Thursday, September 5, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.28

500th Episode!

It's another double eviction night people! Everyone, as we prepare for tonight's live show, can we all bow our heads and say a little prayer? Please let Amanda be voted out, followed by floaters Andy and Spencer. Thank you.

To catch up everyone who doesn't watch the live feeds (like me). I've used my Twitter resources to find out what's been happening in the house, and it's been a very strange turn of events. Somehow Amanda has managed to persuade Elissa into wanting to keep her! I know, right?! 2 people who have hated each other from day 1. Elissa has gone so far as to give Amanda her wedding ring as assurance that she is with her. They think they have Andy, but I'm hearing that they really don't. So, what should happen is that McCrae and Elissa will both vote for Spencer, and Andy and Judd will vote for Amanda. That means it's a tie, which would go to GinaMarie for the tie-breaker. Apparently, her and Amanda had an epic hour-long fight last night, that started because GinaMarie thought Amanda smirked at her. It got really heated and nasty, so it would be a pretty big shocker if she didn't vote her out. But, stranger things have happened. OK, here we go!

Amanda's Last Pitch
Amanda swears that if Elissa will keep her, she will protect her and so will McCrae and Andy. Amanda told her that she is the next target when Amanda's gone. Sure didn't take much, and Elissa is on board. Andy is about to be outed, because he doesn't want to keep Amanda. Spencer is now worried because he pretty much volunteered to be the pawn. Rule #1: DON'T EVER VOLUNTEER TO BE THE PAWN!

Votes for Eviction #1

GinaMarie tie-breaker--AMANDA!!! (And in case you were wondering, she delivered the news wearing Nick's hat)

Ooh, the look on Amanda's face when Julie said it was a tie was priceless! And she got even more boos than for Aaryn! On her way out, she says to Andy that she thought she could trust him, and he said "you could". she couldn't, you voted her out!

Amanda is "dumbfounded". She really doesn't know what happened. Too bad.

Bullying questions--she said going into the house she said she hates people who bully other people. Cue laughs from the crowd. She thinks she could have been nicer to people in the house. Really.

Great speech from Andy on his goodbye message. He outed the Exterminator alliance and said he came to win the game, not get 3rd to a power couple. Exactly! But...Amanda is going to jury, why are you outing yourself now? Think about it!

Goal 1: Get Amanda out, Goal 2: Elissa or Judd win HOH. One down, one to go...

HOH Competition
Like dogs, they must dig to find bones. This brings back memories of the ill-fated, missing clown shoe for Jeff a few seasons ago.

And it's McCrae with the win. Yuck and barf. Looks like Elissa is doomed, and Andy will probably go up because of his betrayal to McCrae's queen.

McCrae nominates Elissa and GinaMarie.

I was really hoping that Elissa's last minute try to save Amanda would put her in good standings with McCrae. I mean, come on, Andy flipped on your alliance and you don't put him up? What's up with that? So, without Amanda, he has actually won a competition and made a decision on his own for the very first time. OK, so maybe she was the smart one with his decision.

Veto Competition
As bad as I want Elissa to win, I have a horrible feeling that she will be terrible at this maze. And wouldn't you know...she's in dead last. And it's Judd with the win! And what are the chances he will use it? He was sort of working with Elissa, but he is in the Exterminators with GM, so if he uses it on anyone it would be her...but then another one of the Exterminators, Spencer or Andy would go up. I'm guessing it's bros before hoes, so I think it will stay the same. It will be a 3-0 easy vote, I'm guessing.

Veto Ceremony
Will Judd make a "game move" and go against his Exterminator buddies? I doubt it. It would be funny, but I doubt it, he would make too many enemies. And who would have thought that Judd's backdooring would have an effect on his decision? Both Elissa and GinaMarie referenced it and Elissa said she didn't know anything about it, while GM said Elissa DID know and that she didn't because everyone keeps her in the dark, "believe it". Nick's hat update: GinaMarie still wearing it during Veto Ceremony. Take it off, you're embarrassing yourself psycho!

Judd does NOT use the Veto.

Votes for Eviction #2

With a vote of 3-0, Elissa is voted out. I don't know why all the guys were so "ecstatic" to evict Elissa. They all really hated her, and I don't really know why.

Oh my...Elissa is very confused...she thinks MCCRAE flipped and didn't vote to keep Amanda! Only because Andy looked so shocked. OK, so did she not hear what Amanda said on the way out? And Andy is not that good of an actor, come on! Too bad she doesn't get any goodbye messages so Andy can spill some more beans about what was going on.

So, we are down to officially 1 person kind of worth rooting for: Judd. I would also say McCrae if it hadn't been for that one little mistake...oh, what was it...oh, yeah AMANDA!

Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!

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