Sunday, September 8, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.29

Andy's Plan & McCrae's Stupid Move
So, last Thursday when Amanda got voted out, it sent shockwaves through the house. McCrae knows that either Elissa or Andy lied to him about voting to keep Amanda. Andy made sure that he threw Elissa under the bus and he swore up and down that McCrae would be stupid not to trust him and that Elissa is the one lying. Of course he IS lying, and poor Elissa can't seem to get McCrae on her side, even though she is telling the truth. McCrae did say that if either of them was lying, he would think it would be Andy. Yet, when he made his nominations, he put up Elissa and GinaMarie. Why? Why in the world would he do that, if he doesn't think he trusts Andy? Elissa was the one person left in the game that he could work with, and he sent her packing. Smart move, McCrae. Because of that, I think you're going to be joining Amanda in the Jury House very soon. Little does McCrae know, that while he is boo-hooing over losing Amanda, Judd, Spencer, GinaMarie and Andy are dancing, jumping up and down, doing cartwheels and hugging over their victory. It is a house of 4-1...he is doomed unless he wins HOH or Veto.

HOH Competition
For this competition, images of a past competition will appear slowly on the screen. When they figure out which competition it is, they need to choose the winner of that comp by making that houseguest's face out of blocks. Each round, the last person to finish the puzzle is out. Andy is out first in round 1. Judd messes up with one piece, just like on the first puzzle, and he is eliminated in round 2. And in round 3, Spencer comes away with his first HOH win...but who really cares at this point? I would have much preferred GinaMarie or Judd to win.

As part of the win, Spencer passes out a gift for each of the other houseguests.

Friendship=GlinaMarie and McCrae=tied together with a friendship bracelet
Wealth=Andy=chance to win up to $5000 (after smashing piggy banks, he ends up with $94.83)
Health=Judd=perform exercises that a drill sergeant tells him whenever a whistle blows

McCrae Makes a Move
Since he's tied to GinaMarie, McCrae decides to make a final 2 deal with her. He says he can see working with her and taking her to the final 2 over anyone else. When she seemed surprised that he would do that, he asked her if she had a final 4 deal with the other guys. She said no, and she realized that he was on to their alliance. So, she said she'd go along with him, but now she really wants him gone.

Spencer Lies to McCrae
Spencer tells McCrae that he has to put him up because he is the most logical target after last week, but he reassures him that he is safe. He tells him that he wants GinaMarie to go, to have the 4 guys left. He said when the vote is a tie, he will vote to keep him. McCrae is very skeptical and thinks the other 4 are working together, and if they were trying to get him out, this is how they would do it. McCrae is definitely smart, but unfortunately, there is nothing he can do about it.

Nomination Ceremony
Spencer nominates McCrae and GinaMarie.

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