Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 27.6

Aras realizes that he is in fact the person in charge, as Laura M. was sent packing, and that is not a good place to be. Meanwhile, his fears are right, because Tyson and Gervase talk about the problem if Aras and Vytas get together. They are both on the same page in being OK with him for the moment, but they may have to "dethrone King Aras". Uh-oh! Me no likey!

Redemption Island Duel
Laura M. was VERY confident in saying that she was coming back and she wouldn't even hear of Ciera even thinking about swapping with her.

This challenge is almost exactly the same as one of the earlier ones. They have to walk on a balance beam and untie bags of puzzle pieces, and then complete the puzzle. The difference was that the puzzle pieces were numbers that they just had to put in order. Other than the balance beam, how difficult was this, really? Putting numbers in order? Probably the easiest challenge ever!

Laura is in the lead as John keeps falling off the beam and dropping his bags. Oh no! Brad and John are neck-and-neck, with Laura pushing ahead even further. And Laura wins! Wow...that was pretty impressive. She talked the talked and then most definitely backed it up. And it's John in 2nd, which means Brad is out!!!! That was a close one, Brad was only a couple pieces behind.

Laura now gets to give the clue to the idol to someone and she chooses to give it to Vytas. Very subtle...going after Aras, in the same way they targeted Brad by giving the clues to Monica. Vytas didn't even hesitate to go throw that clue in the fire. Is anyone going to have enough guts to actually keep the clue? I kind of think they are all taking the easy way out.

Redemption Island Arena-Surprise
Jeff sends John and Laura away, and drops a bomb on everyone else. It's time to switch things up! As viewers, we knew this was coming because of the not-so-subtle previews. I'm just hoping that Aras and Hayden benefit from this swap. And is it too much to ask that they get on the same tribe so that they can form a really cute and awesome alliance? Please, pretty please? Even better would be if Vytas and Kat would also end up with them...that would be totally awesome. Fingers crossed!

Everyone drops their buffs and they draw covered buffs to determine their new tribes. Tyson asks Jeff if he can pick last so that fate can decide what tribe he's on..haha...oh that Tyson. Aras, Gervase, Tyson, Ciera and Vytas switch. Vytas is now the only guy on Galang and Ciera is now the only girl on Tadhana. Yikes! This swap couldn't BE more lopsided! On the plus-side, Aras and Hayden are now on the same tribe, so I am now officially Team Tadhana!

New Tadhana
New tribe: Caleb, Hayden, Ciera, Aras, Gervase, Tyson

Tyson starts to wreak havoc by eating as much food as he can and drinks most of the coconut water in private, before sharing what little is left with the rest of the tribe. He says "I'm going to hit all that food like a one-man wrecking ball"...oh boy. Hayden did not really care for this behavior at all. He felt like he was just coming into their house and touching all their stuff.

Tyson then starts throwing Aras under the bus, hoping that everyone will know that Tyson isn't in charge, and Aras is. I kind of hope Tyson's plan backfires, because he is doing SO MUCH TALKING! That's what got Brad in trouble!

New Galang
New tribe: Monica, Kat, Tina, Laura B. Katie, Vytas

Vytas is worried because he was in control on his old tribe, and now he has to start all over. Not to mention he is the only guy amongst all those women! All of the original Galang girls were "sort of" in an alliance before the swap. Really, it was Monica and Tina, with Kat and Laura assuming they were in the alliance. Now with Katie joining Mom-Tina's group, it seems like the girls would be really dumb if they didn't stick together. That's a real bummer for Vytas. I bet he would feel a lot better if he had a clue to the immunity idol...oh wait...he did. Major bummer! He could have even used that as a way to get in with the girls if he would have shared it with them. Hindsight is 20/20, and I bet he's really kicking himself right now.

Immunity Challenge
Oh no, it's a partial swimming challenge...I hope Aras doesn't have to save Gervase again.

Teams of 2 have to swim out to a cage and untie a trap. Surprisingly, Gervase is doing pretty well as he and Aras bring back the trap first. Tina and Laura open their gate but swim the ENTIRE way back without their trap! Their tribe was screaming at them, but they had no idea what they were talking about. They lost a TON of time! Tadhana quickly was out and back with the next trap. Monica and Vytas made up a little time. Something tells me that even though there is a huge lead, this is going to end up being a close one, and maybe even an upset. No lead is ever safe in this game!

Aras and Tyson start working on the puzzle while Kat and Katie worked on releasing their 3rd trap. Finally, Galang has their third trap and they start working on the puzzle, with Tina working to right the wrong she made at the beginning. They actually catch up! Oh no! Tadhana cannot lose this after that HUGE lead! I almost can't watch. Galang think they have it, and they are celebrating...but they are wrong! They think they have it again, and are celebrating...and they are wrong a 2nd time! In a split second later, Tadhana thinks they have it...and it's right! Woohoo! Oh my gosh, that was way too close!

Tina apologizes for her mistake and says that she understands if they vote her out for it. Everyone seems on board with voting Vytas out. However, Kat would like to take out the person who won't stop talking and strategizing: Monica. Tina questions Kat's loyalty for even bringing up the thought. So what does Tina do? She goes right to Monica with the gossip. Great. Monica then goes back to Kat and asks if she brought up her name to Tina. She denies it and flat-out lies but Monica isn't buying it.

Tribal Council
Monica tells Kat that she wants to trust her, but it looks like she's not going to feel good about her. Vytas tries to tell everyone that he's made relationships with them and hasn't given them any reason not to trust him. He uses their distrust in Kat, and he tries his hardest to get them to keep it. Most of them think they should just stick with the plan which was to take Vytas out.

The votes:

Boo! I was really hoping she would stick around awhile longer to play with Hayden. Her darn mouth got her in trouble again! I think she had the right idea to go after Monica, but she probably should have waited to bring it up until the next time. I REALLY hope Hayden doesn't switch places with her, even though he would have a much better chance at winning the duel. Luckily, they showed Hayden in a preview for next week, so I hope that means he didn't switch.

I really don't like the previews for next week where Tyson and Gervase are sharing their plan with the rest of their new tribe, and it seems like everyone (including my beloved Hayden) is on board with taking down Aras. Boo! My hopes of a really awesome bromance could be in jeopardy.

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