Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.13

Top 6 perform with each other one last time, and then also with an All-Star partner. They each will also perform a solo.

Valerie & Ricky - Broadway
Woah, look at those blue shoes he's wearing! Oh man...the music...I just can't...The dance was cute, but oh man...

Valerie & tWitch - Hip-Hop
This is going to be so much fun to watch! It looks like there's going to be a lot of humor...which tWitch is great at. I love the wedding theme. For a tapper, she pulled this off amazingly well. I loved it!

Ricky & Anya - ChaCha
This was just hot, hot, hot!!! The whole thing was great. He did a great job with the lifts, and he seemed to nail all the moves effortlessly.

Jessica & Casey - Disco
I love their purple outfits! Boy, they didn't waste any time getting into the big crazy, fast-spinning lifts! It has to be super hard to be spinning that fast, and then changing positions of the lift. Ridiculous! They made all of the lifts look really easy and they flowed very smoothly. Fun routine!

Jessica & Ade - Jazz
This looks more like hip-hop than jazz! And those crazy outfits are definitely hip-hop. This was one strange number. I kind of liked it, but it was so weird!

Casey & Makenzie - Contemporary
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! They floated and moved so smoothly. They had great chemistry. He showed a lot of emotion and was totally believable. Loved it!

Jacque & Zack - Foxtrot
And here we go with the old-fashioned music....blech! The foxtrot has to be my least favorite of all the ballroom dances. It's just so boring! I like the way they played up their characters and how they interacted with each other...but that was about it.

Jacque & Will - Contemporary
A ball for a prop has to be so difficult. Anything can happen, and it could just go rolling away. They did an amazing job. I loved all of the work with the ball...really cool and unique. I just wish they would have used it through the whole dance. I really liked the whole dance. Then the 99 red balloons actually fell on them! I totally believed their chemistry...really good!

Zack & Fikshun - Hip-Hop
Love seeing Phillip Chbeeb back as a choreographer! And great to see winner Fikshun back! What an interesting concept, of having them recreate an inkblot. I love the images they created with their Phillip. So many intricate things going cool!!!!

Going Home
Jacque and Casey

The Final 4 in Next Week's Finale
Jessica, Valerie, Ricky and Zack

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