Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.40

During the Survivor finale, they showed a behind the scenes look at the final 3 preparing for the live show. Derrick was practicing his speech, Cody was practicing his speech. And Victoria? In true Victoria fashion, she was looking in the mirror and putting on her lipstick. Ha!

HOH Comp Part 1
Victoria just couldn't do it...and she's out! Sorry Victoria, but I didn't even want you to make it to Part 3 of this comp. I want to see these boys battle it out.

Cody and Derrick decide what to do. They thought Cody should win the endurance comp and Derrick would go against Victoria in the mental comp. But, Derrick starts to doubt himself. Cody can't believe he would doubt that he can beat Victoria. Derrick was really hoping that Cody would step down and let him get straight to Part 3, but Cody wasn't backing down. He said winning the endurance comp would make him feel good. Ultimately, Derrick did step down and let Cody have his win.

HOH Comp Part 2
They go individually and have to match up houseguest faces with when they were on the evicted and who they were up against...all while swinging on a harness.

Yes, it's not only mental, but also physical. Derrick has GOT THIS! He's a little worried since Victoria has been nominated 9 times, so if anyone would know the nominees it would be her.

But it's Victoria. She's going slow because she can't maneuver the wall. Plus, she doesn't know some of the faces really well, so she assumes they went home early in the game. Ha!

Derrick's time: 15:29
Victoria's time: 30:03

Woohoo! I was a little worried with his time, but I should have known's Victoria. She couldn't even get lucky in one competition.

Jury Talk
I'm glad the jury respects the fact that Derrick had never been nominated once! That has to be a record! And like Caleb said, with the BOB, there were 4 people on the block and he still managed to avoid the block every week!

They said that Derrick was a master manipulator and knew how to talk to all of them and found ways to bond with each of them. They formed such a bond that they would feel sorry about betraying him, even though he was betraying him.

They said Cody didn't show his potential early on, but he's come on very strong.

As for Victoria, Hayden thinks that she was playing dumb at least a little bit. Zach said he didn't think she knew she was playing Big Brother. They said she must have done something right because she's still there. I hate the fact that Jocasta and Caleb both said that if Victoria makes it to the Final 2 they are voting for her. Are you nuts! Get some sense people! I hope they don't even have an option. It better be a Derrick/Cody Final 2 or I'm going to lose it!

I really hope some of these jury members lose their bitterness in the next hour, because they need to give Derrick what he deserves.

HOH Comp Part 3

It's a repeat of last season...they're both on a large scale. They have to guess jury answers. Most points after 8 questions wins.

Question 1: Derrick 1 pt
Question 2: Derrick and Cody 1 pt
Question 3: Derrick and Cody 1 pt
Question 4: Cody 1 pt
Question 5: Derrick 1 pt
Question 6: Cody 1 pt
Question 7: no points -- still tied!
Question 8: no points -- tie breaker!!!

Tie breaker - In seconds, how long was part 1 of the HOH comp? 3671

Cody wins! He guessed 3126 and Derrick guessed 3013 (I think...there was a glare on his board)

HOH - Eviction Decision
Cody now has to decide who to evict, which is picking the person he is going to sit against for the win. I'm dying right now! I feel like Cody is going to be loyal to the end, but he's been very strategic at the end of the game, so I really don't know what he's going to do. He has to know that he has a MUCH better chance of winning going against Victoria.

He wasted no time in saying he was honoring his final 2 commitment with Derrick, and Victoria is FINALLY sent packing! Finally! It's about time!

One thing that's good about Derrick not winning the final HOH is that he didn't have to let Victoria go (if he would have even done that...I think he might have kept her because he's smart). Now, she doesn't know that he was playing her and he should still have her vote. Had he won and cut her, she might not have forgiven him.

Jury Questions
Christine asks: "Derrick, you've denied responsibility for sending people home but we all feel like you sent us all home, which is it?" He said it was his strategy to stay behind the scenes, but he was involved in all the decisions.

Frankie asks: "We feel like Derrick has been the puppet master of the Hitmen alliance, and you just just merely his puppet. Why don't you tell us if we're wrong?" He said he played a huge social game and he had the single hand in Frankie going home by getting his best friend in the house to turn on him.

Caleb asks: "Derrick, a lot of us think you used your family to manipulate us, did you cross the line?" He said he did not and they mean the world to him and it was not his strategy.

Hayden asks: "Cody what was your biggest strategic move?" He said Zach's week on the block and going to Derrick to call out Christine, and then flipped it and kept Zach because Derrick was being targeted and they ended up sending a lot of people home who were targeting him.

Nicole asked: "Derrick, why do you deserve to win over Cody?" He said because he was never on the block, and out of 55 nominations, he avoided every single one.

Donny asked: "Cody, why should you win over Derrick?" He said Derrick is his best friend and he's not going to bash him. He said his social game and getting people to tell him things, he was able to go to Derrick with those things and that helped them make their decisions.

Victoria asked: "Derrick were you going to be loyal to the Hitmen over me?" He said she was his friend, but he couldn't go against Cody and expect the jury to respect him for them. He said he wanted to be loyal to her without jeopardizing his own game, and he felt that by getting her to the final 3 he did that.

These guys did an amazing job answering the questions. They both obviously thought a lot about what the jury might ask and they had their answers ready to go. They were quick and to the point, and they made really good points. I especially like the way Derrick answered, but also didn't quite answer Victoria's question. I think he could have listed many more reasons to win other than avoiding the block, but that was a pretty darn good reason. And he knows he's going to get to give a speech, so saving!

Final Speeches
He played the game to gain the trust of everyone in the house. He had a lot of information, and sent some beasts home, and in his book, that's no puppet.

Derrick said he played the best social game and was never nominated. He won 4 HOHs, and he thinks he deserves to win. I agree!

The Votes
Jocasta: "I guess fake praying works, right?" (Not sure what she meant by that...she said earlier that

Derrick fake prayed with her. I don't know why all of a sudden she thinks that's fake.)

Hayden: "I hate you both! But I'm voting for the person I think will give the best tip on my pedicab."

Zach: "I love both you guys. I wish I could vote for both of you Froot Loops. I gotta say, I love New Jersey but Rhode Island is where my heart's at." EPIC! I love how he got scolded for giving away his vote.

Donny: "I hate I left my Skittles at home." Epic, Donny! lol

Nicole: "I have nothing cool to say, I love you both, and I'm voting for who I think played Big Brother the best."

Christine: "The last thing I am is a bitter jury. I'm so impressed that I got duped by the Hitmen. This was honestly a difficult decision for me, but I'm going with my gut."

Frankie: "Cody you look really hot, but I've still had better. Good luck and may the best houseguest win."

Caleb: "There's a lot I could say to both of you j'mokes, but what I will say is that you're both welcome on behalf of the Bomb Squad to be exactly where you are...and also who I thought played a better game."

Victoria: "Love you guys both, and I'm proud to be considered the Hitmen's little sister and I'm voting for the person who has been loyal since Day 1 in this game." Did I miss something? Who considers her the Hitmen's little sister. Ha!

How perfect of a game could this be for Derrick to never get nominated and win with a unanimous vote? Fingers crossed! Still love you Cody, but Derrick is the master.

Houseguest Catch-up Time
Julie spills the beans about Team America. Cody points to Derrick...he knows. Nicole picked Frankie and Zach. She was half right. They learn how they were picked, got to see them discovering each other, and a recap of their missions. #1: Zach being related to Amanda! #2: Neighborhood Watch #3: The rat

Julie said that someone had a secret, and that was Derrick. He reveals that he's a cop and an undercover detective. Julie said that that was his strategy from the beginning and she proved it by showing his audition video.

The Results:
Jocasta -- Cody
Hayden -- Derrick
Zach -- Derrick
Donny -- Cody
Nicole -- Derrick
Christine -- Derrick
Frankie -- Derrick
Caleb -- Derrick
Victoria -- Derrick

Derrick wins!!! I seriously think that Jocasta pulled a Topaz from Big Brother Canada and voted to evict instead of to win. That was totally epic...luckily in this case Derrick still won any way. In Topaz's case, her vote for Jillian caused her to win! Ha! And what was with Donny's vote? Was he still mad that Derrick went against him as a member of Team America? Donny is such a fan of the show, I'm surprised he wouldn't want to see the better player win.

I am so incredibly happy for Derrick! He played the absolutely best game, hands down. And I couldn't be happier that his partner in crime was sitting there next to him. The win would not have been as sweet next to the floater, Victoria.  So, Derrick wins $500,000 plus the $5,000 x however many tasks it was that he won with Team America, and Cody walks away with $50,000 which is nothing to sneeze at! Seriously, this has to be one of, if not THE best final 2s ever!

America's Favorite Houseguest: 
10 million votes, most in history for this. Zach, Nicole and Donny are the top 3 vote-getters.
Donny wins with more than 5 million votes! He wins $25,000. Yay for Donny!

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