Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.32: Finale

It's finale night, and who is excited?! This girl! It's been a really long and disappointing season. Early favorites Nick, Jeremy, David and Howard were all voted out way too early, and we were left with some really despicable human beings who do not deserve to be there. Aside from their horrible, unacceptable behavior, the houseguests left in the game were all floaters and had no gameplay. How do you root for someone? I don't know. As people, Andy said the least amount of offensive things. However, he was a rat and a major floater who lied to everyone. Spencer spent his entire summer on the block, and also didn't have any gameplay, mainly because he never had any power. That leaves us with GinaMarie. She was extremely offensive and racist, BUT...she was the only person to have enough guts to split up McCranda and actually put the nail in Amanda's coffin. That deserves a lot of credit. Granted, it should have been done much earlier, but if she hadn't of done it, they would still be in the house. So, based on that, and that alone (well, that and the fact that Spencer and Andy are just really annoying), I think I have to be pulling for GinaMarie. Don't get me wrong, if it was a perfect world, Big Brother would say that none of them deserve to win, declare no winner and donate the $500,000 to an anti-bullying charity.

So, here we go!

HOH: Round 1
They have to hold onto a rope that is pulling them in circles while they are on rollerskates. 2 seconds into the comp, and you can tell GinaMarie is going to win. Andy and Spencer were all over the place. Spencer was out first, followed by Andy who slipped, and just like that, GinaMarie heads to the final round.

HOH: Round 2
Spencer vs. Andy. They are attached to a harness and they have to grab crabs with houseguest's pictures on them. Then, they climb the rock wall to place them at the top. The goal is to put them in the order they were evicted.

Andy has no upper body strength and he keeps getting tangled in his ropes...haha! He thinks he is done after struggling to find Candice's crab. Then he realizes that he messed up Aaryn and Helen, so he has to go back up again! Spencer would really have to bomb, I think. But, he's a big guy and he might be slow climbing the wall. What is he doing? He actually just stops and starts to think about his girlfriend and family. I guess it worked, because all of a sudden, he kicked it into high gear.

Andy: 21:54
Spencer: 36:11

Holy crap! Spencer took over 36 minutes?! That wasn't even close! What was he doing that entire time? Apparently, he stopped to think way too much!

Jury House--Dr. Will Visits!

I'm so excited to see Dr. Will again! He brings in juror #8, McCrae! It doesn't take long for the fur to fly! Amanda has the death look down! If her looks could kill, every member of that jury would be dead! Lots of interesting questions posed...way too many to list. Surprisingly, lots of points on why each of them should win the game. Except, it was pretty funny when Will asked what Andy's biggest game move was, and there was silence. I honestly have NO IDEA how this jury is going to vote. Some of them are bitter, some of them respect gameplay, some of them respect the people who played less-cruel than the rest. It honestly could be any one of them at this point.

HOH: Round 3
GinaMarie vs. Andy

Before the comp, Andy lays the groundwork for his plan. He tries to convince GinaMarie that if he wins, he would definitely take her to the finals...hoping that she would agree to take him. She thinks he deserves it more than Spencer, but she doesn't think she can beat him.

This comp looks interesting! GinaMarie and Andy are standing on a swinging platform, which is actually a very big scale. They want to tip the scale in their favor by answering questions about what the jury members have said.

Ooh, this is not looking good, it's 4-2 in favor of Andy. GinaMarie looks absolutely clueless, but she just gained one on Andy! Last question, they both answer the same, they are both right...Andy wins. Barf! Of course, since I want GinaMarie to win, of course that means she doesn't. I didn't believe Andy for a second when he was talking to GinaMarie. I would be shocked if he didn't stick with Spencer and give GinaMarie the boot. I think she beats him, if he takes her. Plus, he and Spencer have been attached at the hip for just about the entire game.

Andy's Choice
Andy tells Spencer that his word to him has been true. However...he gave his word to GinaMarie on night 2, and he evicts Spencer!!!!! Whoa!!!!! Does this mean she might actually win?! I hope that was the dumbest move that he could have made! Let's hope the jury respects the HUGE game move that GM made. All Andy did was cry and float on his tears all the way to the end.

Jury Questions
GM is asked what the hardest thing she had to overcome was. I KNEW she was going to say Nick being voted out! Surprisingly, GinaMarie who is known as not a good talker, she isn't doing too badly, but she doesn't have enough good points. Just being "GinaMarie" is not going to be enough, I don't think.

Wow, Andy is doing some good talking. He has some valid points and he really talks a good game. He makes it sound like he actually had a strategy...but I'm still not sure if he actually did, but it sounds good. He might just be able to talk his way into a win. It is shocking to hear about Andy's loyalty to GinaMarie. He might have just won back his money. He said he threatened to be a bitter jury member, so that they wouldn't backstab him. He said his biggest move before joining the Exterminators was aligning with Amanda and McCrae. Week after week, people tried to get him to flip, but he stuck with them and played both sides of the house, and then told Amanda everything.

Former BB player Braden tweeted: "Andy should win based on his answers alone. GM bombed that. This was a lesson, stay in school, kids." lol! That's a good one

Cast Reunited
Julie asks Howard about his reaction to the show after he was evicted. He said he couldn't believe the severity of the comments and he hopes that the people that said them can grow from this experience. He truly is a class act. Spencer asks if he said anything bad. Um, really Spencer?! Wow, these people are so delusional! Boy is he in for a surprise when he goes to show up at work.

I really wish they would have allowed some more time for more in depth questions to really grill these people! They got off easy! I would have loved if they would have asked some viewer questions. And they kind of pulled a Survivor, and didn't even talk to or acknowledge the first 5, pre-jury people. I wanted to hear from Nick and David!

Wow, so they cut from the house to go to commercial, GinaMarie shouts out "Hi Nick! Nick!" and waves ridiculously at the camera. That poor guy. I feel so sorry for him...he is never going to be able to get rid of her. I hope he gets a restraining order.

The Votes
Spencer - Andy
McCrae - Andy
Judd - GinaMarie
Elissa - Andy
Amanda - Andy
Aaryn - GinaMarie
Helen - Andy
Jessie - Andy
Candice - Andy

So, Andy wins the $500,000 and GinaMarie walks away with $50,000. Someone guard Nick, GinaMarie is coming out of the house! Andy becomes the first LGBT player to win Big Brother. Apparently, I overlooked and underestimated GinaMarie's awful public speaking skills. Andy's job is a public speaking professor, and it clearly showed. He blew GinaMarie away...she didn't stand a chance. I forgot just how bad she least she didn't stumble over any big words this time. Unfortunately, that's all she did right. She didn't seem like she thought about or prepared for any of the questions ahead of time. Her answers weren't very clear and she really made no case for herself besides "being GinaMarie". Even her move of getting Amanda out wasn't enough to save her, because she couldn't come up with another big move pre-Exterminators.

The cast seems rather unenthusiastic compared to most years when Andy was announced the winner. Everyone except for Helen, that is. She continues her over-the-top enthusiasm and you can hear her shrieking "You just won Big Brother!" No, duh, Helen!

Judd, Elissa and Howard were the top 3, and it is Elissa...who didn't see that coming? Elissa gets $25,000 for being Amercia's favorite. I would have loved to see Nick or Howard win, but I guess there are far worse people than Elissa. She deserves it for what she had to go through in the house. 

Two Final Notes
GinaMarie was glued to Nick as Julie was announcing the MVP win. The look on his face was priceless. He looked like he was secretly trying to say with his eyes "Someone please help me!"

So ends another season, and a disappointing one at that. Thank goodness I have Big Brother Australia to watch. At least some countries know how to put on a good show, worth watching and worth rooting for. If our beloved US version hopes to regain what it lost this season, they need to look at the success of Australia and the UK and take some notes. Even the Canadian version did a great job on their first season, and a lot could be learned from them. Next season looks to be some form of an All Star version, in hopes of regaining some dignity. Good luck, and see ya next summer, Big Brother!

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