Sunday, September 1, 2013

Big Brother Australia 10, Week 3 Recap

Ed was given the "Sounding Off" super power. He was allowed to pick 3 housemates to listen in as they make their nominations. Out of 3 sets of housemates, he was allowed to pick one from each group. He chose Xavier, Drew and Tim.

After all of the nominations, the point totals, and nominated housemates were as follows:
Tahan = 12
Tully = 12
Ben = 11
Xavier = 11
Rohan = 9
Matthew = 7
Mikkayla = 7

Because of the tie between Matthew and Mikkayla, Tahan and Tully (with the most nomination points) had to decide which one would come over to the Halfway House with them. They (Tahan mostly) decided on Mikkayla. Mikkayla goes in for the 2nd week in a row, while all of the others are nominated for the first time. It's also ironic, that Tahan was the one who saved Mikkayla in the previous week.

Xavier's Birthday
Big Brother teased Xavier with the opportunity to watch his favorite team on the tv, the Bulldogs. But, it was just a bunch of actual bulldogs. Later, the housemates all got to have a nice dinner and they celebrated by all getting into the hot tub at the same time...all of them...even Ben! Things got silly and Jasmin and Ed kissed in the hot tub. Jade was very jealous and hurt. A day or so before, Ed kind of told her that nothing was going to happen with them and that he didn't want to share a bed with her. This was after Jade had kissed him. So now Jade feels the same way about Jade that Drew feels about her.

Tim's Decision
Big Brother calls Tim into the Diary Room and asks him if he thinks he is less selfish than he was when he came into the house. To test Tim, Big Brother gives him the exact same choice that he did the first week: a pint of his favorite ice cream, or giving Tahan her hair dryer. Again, Tim's stomach wins, and he ate his ice cream. And in an almost complete de ja vu, Tahan sitting in the lounge of the Halfway House, and Tim comes out of the Diary Room laughing and he tells her that again, he chose the ice cream over her hair dryer.

Mysterious Box
A mysterious box appears on the kitchen table, with an attached note that says not to touch. Eventually, Big Brother tells them that they will be playing Pass the Parcel (apparently it's a popular game in Australia). Xavier is chosen (he volunteered) to control the music, which means he isn't eligible to win. He must turn away and randomly start and stop the music while the rest pass the parcel. When it stops, whoever is holding the parcel unwraps a layer of wrapping paper. On the last round, Xavier dropped the iPod, stopping the music while Mikkayla is holding the parcel. On the inside it told her she had to choose to save someone and replace that person with someone from the Safe House. She chooses to save herself, which means she has been saved twice now! She chooses Matthew as her replacement. Caleb takes it very hard, because he is now separated from his bromance.

Visit from a Celebrity
Big Brother tells the housemates that they are going to be visited by a major celebrity. This star has won Oscars and Golden Globes. They are all really excited and some are having fun getting all dressed up, but others are not. Mikkayla is very self-conscious and none of the dresses are fitting her and she already knows that she is not as tiny as the rest of the girls. Ben and Tahan try to comfort her and reassure her that she is beautiful the way she is.

Finally, the time comes for them to meet the celebrity out on the red carpet in the back yard. And out he comes...George Clooney! Sort's a dog, named George Clooney. Everyone is really excited and he starts running around everywhere. Big Brother informs them that he is there to stay. Mikkayla volunteers to be in charge of Mr. Clooney. This seems to brighten her mood quite a bit.

Bromance in Trouble, Rekindling Showmance
After Ed sort of rejected Jade, she started paying more attention to Drew again. This made Drew happy, yet confused at the same time. She was throwing him all kinds of different signals. One minute she is saying Drew isn't really her type (I don't know if she ever actually told him that), and that Ed is more her type. Now she tells Drew that she thinks he's attractive and that he is someone she would go for on the outside.

So, now that they are spending more time together, Drew doesn't have as much time for his bromance, Tim. Tim is sad because he doesn't see Drew very often. But, Drew did make some time for Tim one evening and they decided to play a trick on everyone and make it look like the dog took some people's belongings. They snuck them outside and put them near the dog house. Silly boys!

After another long Showdown, it was Tully who came out on top this week. Along with winning a night in the Presidential Suite and the super power, she also won $5,000. Tully chooses to spend her night in the Presidential Suite with Tahan, because she has been with her on both sides of the house and because she is also nominated and it could be her last night in the house as well.

Double Eviction!
Australia votes and when the voting lines are closed, the bottom 2 will be going home...oh dear! I really like this whole cast, so it's going to be hard to lose 1, let alone 2! My picks would be Tully and Rohan. Matthew, Ben and Xavier better not go anywhere!

The Voting % were as follows:
27% = Matthew
27% = Ben
16% = Tahan
14% = Tully
10% = Xavier (NO!!! I wasn't ready for him to go! I really wanted one of the whiny, girl criers to go)
6% = Rohan (what a bummer...poor guy got evicted on his birthday)

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