Sunday, October 13, 2013

Big Brother Australia 10, Week 11 Recap

Intruder Bootcamp
The original housemates put Boog and Madaline through tasks to see if they could handle being a full-fledged housemate...but it's all just for fun.

Round 1-Dance Off
Round 2-Training Mr. Clooney
Round 3-?
Round 4-Conflict Resolution

Winner: BOTH! And they all earn a party. The theme is a kid's party.

Shopping Task: Rock, Paper, Scissors

Teams will be made of Rocks, Paper and Scissors. Following the rules of the game, they cannot occupy the same space as another group. So, if the Scissors are eating in the kitchen and the Rocks come in, the Scissors must leave. They will be tethered together for the duration of the game.

The teams:

Rocks--Tim, Tahan, Nathan, Madaline
Paper--Drew, Boog, Ben
Scissors--Jade, Ed, Mikkayla

Big Brother then switches up the teams:

Rocks--Tim, Boog, Jade
Paper--Mikkayla, Nathan, Tahan, Ben
Scissors--Drew, Ed, Madaline

A fight erupts over the spa, as teams keep over-taking the area. The Rocks want to make the spa theirs for the night, so they take yellow food coloring to make it look like Boog peed!

Sleeping arrangements got interesting, as they were still tied together. Oh no, Ben has to go to the bathroom at 4:30 in the morning!

Round 3:

Rocks--Drew, Madaline, Ben
Paper--Mikkayla, Ed. Jade
Scissors--Tim, Tahan, Boog

After seeming like they did a good job, Big Brother informed them that they have lost the task, which means they will be eating staples for the week.

Intruder Vote
One will stay and one will go. The housemates write down who they want to stay.

Tim -- Madaline
Mikkayla -- Madaline
Jade -- Madaline
Ed -- Madaline
Nathan -- Madaline
Drew -- Boog
Tahan -- Madaline
Ben -- Madaline

The Australian public still is the one with the final decision. Mikkalya reads off the name of the person who Australia chose to keep in the house, and that person is: Madaline. The vote was 55% for Boog and 45% for Madaline. I'm a little surprised it was that close.

Just as Madaline is on her way out, Big Brother has a big announcement. He says that another housemate came to the was Nathan. Nathan said he thinks he's too different and that he isn't fitting in and showing his true self. He said he thought he was strong enough for the challenge. He says that he would like to go in order for both girls to stay. WOW. What a guy. He realizes that the house is so happy with both of the girls and he truly loves them both.

For the first time ever, a housemate has chosen to walk away from the game in order to save another.

So, as it stands, Nathan is sent home and both Boog and Madaline are now housemates.

Family Dinner
Ben and Madaline are playing for this week's dinner, which is a bbq. If they lose, they get nothing. The game is "Animal Instinct". Ben has to put on animal costumes and Madaline is blindfolded. She can ask him questions to figure out what he is. I'm not sure why Big Brother makes him put on a big bulky costume when she can't see him. Oh well...they pass!

Mr. Clooney decided to help himself to some of the salad that was on the table while Mikkayla wasn't looking!

The winner will be the new holder of the Nominations Super Power, plus they get a night in the Presidential Suite with someone of their choice.

Boog and Mikkayla battle it out in the final, and it's Mikkayla, the cat with 9 lives, for the win!

Mikkayla chooses to take Boog to the Presidential Suite. Boog doesn't think Mikkayla likes her, and Mikkayla wanted to use the time to get to know her better, even though she annoys her.

Tim's Dilemma
Tahan plays an angel and Boog plays a devil over his shoulder.They are there to help him choose. He can choose his favorite jacket or 3 Swiss balls so the house can play handball. He decides to go with the Swiss balls to prove to the house that he does have a heart.

Ed & Jade's Date Via Surly
Big Brother said that Ed has been requesting to take Jade out on a date. Surly comes to Ed with the opportunity to do just that. However, Surly is running the date.

They are both so nervous and are asking everyone for advice.

Big Brother sets up the Garden of Eden in the most beautiful, romantic setting.

During the 2nd course, Ed is called away for Surly to give him something to say. There are going to be 5 courses, and after each one, he has to say something. If he doesn't the date is over.

1st challenge: "You smell like my grandmother." and "You have exquisite elbows, can I touch them?"
2nd challenge: Come up with pet names for each other, and his for Jade is "my lady Jadey" and he has to say that him mom dressed him like a girl until he was 5 to tell him apart from his twin.
3rd challenge: Tell her he wants to take up acting and that he wants tips about how to play James Bond, and then he has to lick his plate clean.
4th challenge: He has to tell Jade that he has been asking Big Brother for something from the outside that means a lot to him. He will open whatever it is when he is with Jade and he has to make up his story on the spot.

It's safe to say the date was a success.

Eviction Results
32.1% - Tahan (What?!?! That is a shocker!)
17.8% - Tim
17.0% - Drew
16.9% - Ed
16.2% - Ben

The housemates are absolutely devastated! It is such a sad night, I can't believe he's actually gone! What went wrong with Australia's voting this week?! Good ol' Ben on his 2nd eviction, again, took it so much better than everyone else. He said he kind of knew it was coming this week. I hoped he would be ok with it because he was having a tough week. He cried with Tim, saying that he didn't have anything waiting for him on the outside. I hope that now, he will see just how much everyone loves him. He is adored by so many.

I can't believe how extremely close the bottom 4 were! It could have been anyone of those 4. I don't know what that means for the coming weeks. Like Sonia said, the top vote getter has been different every week. People move up and down the board every week, so you just really never know.

Ben's Gone!
The continued confusion over Ben's loss is just on-going! Tim is crying, Drew is crying! Tim said he thought it would be him and Ben in the end, and he thinks Ben deserved it more than him. It is so sweet to hear everyone talk about their loving feelings for him.

His goodbye message was so him, and it was so heartfelt. I think they all really loved his message. It was so cute and funny.

Nomination Super Power
Even though she has the Super Power, Mikkayla has to make her nominations before she finds out her power and before she gets to use it. Mikkayla's Super Power is "The Infiltrator". She gets to infiltrate 2 housemates' nominations. She will get to steal 2 nomination points from 2 housemates and use them for herself. They will get to see them and she will get to see them during their nomination time--because they will be doing it all in the Diary Room together. She chooses Boogs and Tahan.

Mikkayla's first votes are for Tahan and Boog.

Tahan chooses to nominate Mikkayla. Mikkayla chooses Drew for her 2 points.
Boog chooses to nominate Madaline. Mikkayla again chooses Drew for 2 points. No Mikkayla!

Nomination Results
This week there are 3 nominees:

Boog - 11
Mikkayla - 8
Tahan - 5

These nominations are final, so 1 of the 3 girls WILL be going home! I'm actually really excited about these nominations! Tim and Drew are safe! Woohoo! I kind of want Boog to go, or Mikkayla, I guess. I like Tahan more than Mikkayla...but not by much. I do like Boog, but I don't think the whole intruder thing is fair to the ones who have survived from the beginning.

Tim and Drew Make Fire
Tim and Drew got bored and decided to play with vanity mirrors. They were pointing them at the sun to see what would happen. Big Brother told them to stop immediately. Soon after, as Tim was sitting next to the mirror, he jumped up screaming because his shorts were getting hot! Lol!

Boog's Dirty Laundry
During the Rock, Paper, Scissors challenge when Boog, Tim and Drew were connected, they were hiding chocolate. Boog didn't realize that she was sitting on a piece. Later when she bent over, Tim goes "you've got something on your ass!" The chocolate was smeared all over her underwear, which was visible under her skirt. Drew and Tim fell to the floor laughing. I laughed so hard I was crying! It was seriously so funny! She took it all in stride and said everyone has to do it once in their life...and this was her second time!

2 Groups are Forming
The housemates are starting to see 2 groups o 4 forming in the house.

Misfits: Tim, Drew, Tahan and Boog
Popular: Ed, Jade, Mikkayla and Madaline

Tim says the other group constantly leaves the group and it leaves just the 4 misfits. They just want to have fun, and it doesn't matter who it's with, but the others just don't like them.

Tim and Ed get into an argument, and it seems that they will just never see eye to eye. They really just misunderstand each other. Ed tells Tim that he often feels excluded...really, Ed? It's more of his own doing in a similar way that Drew and Tully were always together...he does the same thing with Jade. According to Tahan, their argument lasted more than an hour and half!

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