Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Survivor, Ep. 26.12

Immunity Challenge #1
Cochran goes shirtless! He's growing right before our eyes.

They have to stand on a pyramid, that as you go further up, the harder it is to balance. It looks extremely hot and windy...this is going to be tough. Not only that, but it's on water, so very tough.

Immediately, Probst brings out a temptation: doughnuts. Erik and Eddie both agree to jump off at the same time. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING EDDIE????? He tells Reynold, "I'm going buddy". And Reynold says it's OK. It is so NOT OK. Eddie: you do realize you are in the minority, don't you? If I was Reynold, I would be really mad that he was leaving me to do all the work and basically not even trying.

Cochran goes next for some hot dogs.

Last position on the top of the pyramid, oh boy that platform is TINY! Lots of wobbling going on. Sherri is really shaking. Dawn falls off and it's down to 4. Sherri falls off! Andrea and Brenda looked pretty solid. Reynold did a great job, I can't believe he saved himself. He tried so hard and did the best he could, but it wasn't enough.

Andrea and Brenda talk about a deal, but neither one wants to give up, so they keep going. After 3 hours, they decide to make their own rule: lift your left leg. Brenda falls and Andrea wins. BOOO! She also wins a reward of information about the game.

Andrea decides to share the clue with Brenda because she stood so long. The clue was to the hidden immunity idol. Then all of a sudden, ALL of them know the clue and are looking. Before too long , Erik has found the idol. But what does he do??? He immediately hands it over to Andrea. What are you doing Erik? Seriously? Did you learn nothing from the first time you played the game? He didn't even think about it, he just said 'here it is' and handed it right over like it belonged to her.

Andrea thinks it's time for a blindside before it happens to her. She thinks Brenda is a threat because she could win challenges and she hasn't made anyone mad. This is like one of the worst things that could happen: neither Reynold or Eddie won immunity, Andrea won immunity, the 6 found the hidden immunity idol and now they are plotting to get one of the only one of the 6 I actually like! Bad, bad, bad...

Tribal Council #1

Poor Reynold. He gets a "Bye buddy" from Eddie :( And we're down to Unp Amigo.

Andrea vs Brenda
Andrea wants to blindside Brenda or Dawn. Cochran doesn't agree, so he tells Andrea and Brenda that she is coming for both of them. Game on.

Immunity Challenge #2
Go Lone Amigo!

The challenge was to maneuver a coconut over and around posts in the water, then unlock a key at the end by undoing knots. Then they have to build a ladder with rungs that were like a puzzle.

Erik is in the lead, followed by Cochran. Cochran is a beast! After the knots it's Erik, then Andrea, then Eddie then Brenda. Oh boy. I would LOVE to see Eddie take this, but I don't think it will happen.

Time to see if Eddie is any good with puzzles. Andrea and Brenda were in the lead, but Erik is flying through!  And Eddie, is falling behind. And it's Erik! Woohoo! At least it wasn't Andrea!

Turning on Andrea
Andrea hints that Eddie is a part of her plan. She wants to be in the finals with him because she thinks he can beat him. Cochran sees that he is not a part of her plan, so he wants her out. Erik believes that Andrea is telling her the truth when she says that she wants to go to the end with him, mainly because he helped her find the hidden immunity idol. When will he learn not to trust the pretty girls?

Tribal Council #2
Cochran says that lots of people have told him they want to go to the end with him, and he's pretty sure they don't all mean it. Then he says that he's probably guilty of saying the same thing. Why would you say that?! Now, no one is going to believe you.

Andrea announces that she has the hidden immunity idol and Malcolm is flabbergasted. Great reaction from Maclolm!


That was a great Tribal! As Andrea's name was read the 2nd time, she shouted "WHAT?" Ha! I don't think anyone has ever been that vocal when the names are being read.

Final thoughts: So, let me get this straight. Erik finds the idol. Erik hands the idol to Andrea, who now has possession of the idol. Andrea is voted out without playing the idol. Soooo...the idol that Erik found is now walking down the ramp and out of the game. Erik just gave away immunity AGAIN!!!!! ERIK! Come on...

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