Monday, September 2, 2013

Big Brother Australia 10, Week 4 Recap

Tully is given the "Lurker" super power. She can view the chart of who has nomination points and how many votes they have, but she won't see who is nominating. The chart will change in real time as the housemates nominate. She also gets 6 points this week instead of 5. She will be given 3 times to nominate someone and she can choose to give 2 points to one housemate or 1 point to two different housemates.

The Voting Results
Mikkayla - 13
Jasmin - 10
Tahan - 10
Jade - 9
Katie & Lucy - 6
Matthew - 6

Tully's Strike
Tully breaks a couple of Big Brother's rules, so he issues her a strike. She talked about her super power when she was supposed to not talk about it. She told Drew he was safe, and also talked to Matthew. If she gets 2 more strikes, she will be removed from the house.

Separation Anxiety
Poor Matthew is stuck in the Halfway House with 6 girls! No bro time for him.

This is also the first time that Jade and Drew are on different sides of the house. She really misses him. They share some alone time over and through the walls, but she's still really lonely.

The Fence is Down!
Late at night, the bars were taken down in the lounge area, and the fence was taken down in the backyard. The next morning, the housemates woke up to a completely different house. Everything was as one house. The Halfway house got up first and saw no fence and the girls began squealing and wailing like crazy! The ran screaming into the Safe House area and woke everyone else up. Ben was so excited, he did one of his classic "twist" dances.

Another Showdown
The winner will not only get a night in the Presidential Suite, but he/she will get to do a nomination swap!

The last challenge with tricycles was hilarious! Drew's exploded right in front of him! But it's Jade for the win! How exciting!

Nomination Swap
Now Jade can save herself...but who will she sacrifice? Although it was a hard decision, she chose Ben. This was a good choice, because he will obviously be safe.

Jade chose Katie and Lucy to share her Presidential Suite. I'm so sad she didn't choose Drew, and I think he was too. I think this would have been  a good time for them to sit down and really talk about their relationship. Now Tully is going to go after him, while Jade isn't around. I don't understand what she's doing? She has a GIRLFRIEND, hello?!

Tim's "Birthday"
Oh my...Tim's birthday was in April, but he is telling everyone that it is his 30th birthday today. However, Drew is in on the joke. He was making all kinds of demands, and making people wait on him hand and foot. The biggest problem he has, is that Big Brother won't be providing him with anything, since it is not really his birthday. He is throwing himself an 80s rockstar party, and everyone dresses up like the 80s. At the end of the day, he plans to tell everyone the truth, but he's not sure how some people will react, and he's dug himself a big hole. He finally comes clean, and most people were OK with it, but couldn't believe he led them on for so long.

Tully was the most upset, but mainly because Drew knew about it and didn't tell her. Seriously Tully? He is NOT her boyfriend, and this wasn't that big of a deal. It was Tim's idea, and Drew was just being a good friend by not spoiling it.

The house decided to get him back by hiding all of his clothes under Heidi's bed.

Nomination Results
31% = Ben
22% = Katie & Lucy
15% = Mikkayla
13% = Matthew
13% = Tahan
6% = Jasmin

Somehow I missed the reason, but Jas gets to give away the Nomination Super Power to the housemate of her choice. She chooses to give it to Heidi.

Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!

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