Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.22

The BOB Fallout
The house is reeling from the events from the Nomination Ceremony and the Battle of the Block. Frankie single-handedly saved himself and Caleb and dethroned Nicole.

Frankie and Zach are going at it because they both feel betrayed and lied to. It turns into a "who can scream louder" match about who is the bigger liar.

Derrick tells them to be men and talk behind closed doors. Frankie, Zach, Caleb, Cody and Derrick go into the Fire Room to talk. Frankie decides to tell them all the biggest lie he's told in the game. He tells them that he is a social media mogul with over 1 million followers, and his sister is Ariana Grande. At first they didn't believe him, but eventually they did. He told them, in hopes to distract them and buy himself some time. The guys all said they don't care who he is on the outside, they care more about who he is in the game.

He tells them that he is playing for a charity and hopes to help build schools in Africa.

Now it's time to tell the girls. He's excited to tell them, because he thinks they'll be super excited. They were really stunned, and Victoria screamed at the top of her lungs. They said "you're famous!". Well....really...she's (sort of) famous, and he's got a following...but he's far from famous.

Zach and Derrick both realize that what Frankie's doing is all for strategy. He didn't have to tell them, but he's all strategy. Especially the part about donating his winnings to charity.

Derrick's Many Deals
Derrick has final 2 deals with Cody and Victoria. He plans on honoring his final 2 deal with Cody. However, if Cody isn't around, he'll always have Victoria. He has worked very hard on his relationship with her...which means, he's sat and listened to her cry.

Veto Players
Christine draws Derrick
Zach draws Caleb
Donny draws Nicole

Veto Competition
It's OTEV! This time voiced by Gilbert Godfried! What could be better!! The players will look for drinks named after the evicted houseguests, based on his description. Each round, the last person to get back with the name is out.

Round 1: Donny is out
Round 2: Nicole is out
Round 3: Christine is out
Round 4: Derrick is out
Round 5: Caleb is out! Zach wins Veto!

Before Round 5, Zach asked Caleb if he would throw it. Caleb said he was done throwing comps. Caleb didn't throw it, but Caleb's girl Amber tripped him up. He couldn't find her name. I'm so happy Zach won! I am not ready to see him go yet. His back was against the wall, and I think he has cheated fate one too many times. I think this would have been his time to go if he had not won. I'm sad Donny is still on the block, but let's face it, he's not really doing too much in the game right now.

Broken Alliances
Zach fakes making up with Frankie. He still wants him out the first chance he gets...but he was sure good at lying to him about still wanting to be best friends.

Zach outs all of the alliances currently in play to Victoria. She is crushed to find out that Derrick is in an alliance with the other guys. She then cries to Nicole about it because she thought it was just her and him. Uh oh...I think people are starting to put things together about Derrick. I'm worried that when Zach uses the Veto, that he might be the replacement. Zach immediately regretted telling Victoria because Derrick is an alliance member and he might have just gotten him in some trouble. Duh! What were you thinking?!

Zach tells Derrick that Nicole was the one who told Victoria about the alliance. Derrick isn't buying his story. Derrick asks Nicole, and she said it was Zach. Derrick is smart, so because both Victoria and Nicole are saying it's Zach, he knows he's lying.

He pulls everyone in the room and calls them all out about who said what. Immediately, Zach admits "I lied". Whoa! That wasn't what I expected. In one conversation, Derrick is able to make himself look better, make Victoria and Nicole feel better, and everyone see that Zach was behind it all. This man is a freakin' genius. He totally deserves to win this game. He is playing it flawlessly...and most importantly, he is able to recover from the stupidity of others and use their mistakes to better his game. Genius.

Team America
The Team America task says they need to get someone to volunteer to go up as a pawn and then vote out the pawn. With Donny on the block, they all decide it's too risky, so they choose to not complete the task.

Nicole is the Target
They decide the target should be Nicole because she's a competitor and has won 3 HOHs. They decide to tell Christine that people are talking about Christine telling Nicole everything. They said everyone assumes that she and Nicole are working together. She has to do what the Detonators tell her, or they will be after her next.

Veto Meeting
Zach calls all the "Froot Loops" to the meeting. Ha!

Of course, he decides that he's going to use the Veto on himself.

Christine decides to replace Zach with Nicole. Christine had to choose a side, and she chose the Detonators.

Wow! I can't believe either Nicole or Donny is going to be out this week. Donny said he doesn't know how they will keep him over someone as nice as Nicole.

Nicole is devastated that Christine chose to listen to and believe the lies about her.

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