Sunday, August 10, 2014

Rising Star, Ep. 1.8

The Top 8 perform, and 2 will go home. Expert votes are only worth 3%.

It was a decent performance, but it didn't blow me away. As usual...he's always good, but not memorable at all.
All of the judges voted Yes.
Score: 71%

I really wanted to like this, but her pitch was WAY off! She was really flat. She sounded really nervous. I don't remember her being this shouty before.This song should have been a good choice for her, but she did not have a good night. Ludacris voted no.
Score: 57%

She looks great tonight, but she doesn't sound so great. Her quirkiness is wearing thin. It's just not cute any more. I wanted to like this, but it was kind of painful to listen to. The song is supposed to be upbeat and fun, and she kind of made it a little darker, which didn't seem to work.
Brad and Ludacris said no.
Score: 27%

I don't know what everyone's problem is tonight, but they are sounding like this is their first auditions. The song choice was not right and it just wasn't good. Her voice was kind of wavering on the long notes she was trying to hold. The end was better than the beginning, but overall, I wasn't impressed.
Brad and Ludacris said no.
Score: 46%

Audrey Kate
Another awful song choice! Horrible, horrible song! She sang it OK, but because I didn't like the song, I didn't care for her performance.
All 3 experts said yes.
Score: 85%

Finally a great song choice! This was amazing! I loved the a capella at the beginning! Once the music kicked in, it was even better! His pitch was spot-on. Great, great performance and best of the night, by far! It didn't take long for the wall to raise to get past April's 27%. The bar just kept going up and up and up.
All 3 experts said yes.
Score: 89%

I really wanted to vote no, but somehow my check-in swipe didn't take. I didn't care for this performance at all. She shouldn't have made it through last week, but the West Coast saved her. Hopefully, she won't hit the 47% she needs to drop the wall. She picked a great song, but it wasn't right for her. Dang it...she just got enough to stick around. Boo! The good news is that she didn't get a great score, and is now in the hot seat. There is no way that Jesse doesn't get a score over 54%.
All 3 judges said yes.
Score: 54%

I voted yes before he even started singing because, yes, he is just that awesome. I have so much faith that he's going to kill it every single time he takes the stage. This was no exception. He barely sang anything and his number was at 30%. Shameia better be worried, because in less than 5 seconds that wall is going up and she is going home! And there it is! How high can he go this time? He might just break all records...there is NO STOPPING this kid! He is just truly awesome!!! Best of the night again! I'm surprised the bar stopped at 88%. Austin actually beat him tonight! He's been beaten for the first time, I'm shocked! Oh well...he's in safely!
Brad voted no!!! What?! He could not have done any better than that!
Score: 88%

The Results
Austin - 89%
Jesse - 88%
Audrey Kate - 85%
Joshua - 71%
Dana - 57%
Shameia - 54%
Maneepat - 46%
April - 27%

Shameia, Maneepat, and April are out...for now. The West Coast will vote to save 1 of them, and bring them back next week.

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