Monday, September 16, 2013

Big Brother Australia 10, Week 7 Recap

Tears for Heidi
Heidi's eviction hit a lot of people hard.  Tim really misses her and he said she made him feel like he was home. Matt and Ed were really annoyed by Tully's over-the-top crying fest over Heidi leaving. They said she was making the moment all about her again. She said she was so upset because for 2 weeks in a row she thought she should have been evicted over the person who really left. If only that could have been true. I'm so over her! I know Drew would be upset, but her leaving would be the best thing that could happen to him.

The Battle is On!
The misfits think that the cool kids are all going home, and that they now have the numbers. Drew goes back and reports what they are saying, and Tahan blows a gasket! She rushes in to talk to Big Brother about the girls: Mikkayla, the Sugar Sisters and Jade. She really can't stand them and is bound and determined to take them all down if it's the last thing she does!


Drew is told that his Nomination Super Power this week is "The Predictor". This is huge! He will watch every nomination, but he won't get to hear anything. Before each person nominates, he will predict the 2 people that each housemate is going to nominate. For each correct prediction, he will earn 1 point to nominate with at the end. If he is correct with every vote, he will earn a total of 18 points to nominate with! But if he gets them all wrong, he will not get any points to nominate with. I think he is pretty smart and in tune with what people think, so I think he will do well. Also, he doesn't have any restrictions on how many people or how many points to use at a time. This is absolutely huge!

Tahan--he thinks she will nominate Katie/Lucy and Ben; she nominates Jade and Katie/Lucy = 1 point
Jade--he thinks she will nominate Tahan and Tully; she nominates Tahan and Ben = 1 point
Ben--he thinks he will nominate Tim and Mikkayla; he nominates Ed and Tahan = 0 points
Mikkayla--he thinks she will nominate Tahan and Matt; she nominates Ben and Matt = 1 point
Ed--he thinks he will nominate himself (Drew) and Tim; he nominates Mikkayla and Katie/Lucy = 0 points
Matt--he thinks he will nominate himself (Drew) and Tim; he nominates Tim and Mikkayla = 1 point
Tully--he thinks she will nominate Katie/Lucy and Jade; she nominates Katie/Lucy and Mikkayla = 1 point
Katie/Lucy--he thinks they will nominate Tahan and Matt; they nominate Tahan and Ed = 1 point
Tim--he thinks he will nominate Matt and Jade; he nominates Ed and Matt = 1 point

Drew ends up with 7 points to nominate. It wasn't a great showing for Drew, but these people are really unpredictable, so I know it had to be hard. At least he earned his 5 points plus a couple extra, so not too shabby.

Drew nominates Ed for 3 points, Jade for 2 points (what?!?!) and Ben for 2 points.

Who would have guessed that Drew and Tully would both receive 0 points?! I really thought Tully would get a few, especially since Ed and Matt were so annoyed with her for her crying.

Nomination Standings
Ed - 12
Tahan - 9
Katie/Lucy - 7
Mikkayla - 7
Ben - 6
Jade - 4
Tim - 4

With a tie for 6th place, Ed will decide between Jade and Tim. It's pretty obvious that he is going to choose Tim, but he really struggled with the decision. Ultimately, he chose Jade! He said it was because he thought Tim was too strong. Wow! He might not be such a Prince Charming after all. I love that Sonja said that he was using her as a human shield! That was funny!

His decision is even more shocking after watching what happened Friday night at the Late Night Feast...they had some major making out (or pashing, as they say) going on. He then crawled into HER bed that night! It's pretty safe to say she is pretty hurt. Poor Ed, though...I feel bad for him because he is pretty upset at himself for doing it to her. She actually wasn't as upset at him as I thought she would be. She actually said she would have slapped him if he didn't make that choice.

Late Night Feast: Big Brother's Got Talent
For this week's Late Night Feast, Big Brother is providing the meal, and they are providing the entertainment. They get to get all dressed up in fun outfits and put on all kinds of talents.

Jade and Katie/Lucy -- they tell a story about Lucy's make-up routine. Katie was hiding behind her and her arms were doing Lucy's make-up...very funny!
Matt and Ed -- 2 words: rhythmic gymnastics! lol! Absolutely hysterical! They were so into it!
Drew -- he did a mime act. I loved his make-up and I loved Tim's very, very loud laughing in the audience. Tim said he would actually pay to watch Drew even though he doesn't normally like mimes because they are creepy. But Drew actually helped him understand what miming actually was...too funny!
Ben and Mikkayla -- poetry in motion; Mikkayla started the poem seriously, and then Ben ended each line with a hilarious rhyme...very clever and funny!
Heidi and Tully -- ballerina act
Tim and Drew -- ventriloquist act; Drew was his dummy, Mr. Chuckles and he was holding onto Drew's hair in the back and using that to move his head around. Tim's jokes about each person were so good. He had me laughing so hard I was crying! In the DR, Tim was talking about Mr. Chuckles and he said that he wished he could have Mr. Chuckles around all the time. Then he said that he thinks Mr. Chuckles is inside his head...and then he confused himself about whether or not Mr. Chuckles is real or not. Oh my Tim!
Tahan and Tully -- body shot extravaganza, with Ed!
Tim and Tully -- love sloth--Tim was dressed up like a sloth and Tully was the tree...just weird.
Ben -- of all things, he did air guitar!
Ben, Matt, Tim, Ed and Drew -- RIVER DANCE! I think Drew was the best. Tim was spastic and his legs were going all over the place! Ben looked like he was going to fall over the whole time (and he did...several times...but in the DR, he did it perfectly). At the end when Ben knocked over the sign, he just kept saying "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry!"
Ed and Matt -- Strip ALL came off! Holy crap! I don't know who was more excited, the girls or Ben!

Shopping Task
They will perform many timed tasks in order to win sand. The sand will be added to an hour glass. At the end of all the tasks, one housemate will go into a booth with $500 dollars floating around. The longer they have, the more money they will be able to grab for their luxury shopping budget.

-Ed and Matt successfully shut off an alarm clock in a room full of clocks.
-The 3rd Sugar Sister--Big Brother gives Tahan a dress like the Sugar Sisters and gives her a blond wig. As part of the task, they have to spend 3 hours together in order to win a bucket of sand. I think Tahan might kill herself before the 3 hours are up. She made it and they got their sand, but I think she was seriously dying inside.
-Mat and Ben have to build a house of cards. Outside, the housemates are faced with a button that says "press for music". This button turns on a fan that blows Matt and Ben's cards down. Poor Matt and Ben were having a hard time even before the fan started blowing. They were going nuts! They failed.
-Drew and Jade have to count sheep on a monitor for one hour. They get a bed and have some hot chocolate. Drew used this time to find out how Jade is doing because she was upset earlier. I think they are forgetting to watch the sheep though...I don't care if they lose this task, if it means they can get their relationship back on track. Oh, they are still counting! And they win the task!
-Tully and Mikkayla have 30 minutes to clean up the kitchen: Big Brother says that Mr. Clooney had a late night party with some friends. They passed the task.
-Mikkayla and Ben fail to stop all of the clocks from ringing, so they lose that task.

Tully is chosen to go into the money booth, and shockingly she comes out with $430, just $70 short of the entire thing!

Dance for Your Dinner
Matt and Ed are this week's players for their Family Dinner. They have to dance for a half hour in a silent disco: they have head phones on and they are the only ones who can hear the music. If they win, they will win Mexican food for the house. At one point they were slow dancing together, it was so cute! Move over Caleb, it looks like Matt has a new bromance!

They were successful!

The final is down to Drew and Jade! Battle of the Exes! And it's Drew!!! Big week for Drew! First he had the Nomination Super Power and now he has the Showdown win. Who will he save and who will he put in their place? It's pretty safe to say that Tully won't be going up...darn it!

Drew saves Jade and puts Matthew in her place! I'm glad Drew came to her rescue this week!

Drew picks Ben to stay in the Presidential Suite with him. How cute, and what a good choice! Ben is so excited! They are so cute and funny when they were trying to figure out what movie to watch.

Surley presents himself to Drew and Tim. He gives them the task of putting smelly fish under the Sugar Sister's pillows along with some smelly socks. The girls eventually find the fish and they go nuts trying to figure out how they got there. Big Brother tells Tim and Drew that Surley said they can keep the fish as their prize. What a bummer!

Tim Gets Bored = Bro Wedding!
Tim is really bored and he tells Big Brother that he wants to take a course so he could marry someone. He then goes around asking who wants to get married. Matt proposes to Ed and he accepts! It was too cute! Matt got down on one knee and everything!

They have the wedding, and Tim pronounces them "bros". But before he gets to that, just as planned, Jade stood up to object because Ed was hers first. To that, Matt replied "mates before dates". Too funny! "Til death do us part...or eviction."

Voting Results
22.2% - Ben!!! He is fake evicted!
20.8% - Tahan
16.6% -  Ed
16.1% - Mikkayla
12.6% - Katie & Lucy
11.7% - Matt

NO!!!! Not Matty! First Caleb and now Matt...this just isn't right! And guess what?! Tully is crying the most out of anyone! Big surprise! Poor Ed is losing his faux sad. Yet, Tully is more devastated than him. I sure am going to miss those muscles.

Matt chooses to give Ed the Nomination Super Power. No surprise there!

Fake Eviction
The fake eviction is revealed, and Ben will be leaving the house for 24 hours. He surprisingly took his "eviction" really well! He really prepared himself well and was consoling everyone else. I thought he might be a mess. Who would have thought that EVERY single person in the house would be sobbing uncontrollably, including Ed and Drew! The worst culprits were Katie/Lucy and Mikkayla. Wow, I don't think they are going to make it!

So, Ben is escorted into the Presidential Suite by the ninja. He is then given some headphones and Sonja comes to him on the TV screen. She tells him his eviction is fake and he loses it! So cute!

Not only is he safe this week, he is going to be working with Big Brother. He will be in the Presidential Suite during the next nominations, and he will be immune from the next eviction. He will get to spy on the other housemates as well as ask questions and stage manage what goes on. He even gets to have a hand in the task and an impact on the nomination Super Power! That is so much power for little Ben!

Big Brother reminds Ben to be quiet while he is in the Presidential Suite, and he says "I'll keep my snorts to a minimum." Oh, that Ben!

Absolute craziness! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds!

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