Thursday, September 12, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.31

And Then There Were 4
Last night we said goodbye to Judd for a second time. I don't know what McCrae is thinking. He continues to get rid of the people he has the most chance of working with. He is all by himself, he needs to work with someone. He can't rely on winning every competition to save himself. If he doesn't win the Veto, he is toast.

Nominations Talk
Andy knows he's putting up McCrae, but his dilemma lies on which of his Exterminator buddies goes up next to him. In true floater Andy fashion, he can't make the decision himself because he doesn't want to make GM or Spencer mad at him. Grow some balls dude! You're HOH, at least make 1 decision yourself. But since you asked, hopefully Spencer will volunteer again.

Nomination Ceremony
McCrae and Spencer. McCrae was not a shocker, but I am a little surprised that he put up Spencer. I thought he told him that he would never put him up.

Jury House

The girls "welcome" Aaryn, Amanda and Elissa to the Jury House. Aaryn starts by apologizing for the hurtful things she said. She said that's not who she is and she hopes they can get to know her outside of the game. She said the game was stressful and caused her to say things she didn't mean. Um, Aaryn, you said most of the nasty stuff in the first couple of weeks before anything was stressful, so stop making excuses.

Amanda fills the gang in on the secret alliance, the Exterminators and how Andy was the one who turned on her and had been lying to everyone. She also returned Elissa's ring to her and thanked her for keeping her word.

Elissa followed and Amanda told her that McCrae didn't know that she was not the one who turned on her (Amanda), and she apologized for him.

Amanda then told everyone that America hates her because she got a lot of boos. Aaryn said "me too!"

Later, Judd joins the group as the only guy...poor thing! Things get REALLY heated when Judd says he thinks GinaMarie is the smartest one in the Exterminators and has the support of the Jury. Elissa agreed, but Amanda and Candice did not! Then the fight shifted to McCrae and how he was a floater. Of course Amanda has a big problem with that! She said he laid low because she was the one who did all the talking. I'm a little surprised that Aaryn isn't getting in on the argument to stand up for GM, but she said she is tired of the drama and is just ready for it to be over. She isn't too happy that Amanda is the same person in the Jury that she was in the house.

Veto Competition: Web of Lies
They have to put up houseguests' pictures that match events/clues in the order they occurred on their spider webs. They hit the buzzer to see if they are right. If they are wrong, all the pieces fall off and they have to start you want to make sure you think you have it.

Really wanted McCrae to win this...really, really bad, so he could vote out Spencer. But stupid Andy had to go and get it on the first try. McCrae will be voted out and the Exterminators make it to the final 3. YUCK! Why did Andy have to go and start actually winning things?

Spencer and Andy Weigh Their Options
Spencer and Andy talk about their chances against McCrae and GinaMarie. They don't think they can beat her. Spencer tells McCrae that he should pitch to Andy how dangerous GM is. He thinks this is a good idea. Could he really not think of that on his own? He keeps saying that he thinks the others are working together, but he really just didn't do anything about it. At least he recognizes now that he shouldn't have gotten Elissa out because he could have trusted her. Obviously, the whole Amanda thing clouded his judgement and by the time she left, he was so lost and didn't know what was going on around him in time to do anything about it.

Veto Meeting
Julie said that just minutes ago, Spencer, GinaMarie and Andy came clean and told McCrae about their alliance! That's interesting...wonder what their thinking on that was. Did they feel bad about blindsiding him?

Andy chooses not to use the Veto. GinaMarie casts the only vote and she chooses to evict: McCrae.

In his final words, he says he wishes he would have distanced himself from Amanda more...and the crowd cheered! Ha! I think he just got his first glimpse of what America thinks about his girl.

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