Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.37

Big night coming up...

The Veto (repeat Veto), and then someone is evicted! I gotta say, I'm really hoping for an all-guy Final 4. The Bomb Squad/Detonators have dominated this game, and I think they all deserve to be here til the end. Not one of them deserves to go home before Victoria. Just once I'd like to see an alliance stick together til the end and not let a floater who did absolutely nothing all season to make it to the end. Hey, I can dream, right? The only way I see this happening is if Frankie wins the Veto and saves himself. That would mean either Derrick or Cody would be on the block. I think if Frankie stays on the block, there is no way he stays in the game. But...if it ends up being either Cody or Derrick going up, I think Victoria would be toast (at least I hope).

Frankie Corners Caleb
Frankie is going to work his magic with Caleb. Just like when he saw right through what Caleb was doing when he was going to throw the Battle of the Block, he knows Caleb had another reason for putting him on the block. The more he talks to Caleb, the more things start to slip out. Cody and Derrick are freaking out because Caleb can't keep his mouth shut! Frankie must have some special power over Caleb.

There's nothing more that Frankie needs to spur him on to victory in this POV. We've seen it before. When Frankie's back is against the wall, he pulls out the win he needs. It is very likely he's going to win this time as well. Especially since this is a repeat competition, which he won the first time.

Team America
Team America is done, but both Derrick and Frankie have the opportunity to win an extra $50,000 as individuals. If a member of Team America wins Big Brother, they will win the extra $50,000 on top of the $250,000. Wow!

POV Competition

Although this competition is a repeat, the freakshow acts are different. Interesting twist.

Cody goes first. He studied the picture wall and his studying paid off. He's killing it! His time was 2:21.

Caleb is up next. He is shown what time he has to beat. He left the lights on from the first round and now he's got 6 names lit up! You frootloop dingus! Cody is watching from the DR and he's yelling at him. Haha! He didn't beat Cody's time.

Victoria is 3rd to go. She's actually doing pretty good. And now she's out.

Frankie is next to go. He saw the time to beat and he freaked out at first. His time is up, and his game is literally over! I feel kind of bad for him.

Derrick sees the time and he thinks that Frankie is the one with that time. He loses by only seconds. He thinks it was Frankie who beat him and he was pretty upset.

It's revealed that Cody was the winner and Derrick is shocked!

POV Meeting
Cody chooses...shockingly...to NOT use the POV, so the nominations stand. Poor Frankie, he went from being HOH to now going home. He can talk to Nicole about that one when he sees her in the Jury House.

Frankie's speech was that if he used it Derrick would go up because Derrick hasn't been up yet. I'm not sure why that was supposed to persuade Cody to use it on him.

Then when Cody revealed he wasn't using it, Frankie was really upset, and he kind of threw a little kid tantrum. Not exactly making a good case for them to keep you, Frankie.

Frankie's Last Effort To Stay
Frankie tells Cody and Derrick they should keep him because his target is Caleb. He didn't like what Caleb did to him this week, by putting him up and the way he went about it.

His last speech was for them to honor their final 4 deal, and that before they pushed the button he had kept them all safe. And in true Frankie fashion, his speech was so flashy and Grande :)

The Vote
Cody -- Frankie
Derrick -- Frankie

I'm so sad to see Frankie go. He played a pretty near perfect game...but Derrick's was more perfect.

On his way out, he gave a speech to each of them. And they were all hilarious!
To Caleb: "I'm returning these to you, because even though I'm a queen, I have been the king for 88 days."
To Victoria: "Please win something."
To Derrick: "As the last responsible adult, please don't kill my fish."
To Cody: "I've had better."

I can't believe how excited and happy he is! I really thought he might be bummed, because we know what a competitor he is, and how he hates to lose. He was so bummed when the Veto wasn't used on him, so I thought he might come out all sad, but he's the happiest evictee I've ever seen!

HOH Competition
Questions about events in the season, and answer "before" or "after". Most points after 7 questions wins.

Question 1: all right
Question 2: all right (Derrick was almost wrong, but changed at the last minute)
Question 3; Derrick is wrong
Question 4: all right
Question 5: Victoria is wrong
Question 6: Victoria is wrong
Question 7: Victoria and Cody are wrong

Tie-breaker between Cody and Derrick: the number of seconds of the juror competition.

Cody said 680
Derrick said 420

Answer was 462 seconds, and Derrick wins!!! Woohoo! I was so worried that Victoria was finally going to win something. Yikes! That would have been a very devastating blow.

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