Sunday, September 1, 2013

Big Brother, Ep. 15.26

GinaMarie wins HOH this week, as we see the continuation of the egg challenge, where they had to maneuver 12 eggs through a maze of chicken wire first. She was really kicking butt. Andy was pretty close to her, while Amanda, Judd and Spencer were fighting for last.

The losers of the competition were Judd and Spencer, and they are forced to wear a chicken costume for 48 hours.

The Puppeting Continues

Amanda, being the sore loser that she is, immediately berates Elissa for being happy that GinaMarie won. She said she should wipe the smile off her face because she just sent her best friend home. Trying to deflect the obvious target off of her and McCrae, she tells GinaMarie that now she can get revenge on Elissa because she sent her best friend home.

But little do Amanda and McCrae know...this was a win for the Exterminators. GinaMarie knows that Amanda and McCrae were puppeting Aaryn. She said "I may be blonde, and I may be cute, but my name isn't Aaryn, it's GinaMarie. Ha!

GinaMarie does an awesome job of really making Amanda believe that she is putting up Elissa. Amanda is sure she has really good suggestions for who GinaMarie should be put up. If she puts up Judd and Elissa, no one will be mad and no one will be coming after her if they go home. If Amanda or McCrae go home, the other one won't be happy and Andy won't be happy. GM had another good line when she said that Amanda was right that she should put up 2 people that the whole house wants up, but what she doesn't know is that those 2 people are Amanda and McCrae.

More Bullying
Boy, I can't wait to watch Amanda eat crow after laughing at Elissa for thinking that she won't be going up on the block.

I think it's hilarious when Elissa just laughs while Amanda acts like a child by taunting and bullying her. She tells her to stop laughing because she's laughing alone. Well, Amanda won't be laughing for long. I seriously can't wait to see her face when GM puts both her and McCrae up. Elissa will have the final laugh.

Amanda is living in complete denial. I seriously don't know how in the world someone could be so clueless. Amanda has the nerve to start crying because ELISSA is so mean! Really? Elissa doesn't say a word to Amanda while she yells and taunts her 24/7. She tells Elissa that she doesn't want to fight with her, and Elissa says nothing and leaves the room. Then Amanda has the audacity to tell everyone that she wasn't trying to fight and Elissa walked away...just to antagonize her! I am not making this up people, she actually said this. She starts crying about not being in high school any more and she is over the way Elissa is being so mean to her. Everyone says they don't buy her tears one bit, but yet to Amanda's face they tell her just to not let what Elissa does bother her, and to be the bigger person and walk away when Elissa is being mean. Come on people, grow a pair! Tell Amanda she is being the bitch and that Elissa is not doing anything to her. When Elissa might say something back, it is only because of what Amanda has done/said first. It is just infuriating to watch, I can only imagine what it is like for those people who have to be around that woman every single minute of every day. They should all win for simply not self-evicting and putting up with's cruel and unusual torture.

Gotta love Spencer's go-to reaction when things get uncomfortable: "I'm going to go get some chocolate milk."

Luxury Competition
The houseguests find a ton of big balloons in the living room. They have to search through the balloons for 10,000. Amanda wants to win because Judd and McCrae have each already won $5,000. Spencer wants to win, so he has spending money on his vacation to the Bahamas. And it is in fact Spencer with the win.

Blindside Ceremony, -er...Nomination Ceremony
This is going to be the best, the absolute BEST nomination ceremony of the season...or maybe ever. Amanda is so sure that it is going to be Elissa and Judd. " I'm thinking it's going to be Elissa and Judd. I feel safe and happy and glorious and triumphant."

And there it is...the look of doom! Amanda is breathing so heavily and McCrae looks like his puppy died.

GM has a lot of great points to make in this speech, but, in true GM fashion, she can't speak correctly. She stumbled over the word "dynamic" about a dozen times. She even got it wrong after Judd said it once for her. She was getting so frustrated at herself for continually saying "dymatic". She then made a joke about people being chicken and not having the balls to put them up. She then looked at Judd and Spencer in their chicken suits and said "no point intended".

Lots of tears from both Amanda and McCrae. McCrae realizes that one of them is for sure going home and they won't be able to play with each other any more. And Amanda just doesn't know what went wrong. She thinks GM is just so dumb for doing it. was the right thing to do whether you like it or not.

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