Sunday, August 10, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.10

Top 14 perform, 4 will go home. The bottom 6 will each dance a solo.

Bridget & Emilio - Jazz
I love the song and costumes and the overall feel of this dance. It had a great beat to it. Their synchronicity was great. Their was a lot of intricate choreography, and it looked like a very difficult dance. Very fun!

Tanisha & Rudy - Contemporary
What a beautiful dance. So flowing and effortless. It seemed a little short though, I would have liked to have seen more.

Jacque & Zack - Paso Doble
I love Pasos, and the vampire theme is really cool. The dance definitely had a very dark theme. The song was a rockin' and it was a really cool combination with this dance style. I didn't think Zack would have it in him to be so dark and powerful. He really surprised me.

Emily & Teddy - Broadway
The music was so painful to listen to! I hate that style! Music makes or breaks a dance for me, and this was just unbearable!Trying to get past the music, the dancing seemed fine. I thought they could have added a little more character to it, though, it seemed a little boring.

Jessica & Casey - Contemporary
You know I'm going to love this, because it's a Travis Wall routine! And I wasn't disappointed. It was another beautifully choreographed piece. It wasn't one that will go down in history as one of the best, but it was really nice. They are a new couple, having lost their partners next week, and they had great chemistry. And that kiss...that was something.

Carly & Serge - Quickstep
Being a ballroom guy, I'm sure Serge has had some prior experience with the Quickstep, which I'm sure helped him. This was a really fun routine. It was definitely quick, and the music was fun. Her dress looked really heavy at the bottom and it looked like it would be really hard to dance in.

Valerie & Ricky - Hip-Hop
Interesting theme: Voodoo. They both did a great job with the characters. They were hitting hard and were in synch. You can't ask for more than that in a hip-hop. I loved her moves into and out of a split. The moves were so intricate and unique. I've never seen anything like it before--as Nigel put it: "a leg wave in side split". And then him pulling her one leg up...that was crazy.

Bottom 6
Girls: Carly, Emily, Jessica
Guys: Serge, Casey, Teddy

Going Home
Carly, Emily, Serge, Teddy

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