Monday, September 1, 2014

So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 11.14

The Top 4 Dance in the Finale. The winner will be announced next week.

As if 2 dances a week aren't enough, this week, they each have to do 5! They will dance with each of the other dancers, plus a dance with an All-Star, and then their solo!

Valerie & Ricky - African Jazz
Not only do they have crazy outfits, but crazy body paint to look like tattoos all over! Lots of very interesting lifts, and really crazy body movements. You never knew what was going to happen next. Really impressive, because that choreography was ridiculous!
OK...they as they are standing up close, Ricky's just wearing a flesh-toned leotard that has the paint on it.

Jessica & Zack - Broadway
Kind of a boring routine for me. I liked the use of the steps, but it was kind of on the boring side for me.

Valerie & Zack - Contemporary
It must be Zack...I think he just makes everything boring. I really wanted to like this, but I just wasn't getting anything out of it. Valerie said it would be unlike anything America has seen yet? was absolutely nothing special about this routine.

Jessica & Ricky - Jazz
I really liked this routine! I hope one of these 2 is the winner!

Jessica & Valerie - Bollywood
I love Bollywood! It had to be hard to dance with those long head vails on and those really long skirts! They did an amazing job. They both had a lot of energy throughout. They could have been a little more in sync in places, but overall it was really good.

Ricky & Zack - Hip-Hop
I always love when 2 guys are dancing together. Everything is always just taken to another level. Neither one of these guys are hip-hop guys, but they were both hitting it so hard! Especially Ricky! I was really impressed! He looked like a gangster! I loved all the lifts and throws. I was a little grossed out by the weird head-to-crotch freeze move. I don't really care for that when it's a guy and a girl, and I really didn't care for it with 2 guys. But, that move aside, I really liked it.

Valerie & Aaron - Tap
Everyone knows I really don't like tap. A tap to Sammy Davis, Jr. with those ugly old fashioned clothes was not going to make me like tap.

Ricky & Kathryn - Contemporary
This was such a beautiful dance. They were so beautiful together. Every movement was so light and effortless. The ending was really cool.

Zack & Aaron - Tap
Oh yay...another tap routine. I had forgotten that Zack was even a tapper. I'm sorry, but this routine was just stupid.

Jessica & Robert - Contemporary
Yes, Travis Wall! Perfect song, perfect choreography, perfect dancers. This was so good! So moving! So beautiful! That ending...where she grabbed his hair and thew him to the!

Jessica was one of my favorites ever since her audition where she danced to It's a Man's World, and she whipped her hair like crazy. I just thought that was one of the best auditions I had ever seen. I think it was smart to do her solo this week to the same song, I love her, and I really hope she's the winner this season!

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