Monday, September 30, 2013

Big Brother Australia 10, Week 9 Recap

Ben's Surprise
For his birthday, Ben is surprised by Bert and Patti Newton--his 2 favorite celebrities. He was sad when he didn't get a party like the rest of the housemates did, but Big Brother had a surprise up his sleeve.  Big Brother blindfolds Ben and takes him outside to the Garden of Eden. He thinks it's so beautiful and he says "Oh Ben don't cry"...and he hasn't even met Bert and Patti yet! He is led back to the DR and then back out to the backyard where Bert and Patti are singing "Happy Birthday" to him! It's hugs and tears all around! So cute Ben! He told them how much he idolized them growing up and they said that he is their favorite housemate. They even brought him a present! Then they sing him a song from his favorite album, and Ben gets to dance with Patti. He was in heaven!

Patti gives Ben a little makeover, and she gives him one of Bert's toupee's! Oh my...that is hilarious! With Bert's matching glasses, and new toupee, they could be twins!

Finally, Ben gets to share Bert and Patti with the rest of the housemates.

Intruder Alert!
An alarm sounds and red lights flash, as the TV screen says "Intruder Alert". 2 new housemates are on their way. One is a nice guy and the other is a trouble maker who is looking to take Tim down. Things are about to get interesting. 2 will enter and the public will vote to get rid of one of them.

Intruder #1 is Justynn: "not spelled with an 'in', with a 'ynn' because my mother hated me." He's a lumberjack and he wants to stir up some trouble. He says he is going to be Tim's "friend". He seems really funny, it will be interesting to see how the others react to him.

Intruder #2 is Nathan, the "gay Mr. T", who is a trivia show host. He seems like a nice guy, and I think he and Ben will get along well. He definitely isn't as exciting as Justynn, that's for sure.


There will be no nominations this week, because everyone is nominated! The only way to escape is to win Showdown. That is crazy! And what they don't know is that the winner will also be able to save a friend! Yay!

School-Themed Late Night Feast
I don't normally recap the Late Night Feasts, but this one was too funny! They all got dressed up like school kids in uniforms. The girls were cute and the guys looked hot! They were served food on trays and even took a class photo. They were all so cute! Tim's dad was actually a principal.

All of them were talking about what the others would be like in school. Like Tim would be the bully and the troublemaker always sent to the principal's office.

Tim and Drew decided to be a bit naughty and they started shooting spitballs at the girls. Drew landed one right on Jade's boob! Drew got sent to the naughty corner and he had to sit facing the wall, and then he had to apologize to the group. Too funny!

Sleeping Arrangements
With 2 new intruders, they need to find  a place to sleep. There is a double bed and a single bed available in the main bedroom. Justynn said he wants to "Crocodile Dundee" it and sleep on the floor! Who is this guy?! He goes out to the living room, and he was just going to sleep on the floor! That was until Tim told him the lights don't go off. So, he decided to go back to the bedroom, but he's going to sleep next to the bed. Being new, I wouldn't think it would be smart to separate from the group like that. He did try to sleep in the bed, but he said he just couldn't do it, so he moved all his bedding to the floor. Nathan, on the other hand, chooses the double bed. Drew moved to a single bed now since Tully is gone. I'm surprised that Jade and Ed didn't decide to move over to the double. But it was pretty funny that they said that Ed moved over to Jade's bed, and now he doesn't have a choice of moving out: "he made his bed and now he has to lie in it."

Shopping Task
The task is a "LOL" task. Every time they hear the LOL noise, they are supposed to laugh uncontrollably until they hear the LOL sound effect. If they don't laugh uncontrollably, they will fail the task. I would think it should be pretty easy to do. The hard part is keeping it going until you hear the sound. I love watching them laugh! First Big Brother tells a rather unfunny joke, but they laugh uncontrollably. Next Nathan has to get up and do stand-up. He had some good jokes, but his last joke of "Justynn is going to be the one to stay in the house, he didn't think that was so funny.

The task is a little harder when they are just waking up in the morning and have to keep the laugh going.

Tahan and Ed are called to the DR. Tahan is to wax Ed, and he has to laugh about it! Poor Ed! First bananas and now waxing! Leave the poor guy alone.

After a few more things like Mikkayla having to pull Big Brother's finger and a clown entering the living room, Big Brother announces that they have won the task. Everyone discusses with Nathan about how the house decides what to put on the shopping list. She said she writes things and Drew adds up the amounts. She said if Justynn tries to ruin things because he's not a team player, then she is going to tell him that she isn't going to write down whatever he says. Mikkayla tries to explain to Justynn what is going to happen and he flipped out and just walked away.

Operation Prank Tim
Tim is notorious for pranking the rest of the housemates. Finally, it was time to get him back. Drew and Tahan ground chillis into a powder. They put on gloves, and get all of his underwear, and they carefully rub the powder all over! Drew put some in his own to see if it worked. It did not, so they added even more to Tim's. Later, he put on a new pair, and he started walking funny. He said "it's like someone put chillis in my undies!" lol! Success!

Tahan beats out Jade for the win! She chooses to save Ben from eviction, along with herself of course. She chooses to spend the night in the Presidential Suite with Ed. She had a very hard time making the decision and wavered back and forth many times. Before Ed left, he left Jade something under her pillow..his boxers. In the suite, Tahan tells Ed that Jade thinks that they are going to end up together. He is a little surprised, because from his point of view, he doesn't think she thinks that. Wow, he really is delusional isn't he?!

Jade came in second, and she got a consolation prize. She appeared in Italy's Next Top Model, and Big Brother allows her to watch the finale of the Australian Next Top Model. 

Family Dinner
Tim and Justynn are selected to compete for the family dinner this week. Justynn has to read each Tim's mind and answer how he thinks Tim will answer. Some of them were legitimate, but some were just crazy! There is no way to know what Tim would say. They got 3 of 7, so they failed.

Big Brother also said that they are responsible for steering the conversations at dinner and coming up with the topics of discussion. Tim has already been giving Justynn ideas about how to push people's buttons, so this is going to get ugly I think. Ed is his main target; he really wants to get under his skin.

Tim and Justynn lie and say they won their challenge and said they own a Chinese banquet.  Oh boy, this is not going to end well. Doesn't Tim remember how bad things went after he pretended it was his birthday? He had fun for awhile, but he got himself in a lot of trouble. They say that the food is going to be delivered, so that is why they aren't cooking anything. They've been on staples for days, so they don't have anything to make.

They call them to the kitchen, where there is nothing on the table but crackers. They say there will be 5 courses and there will be one topic of conversation per course. First topic (from Justynn): blondes are bimbos. Wow, going in for the kill on topic #1. Obviously, Katie and Lucy, and Jade are offended.

After they exhausted the topic, Mikkayla says she needs more food or she is going to pass out. Someone said they didn't think there were any other courses. Justynn appears offended and says because there is disbelief, there will be no more courses, so they should eat their crackers and be happy. He gets up from the table and throws bags of crackers back at the table. Not sure what type of reaction he is hoping for, but I don't think he's going to get the response he is hoping for. He then confesses that he couldn't tell them that he lost the first challenge that he was in.

Big Brother interrupts with the LOL sound, and calls Ben and Drew to the LOL stage. Oh I can't wait to see this! Drew does an impression of Tahan, and Ben guesses right. Then Ben does some funny jokes about his time as a flight attendant. They were really funny!

After the dinner, Tim got in trouble with everyone for how the dinner went. Justynn in the DR said he had hoped to build trust with people, and show that he and Tim are aligned. And then destroy everything. Tim tells everyone that he can't puppet master Justynn, and that he might have led him to the cliff, but he didn't push him over...he jumped!

Nathan's Dilemma
Big Brother presents Nathan with Tahan's hair dryer and Tim's jacket. Big Brother gives him the choice of returning one of these items to their respective owners. He said he doesn't trust Tim, and Tahan has been nothing but nice to him, so he is happy to give her her hair dryer. She was beyond ecstatic! Nathan refused to tell what he had to do to get it for her. That was probably smart of him.

Intruder Eviction
There is a surprise eviction planned for the intruders, and the normal house eviction will be on Wednesday. The public is voting on which intruder, Justynn or Nathan, should stay. The housemates also give their opinions on who to stay Big Brother:


When the group talks about who they told Big Brother they wanted to stay, Tahan lied and said she chose Nathan. Big Brother tells the group that if it was up to the house, Nathan would stay. He also says that it was not unanimous. Now everyone is trying to figure out who lied about their vote. She whispered to Tim her secret, and then everyone figured out she was lying. Then Tahan got mad at Tim.

It's time to go...Justynn! Justynn leaves and Nathan becomes an official housemate. Poor Justynn, it was like he was never there. The eviction wasn't live, so he didn't even get to go on stage like the rest. It wasn't even a close vote, Nathan got 73% of the vote.

Justynn did kind of have the last laugh though, through his goodbye message. He appeared very nice and sweet to everyone. They all wondered why he wasn't like that when he was in the house. However, he did throw Tim under the bus and told everyone to watch out for him and stop falling for his tricks.

Girl Intruders!
First we had 2 male intruders, and now Big Brother is bringing in 2 girl intruders. Boy won't Tim be excited! The 2 new girls are Boog (yes, Boog-luckily it's just her nickname, her real name is Alex) and Madaline. Boog is a tomboy with a high pitched, cartoonish voice, and she just seems like she really likes to have fun. I can't believe she was wearing a LeBron James Cavs jersey! Madaline is a brainy beauty. She seems like she might be a little on the dull side, but we'll see.

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