happen. But it does look like hobbling like an old man or not, Chris is determined to still go on the date.

If he's going to continue to groan with every step like this, it's is going to get very old and annoying very fast.

They go for a walk through a town...great just what he needs...a lot of walking. Doesn't matter, Elise is ecstatic to be going on her first one-on-one date ever.

There is a second card with this date. It's a Fantasy Suite card...sort of. There are 2 keys instead of 1. Chris is putting out the vibe that he wants to get rid of one of those keys. He suggests they go to the pool and see what happens. At the pool, he suggests they go to the suite. Oh yeah, and he says his knee hurt like a bajillion times. We get it dude!

At the end of their date, they pay a visit to the hospital because he's still in a lot of pain. He's got a sprain and a partially torn meniscus. And oh yeah, did he mention...he's in a lot of pain. Elise is happy to take care of him and bring him ice.

Double Date
Clare and Michelle decide to create a double date for them and Robert and Zack. First Michelle has to clear the air with her and Sarah...since she kind of likes Robert. Michelle told Sarah that she wasn't trying to claim her territory with him.

Sarah keeps saying that she gave her rose to Robert because she wants to get to know him, but we haven't seen her really even attempt to talk to him at all. If she's just going to sit back, of course someone like Michelle can just swoop in. Poor Sarah feels like the 5th wheel because everyone else is a couple. She seemed to be doing better with her confidence...especially on her one-on-one date, but now all of those same insecurities that we saw on her original season are coming back, and she's letting that get in the way of her really having fun and making connections with the guys. At this point, since so many of them are finding connections with the other girls, it's going to be very difficult for her to get a rose I think.

New Arrival: Jackie
Jackie (from Sean's season) arrives and crashes the party on the beach. Guess what...Zack was secretly hoping that she would be here. Uh out Clare.

Jackie asks who's paired up. Michelle informs her of their date card rule for the new arrivals: you don't ask questions, you just ask whoever you want. So, Jackie looks around the fire, and all the girls are cozying up to their guys. The only guy on his own was Marquel...he and Danielle were sitting across the fire from each other for some reason. So, naturally, she chooses Marquel. Good thing Michelle is over him, but bad thing for Danielle. She is upset that she just got back from an amazing date with the guy she has a huge crush on, and now he's right away accepted a date from someone else.

Date #3: Jackie & Marquel
In keeping with the date theme this week, they also take a plane ride. Their date is to some Mayan ruins. They seem to be having a lot of fun together. I'm surprised that they hit it off so quickly. He tells her that this has been his best date. Ouch...poor Danielle.

He asked her why she picked him, and she said that he greeted her so openly and she thought they would get along really well. He seems to be really smitten. He tells her that he never kisses on the first date...however...he had to take the opportunity. He said she could pull back if she wanted to, but he was going to go for it. So, it happened, and they both liked it. She then tells him that she doesn't usually kiss on the first date either...he's so happy.

Date #4: AshLee & Graham
Graham talks to Michelle about how since the beginning she has claimed him as hers, and he hasn't really had any say in it. Her "claiming" him, prevents other girls from even attempting to have any kind of relationship with him. He said he would like to go on a date with her, so they could get to know each other better. However, she is way beyond dates, and talking about him meeting her dad, and talking about how cute their babies would be. They are clearly not on the same page at all. Finally after this date, if Graham isn't feeling it, he can have a say, and he can put an end to it if he wants to.

On their date, they fly away...and get to have a romantic dinner. Get ready AshLee...or get ready it comes. AshLee tells Graham that she follows him on Instagram, and his eyes kind of got big.

He tells her right off the bat that this is their first date and he just wants to have fun. He said he wants to be on the same page and not put too much pressure for "forever". I'm not sure she's hearing any of this.

They also get a letter from Chris with 2 keys. Graham says "Nice. Appropriate." AshLee knows Graham wants to use both rooms, but she wants to be open to whatever. Cue the awkward public dancing.

Bad sign for AshLee...a kiss goodnight and a "I'll see you tomorrow. Later." Ha! Very casual and matter-of-fact. Don't get me wrong...absolutely the right decision. But it's the way they ended the night, and the way he said it, that is so telling. I would imagine that's exactly how he would say goodnight to his sister.

Cocktail Party
Everything is going great for Chris...except his knee. Cue groan, after groan, after groan, after groan. He's so lame, he might have to be put down and out of his misery.

4 girls are pretty sure they are getting roses: Clare, Elise, Lacy and AshLee. The girls who aren't so sure are Sarah, Michelle, Danielle and Jackie. Sarah and Michelle are fighting for Robert's rose and Danielle and Jackie are fighting for Marquel's rose.

Sarah talks to Robert, and she's really hoping that he will give her the rose. Michelle also gets her turn, and she makes it clear what her feelings are for him. He didn't really want to talk about the rose, he just wanted to talk about having fun....but SHE wants to talk about it. Uh oh Michelle...back off...don't push it or he might get scared.

Danielle wants to talk to Marquel and make sure he knows that he's the only guy she wants to get to know more and that she feels a connection with him.

But...Graham teased that things might not go the way people expect them to. So, does that mean that he's ready to ditch AshLee and go for someone new. I'm almost hoping he does. I just don't think he's into AshLee. I think he has only gone along with her because she showed so much interest in him from the beginning, and he didn't want to make her feel bad for rejecting her without giving her a chance. Now that they've had a date, it might be time to move on before he leads her on any more.

Rose Ceremony
Graham -- AshLee
Zack -- Clare
Marcus -- Lacy
Marquel -- Jackie
Robert -- Sarah

As Danielle watches Jackie get Marquel's rose she looks devastated. As Sarah gets her rose from Robert, Michelle bursts into tears. I gotta say, I'm kind of surprised by both of those.

The last rose...Chris (sporting a very elderly looking cane) calls Elise to get her rose. He tells her that she puts a smile on his face and he feels something that he's never felt before. He said, he can't give her the rose though. He said he's hurting and he's going home...and he wants her to come with him! She accepts. She said this is what she came to paradise to find. And to think just 3 days ago, she was so in love with Dylan and he was the one. Now, she's falling for Chris so

Chris now still has a rose to give out. He said there is one person there who deserves true love, and that's Michelle. At this point, everyone is in tears. Wow, who saw Chris doing something nice? I sure didn't.

Crazy ending, and then the previews for 2 episodes next week (Monday and Tuesday) looks like everything gets turned upside down. I can't wait! It looks like some great drama!

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