Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.27

Amanda on the Warpath
Amanda just can't figure out where her and McCrae went wrong. She confronts Spencer and Andy about being behind the nomination. Spencer and Andy of course, deny deny deny. And after yelling and screaming, she finally says "I don't even want to be here any more. I can't be with these people any more"...wah wah wah...poor baby. She got played, and can't deal with it. She gets blindsided and all of a sudden, she is just done with the game...ridiculous.

McCrae Knows it's the End
McCrae is depressed because Amanda is important to him, and important to his game. Well, that's where you're wrong buddy. He's a target by association. He has laid low and done basically nothing, while Amanda has run the game and her mouth. If it wasn't for her, no one would know he even existed.

Elissa Eavesdrops
Elissa overhears Andy and Amanda and she gets a feeling that he is more loyal to Amanda than to her. He admits to playing both sides of the house...definition of a FLOATER. I don't know why he was so upset by Zingbot when he called him a floater...that's exactly what he is! When Spencer tells Amanda and Andy that Elissa was listening at the door, you could almost literally see steam coming out her ears. She immediately STORMS out of the storage room, and THREW open the door to go after Elissa. It sure seemed like she was hoping that Elissa was still at the door so she could bash her head with the door. It's a good thing she wasn't, because she would have been hurt pretty badly.

Veto Competition

Players: GinaMarie, Amanda, McCrae, Elissa, Spencer (as chosen by Amanda as houseguest's choice), Andy

Haha...tutus! I don't know who looked more ridiculous Spencer, Andy or Judd! The challenge is to knock down 4 pins before anyone else...but the challenge is that they have to do 15 spins first. This is going to be good!

Elissa and Amanda are up first, and Amanda wins...barf. Uh oh, Amanda's getting sick...darn.

Andy is up next and he picks, yep, Amanda. Poor thing, she didn't even get a break. And, she beats Andy, just as he wanted. He picked her because he wanted to be able to tell her that he threw it to her.

GinaMarie is up and she picks Amanda! McCrae just thinks it's awful that they keep picking on her. GinaMarie thought it would be so easy because she was a dancer, so she was just going to spin as fast as she can and not get dizzy. Then knocking down the balls will be easy. But wow...Amanda kills her!

McCrae picks Spencer. McCrae wins, and boy does he look like a girl in that tutu! Spencer had absolutely no technique, he was just chucking it as hard as he could...not even close. Nice job.

Final Round Amanda vs. McCrae--let's hope he doesn't throw it to her. The funniest part was when he compared going against Amanda in the final round to taking Old Yeller out to the field to put her down. Wow!!!! That's a good one! And thankfully, the lesser of 2 evils, McCrae 1 pin just seconds before Amanda! And then HE pukes his guts out, in the most horrendous sounding puking to ever be aired on national television. Thanks CBS. During this incident, Amanda goes and lays down far away from him and hyperventilates.

It's kind of funny how Amanda was so ready to go home, and now all of a sudden she puts on her game face and says that she isn't McCrae's girlfriend, she's his worst enemy. And she says she wants to be here just as much as he't think so...he wasn't ready to leave after being nominated. But after losing, she's back to saying that her game is over. Well, we can only hope.

And Here Come the Waterworks
Amanda tells McCrae he did a good job and won fair and square, "and I promise I didn't throw it." Then she starts bawling and wondering why everyone kept picking her. "I tried really hard", wah wah wah.

Veto Ceremony
McCrae wisely chooses to save himself. I'm glad he hasn't completely lost his mind, and chose to keep his Veto instead of use it on Amanda.

GinaMarie puts Spencer up as the pawn. It's a pretty sure thing that Amanda is going home. But you know what they say in Big Brother...sometimes the pawn goes home. Spencer has been up, how many times now? Like 6 or something like that? You can't go up that many times and not go home eventually. His time is coming, lets just hope it's not tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a double eviction, and anything can happen...

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