Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 27.2

Redemption Island-Duel
Marissa joins Rupert and Candice at Redemption Island. She filled them in on her blindside.

Right off the bat, at the duel, Marissa tells Gervase (and everyone else) that his celebrating was the reason she was voted out. She said he rubbed salt in their wounds, and his response was that there was going to be more. Boy, Gervase, that's a lot of talking, but you don't seem to have much to back it up.

Gervase tells Marissa to handle her business, and with that, she is on her own. The top 2 will stay and the loser goes home. You would think that the experience of Candice and Rupert will come into play here. Marissa will have to perform well under pressure. They have to take a small spool and work it through a maze, then stack them. Candice had a very solid stack and she finished first. Rupert was in 2nd but he stupidly allowed his spools to be placed very crooked and they came tumbling down! Marissa stayed composed and pulled it out! Good for her! She deserved to get a chance to stick around.

As the winner, Candice gets to give a clue to the hidden immunity idol to anyone. She of course chooses her husband John. Good move, but also a bad move. He will now be a target because of this.

The old Colton is back! He's moping around and he is starting to whine already! They are only 4 days in! He is running around like crazy spreading all kinds of lies to EVERYONE! This person told me they want you out, I heard this person say this...blah blah blah. We are in for much more from this episode, as preluded by a tweet he sent out earlier today: "I guess I should go ahead and pre apologize to all the overly sensitive people who will inevitably be offended by the way I breathe tonight."

I love Kat's interaction with Colton, it's pretty funny. However, it turns into nothing but DRAMA! Aras is right, he's a bully and he needs to go. Aras, Gervase, Tyson, Tina and Monica bond over the bullying incident and decide to make a final 5 alliance. I like this alliance a lot! I just kind of wish Kat was in on it. I'd like to see her go far (mainly because I'm rooting for Hayden).

Rachel realizes that as a female, she is in the minority. So, she tries to build her relationship with the guys. The rest of the girls see that she isn't strategizing with the girls. They think she has an alliance with John and they hope to exploit that so that it puts a target on his back.

Vytas brings up an interesting strategy. He thinks that the returning players are likely to swap with their partners in the duel. Therefore, to get someone strong out from their side, who should THEY vote out. They want Tyson out, so their target will most likely be Rachel. They must not know Tyson very well if they think he will switch places with Rachel.

John uses his clue to go look for the hidden immunity idol.

Immunity & Reward Challenge
Kat chooses to sit out for Galang since they have an extra person.

The challenge is to roll a teammate in a barrel. Next is a knotted rope they have to undo to get a bag of balls. They get back in the barrel to the next station. Finally at the end, someone has to roll the balls up a ramp and into holes.

It was neck and neck through 4 stations. Tadhana pulls ahead as they undo the bags. Hayden is tossing first for Tadhana and Gervase is throwing for Galang. Hayden is on a roll with 3 and Gervase ties it up! Now Gervase pulls ahead, but it's tied at 4 again. But 2 in a row for Gervase and Galang wins! Darn, I was really hoping Hayden could pull out the win.

Gervase screams "MARISSA! That was for you". Nice, Gervase...just keep making yourself look horrible.

Reward: fishing gear

Pre-Tribal Council
The guy alliance wants to vote for Rachel because they are afraid of Tyson. John doesn't want Rachel out because they are friends and more importantly, he doesn't want Tyson competing against Candice. He is very hesitant and tries to throw out reasons not to choose Rachel. Vytas tells Katie that John is on board with voting out Rachel and she says she doesn't believe that. John tells Ciera that they are going to tell Rachel that everyone is voting Ciera so she should too. Ciera and Katie talk and they are worried that if John has the idol that she will then go home, so they think they should vote for John instead. This could be bad because the guys are now having some serious doubts about John's loyalty. He has a lot of things going badly for him right now. He was publicly given the clue and now he's wavering on his loyalty with the alliance. Oh yeah, and they aren't real happy that he isn't sharing the clue with them. Uh oh! If John goes, that is going to be a very awkward duel between husband and wife! Not to mention 3rd-wheel Marissa.

Tribal Council
The votes:

Rachel is voted out. I think their plan is going to backfire, because I don't think Tyson will switch places with her. They wanted to make the other tribe weaker by getting Tyson out, but they really just made their tribe weaker (like John warned) by voting out Rachel over the other girls.

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