Saturday, May 4, 2013

Big Brother Canada, Ep. 1.29 - The Finale

The Final 3: It's Emmett vs Jillian vs Gary, who will take the win?

The Twitter world blew up as the action unfolded live, so as I'm now watching the episode, I already know what happens, and it's CRAZY! Nothing on the US version of the show has ever been so crazy. I'm going to try to keep the rest of the recap short, because I have A LOT to say about how this finale unfolds. Here we go!

Final HOH Competition
The plan: Jillian will win the endurance challenge, Emmett will win the physical challenge, and then face-off in the 3rd round where it won't matter which one wins.

Round 1 Winner: Emmett
Round 2 Winner: Gary
Round 3 Winner: Gary

Wow, that last one was close. Emmett and Gary answered the same every time...except for the LAST one!!! It came down to a question about Suzette, so it's no surprise that Gary got it right, since they were very close.

Final Eviction Ceremony
Gary chooses to evict Emmett!!! That was obviously the right choice for his game. He would have never beat Emmett.

The Final Jury Member is Revealed
I should point out at this point, something that will come into play later. Emmett is revealed to the jury as the last person evicted. They are all shocked. Topaz seems to be the most shocked, but she is also ecstatic because "Gary is still in the house!" She screams this with excitement several times.

Talla tells Emmett he should have kept her, and Andrew says they should have stuck to their East Coast alliance, and none of this would have happened. He said "I feel bad for him, but not that bad."

The Jury Questions The Final 2
It's all fun and games until bitter Peter rears his ugly head. He says "My question is for Villian. I believe that you're an idiot and an awful player, however you have the opportunity to prove me wrong and win my vote by being honest. Tell me without using Emmett or competitions as a crutch, why you are in the final 2." That was so harsh. He needs to build a bridge and get over it.

Overall, Gary had some great answers to their questions. Even though Jillian didn't answer as well, she was really hit hard with some hatred, so it was harder to have good answers. Emmett had the lone tough question for Gary, and it was why he deserved to be there having 2 lives in the game when everyone else had 2, and how he deserved to win over Jillian when she won so many more competitions than he did.

The Final Plea
Jillian and Gary put together some awesome speeches, whoa! They squeezed a lot of stuff into a very short amount of time. I think Gary won in the speech department, it was compelling.

It is at this point, that Arisa tells the jury how they are to vote. Listen up kids, this is important...something big is about to happen. Everyone who has watched the US Big Brother knows: the final vote is FOR who you want to WIN and not who you want to evict. OK, not too hard, right?!

The Votes
AJ--"I believe that someone has made a $100,000...mistake! Integers!"
Alec--"Darkness. Now, I'm not happy the Shyld lost, but I absolutely love how you'll win." (throws up the Shyld sign)
Topaz--as Topaz makes her way to the podium and Alec makes his way back to his seat, they share a small little smooch. Arisa says "Really, really they get an 'awe'?" ha! Topaz: "So, my vote is 150% secure. 150%." (OK, so what does that even mean? I'd like to know how she thought that when she didn't even look at the key she pulled out and put in the box. She couldn't have seen it because she was smiling at the camera when she pushed it in. If you were 150% sure, one would think you would look at it once or twice to be sure.)
Peter--"I came here to prevent injustice. And with this vote that's exactly what I'm doing. To the max, yo! (throws up the Shyld sign)
Andrew--"There was a lot of blood in this game. It's been a great competition, but tonight, I'm voting with my heart.
Talla--"I'm voting for the person who played the opposite of my game." (good plan) "Do you love it now?" (points to bracelet)
Emmett--"You should only truly have one life in the Big Brother game." (nothing for your girl Jillian?)

The Votes Revealed

Topaz--Jillian* ...wait what...find out below what happened

By a vote of 4-3, JILLIAN wins Big Brother Canada Season 1!

*OK, so here's what went down when Arisa read Topaz's vote:

Topaz: "Wait, what?"
Arisa: "Topaz, we made the rules very clear."
Topaz: "No, wait a minute."
Arisa: "You vote for who you want to win. I'm sorry but the votes are final."
Topaz then leaves her seat and comes on stage. "No, wait a minute. No, wait a minute."
Arisa: "There's nothing I can do."
Topaz: "Are you guys kidding me? You switched it, don't do this to me. Don't do this to me. Someone switched it. Don't do this to me, please don't do this to me. No, no, no, don't, no."
Arisa: "Topaz, please take your seat."
Topaz: "I swear, I swear." She starts pulling on Arisa's arm, and she continues to tell her there's nothing she can do."
Arisa: "Topaz, the rules were clear, we can't go back and have everyone revote. We have it on tape.
Topaz "No. I cannot sit down. I cannot sit down. Why can't we just redo it."

Arisa then sends it to a commercial break while they sort things out. When the show returns, they play the tape of Topaz voting, which really didn't prove anything because we can't see who she voted for. The vote stands, and they continue with the remaining 2 votes.

OK, so let's just discuss what just happened, shall we?
Let's look at the facts first. Jillian wins by a 4-3 vote. If Topaz votes the way she was 150% sure about, Gary wins! Her moment of stupidity cost Gary the game. There's a lot of speculation as to whether or not he deserved to win, and that was even before the Topaz debacle. Technically, he was voted out once, so does he deserve to win? Now, a case could be made that he really did win, and lost due to a technicality. Some people are saying that Jillian should give him the money. I think she won fair and square. Her gameplay was deserving of the win, and the votes were cast and counted, and she got more votes than Gary. It's that simple.

Oh Topaz. What in the world were you thinking? Judging by what took place, it seems that she understood the rules and what she was supposed to do. It appears that she just pulled the wrong key. She said she was 150% secure with her vote, as she looked at the camera and put in the key. She seemed to be more worried and distracted by playing to the camera then she was about making sure her BFF's key was the one she was putting in the box, eh?

Then in true Topaz fashion, she continued to embarrass herself by that childish tantrum she threw on stage. I'm glad they didn't let her get her way. She blew it. No do-overs! I think it's absolutely hilarious that this happened to her. I never cared that much for her.

I'm glad Jillian won, because I think she truly deserved it. Yes, she lied and backstabbed, but that's the game people! I think it's truly sickening that she is getting death threats because of this. If anyone gets death threats, it should be Topaz--she's the one that screwed up (note: in no way am I suggesting ANYONE should be getting death's a TV show people, get over it).

My Final Thoughts On The Season
I am thankful for Twitter, because without Twitter, I would not have seen some of my Big Brother favorite players tweeting about Canada getting their own version of Big Brother. It was also through Twitter, that I found out that even here in the US we could watch the show on YouTube. At the beginning, I never could have imagined how much I would enjoy it. I got sucked in from the first episode, and have enjoyed getting to watch the After Dark specials as well. You have to pay for 24 hour feeds or have the cable channel Showtime in order to see this stuff for the US version. This was great! I'm so hoping that the US version was taking notes and follows suit making this stuff free for everyone, because it is awesome and gets you so much more involved than just watching the episodes.

Big Brother Canada may have made some mistakes:
(1) Allowing the houseguests to watch and listen to Topaz deciding who to put on the block
(2) Allowing a jury member to enter the house, after being in the jury house with everyone else

However, they added some very fun new elements that were a big hit:
(1) Marsha and Marge the moose and their secret tasks
(2) The telephone

Overall, I think I might have enjoyed Season 1 of Big Brother Canada more than any season of the US version, which is crazy! I think a lot of that is due to the fact that I got to learn so much more about the houseguests by watching the After Dark episodes. There is so much behind the scenes stuff that was cool to see, that I never knew went on, simply because I was never able to watch this stuff before.

I'm truly sad that the season is over, however, I must admit that I have fallen about 3 weeks behind in the After Dark episodes, so I will continue watching those until I've seen them all. That should take me all the way up to the premiere of the new season of BBUS, which is in approximately 55 days!

Until then, "expect the unexpected!" Thanks Big Brother Canada and all of the was a pleasure watching!

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