Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 27.7

Redemption Island
Kat talks about her mistakes and she is so worried that Hayden is going to be embarrassed and disappointed in her and that he's going to dump her.

Redemption Island Duel
Awe Kat! She called Hayden down to hug her and she said she was so sorry! Part of me wants to say "suck it up you baby", but part of me feels so sorry for her and thinks that their relationship is so cute. Hayden said that their relationship is much more important than the game of Survivor. Awe! I love him! Jeff puts Hayden's love for Kat to the test and asks if he wants to swap with her. Oh, please, Hayden....DOOOOONNNNTTTT!!! They talk it out, and Hayden says he thinks he's good on his tribe (I don't think it's good to be doing so much talking in front of everyone!), and they talk about who has the better chance to win and they both agree that he does. She said she would switch because she's afraid she won't win the puzzle. She said she is going to play because she knows it means a lot to him to play the game. Awe, he's in tears...she's in tears! I hope she can focus after that emotional decision! It was so nice to see Hayden's tribe comforting him, because they could see it was hard for him.

The challenge is to chop a rope to release a bag of puzzle pieces. John is out quickly and Laura is close behind. Kat can't get her pieces out and Hayden yells down to her to open the bag more...duh Kat! Get your head in the game! The puzzle is the same puzzle Cochran did to win immunity. It's a 3-D puzzle...these are always tough! John is doing amazing! Laura keeps looking at John's puzzle because she doesn't get it. Kat actually is getting it...with some help from Hayden. And John is done, and has win #4! Kat didn't want to cheat by looking at the other puzzles. Everyone is helping Kat, even Gervase! I'm surprised they are helping her so much. People from both tribes in the stands are rooting for her and helping her. Still, she is falling behind, and it's over. Laura stays with John and Kat is out.

Kat hugs Hayden on her way out and says "you're not going to break up with me are you?" Oh my...
I hope that Hayden is as safe as he thinks he is, and I hope that by not having Kat in the game will help him out.

John gives the clue to Monica, and of goes right into the fire. For the love of Pete...just give it to someone else already! This routine is just getting ridiculous...I bet the producers didn't predict this happening.


Things are very harmonious on Galang. Tina is trying to play matchmaker with Vytas and Katie, and she is ready for "grandbabies". Oh my goodness, Tina! She deserves to go home just for that alone. This is Survivor...stop worrying about hooking your daughter up!

I am really getting sick of Laura B.! I can't stand to listen to her talk...about anything. She's just really, really annoying!

The girls decide to stick together, even though Laura B. is crying her eyes out because she doesn't want to vote out Vytas. Suck it up, woman!

Awe, Hayden! I love hearing him talk about Kat. I so want him as my boyfriend! I hope he can clear his head and not drown in depression over losing Kat. The whole tribe was being really supportive of him...I love that!

Aras is the odd man out, and I don't like it! He is now the only one on the tribe with a loved one left. He needs to get his head in the game, and see that they are plotting against him. He thinks Tyson and Gervase are with him, but they are ready to cut him loose. They look like a pretty solid 5 (Tyson, Gervase, Hayden, Caleb and Ciera).

Aras goes off and does his yoga, and right away, I KNOW this is a bad thing. He obviously feels comfortable, but that is a huge red flag. When you feel comfortable, you should be worried. And when you're worried, you don't go off on your own and leave the rest of the tribe by themselves to talk about you while you're gone. And if you DO go off on your should be looking for the Idol, NOT doing yoga!

Immunity Challenge
All I have to say is that Tadhana BETTER not let the tribe of mostly girls beat them!

The tribes are hooked together by chains around their legs. Once through the obstacle course and they have retrieved their bags, they have to toss the ball and chain onto a ladder.

Ciera sits out and it's all guys against Galang's 3 girls and Vytas.

Galang gets out of the obstacle course first after retrieving the first bag. The obstacle course is very tight and with 4 people chained at the feet, they are getting all tangled up with themselves and the other tribe. Vytas is pulling Aras and Monica is blocking him from getting out of the course! Yikes! This is crazy! They finally all make it out and it's neck and neck.

It's Tyson vs. Tina in connecting the balls and chains. Tyson throwing for Tadhana worries me for 2 reasons. (1) They choose the guy who separated the shoulder on his dominant arm, and he has to throw something? (2) What if Tyson "throws" (as in loses on purpose) in order to try to get Aras out? Nope...don't like it at all...

Tyson gets his together first and starts tossing, but not by much before Tina. Tyson goes up 2 to 1. Tina ties it up...this is such a nail biter! I am going to be sick if Tina wins this for Galang. They each miss a couple, but it is Tyson with the win! Woohoo!!!!! Aras and Hayden are safe for another week!

For reward, Tadhana wins friend chicken, corn on the cob...yum!

Laura feels so bad about voting for Vytas. She doesn't think a blindside is fair, so she decides to tell him that he is going. Awe, that's awfully nice of her...but this is Survivor! I really hope they find out she did that, and they will vote HER out instead. Monica finds out, and now she doesn't think she can trust Laura. I agree...she's a loose cannon. Vytas may be a threat, but you have no idea what Laura is going to do. They all thought that they should have discussed that as a tribe, but Laura did what she wanted to do. Did she learn nothing from what happened to Kat last week? She needs to's not fair to vote out Kat because you couldn't trust her, but then keep Laura even though you can't trust her.

Tina then tells Vytas that it could be Laura who goes. There she goes again...Tina with the big mouth. She's another one they should be worried about and think about voting out...she does way too much talking (in this case it's OK, if it results in Laura being voted out).

If Galang wants to have any chance at all of winning an immunity challenge, they HAVE to keep Vytas. You can't assume that you are going to merge.

Tribal Council
Whoa! Laura comes right out at Tribal and tells everyone that she told Vytas he was going. And she wasn't even prompted! She just came right out with it. Come on your magic and sway those girls! He's got an opening, I hope he can pull it off again.


Woohoo! Vytas lives another day! So happy to see Laura go....she stayed way past her welcome. Apparently Laura didn't learn by what happened to Kat just last week.

Next week: looks like a merge, and Aras and Vytas will reunite; plus, the winner of the duel will re-enter the game. It's an endurance challenge, so it doesn't look good for John....this is a woman's type of challenge. Best of luck to ya buddy...I don't want a Laura to re-enter the game...Laura M. or Laura B.

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