Wednesday, May 1, 2013

American Idol, Ep. 12.33 & 12.34

The songs for this week are (1) Songs of 2013 and (2) The Standards. Yay for doing something current and Boo for the old fashioned crap again! And why would they do the good songs first. We all know the 2013 hits are going to be the best of the night, so why wouldn't you end with those? Doesn't make sense.

Disclaimer: I really can't stand songs like the standards, so I'm probably going to be very harsh on each of their song choices in that category. I find these songs boring and the lyrics are usually just really awful and old fashioned. Forgive me. 


Song #1: I love this song choice for's a great song ("Diamonds" by Rihanna). I love that she's doing this song and playing the piano. Beautiful, just beautiful! When she hit the bridge, it was so powerful. She forced it a little too much, but it was still amazing.
My Score: A

Song 2: Hate this song. It's going to be hard to enjoy the performance. So boring. Her vocals are flawless, but let's face it. The song is just stupid.
My Score: A-


Song #1: Great Pink song choice, love this song! She did a pretty good job with it. She doesn't have a whole lot of life up there as she's singing, so it's kind of hard to connect with her. Could she look any more bored and distracted up there? Geez. The judges make a lot of excuses for her...blah blah blah.
My Score: B+

Song #2: This song is on the top of my most hated list. Ugh! She did some vocal acrobatics in this song, and it sounded really good. Too bad the song is so stupid. So what is wrong with Amber emotional. Quite the sour puss. Be professional, you shouldn't need a pep talk from Nicki.
My Score: A-


Song #1: I love this song! But...I don't care what Candice said about trying to tell the story, it's just weird for a girl to sing "If I was your man". She sounds amazing tonight, even though it's weird for her to be singing about being a man. It's nice to hear her doing a current song and not sing it like it's a song from 40 years ago. It wasn't boring and drab like she usually sings. It was killer!
My Score: A+

Song #2: I don't think I know this song, but boy does it sound boring. Oh, when will it be over. I already have a headache and this is not helping. That felt like the longest song ever. Vocals were nice, but the song is painful.
My Score: B+


Song #1: Wow, she was amazing on this Carrie Underwood song. It was country, but it was still really good.
My Score: A

Song #2: This song isn't great, but out of all the other standard songs, this one is the best. She did a really good job at making the song not as boring as it could have been.
My Score: A

Since no one was eliminated last week, this week's votes were added to last week's.
No Bottom 2 was officially announced, but it came down to Kree and Amber

Going Home: Amber

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