Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.38

Another eviction tonight...who's it gonna be? I am going to be very upset if it is anyone other than Victoria. So...I'm probably going to be pretty upset.

Derrick and Frankie
We see tonight that Derrick confessed to Frankie that he was going home. Derrick said he couldn't lie to him. They shared a really nice moment. I still feel bad for Frankie. Since he lost the Veto, there's nothing else he could do.

Frankie tells the guys that they are reuniting him with his millions of followers/fans and with the jury. And because he thinks he is the most influential speaker in the house...HE will be picking the winner. Wow, he sure thinks highly of himself.

Derrick's Decision
Derrick talks to Victoria, and she knows she's going up, and it continues their fake falling out.

Derrick assures Cody that they will be final 2 and he won't put him on the block. It's the Hitmen to the end. This will prove to Cody that he is loyal to their final 2 deal.

Derrick tries to convince Caleb to volunteer to go on the block. He tells him that he wants him to make the decision. And it WORKED. Holy crap Caleb is stupid! Derrick assures him that if he wins the Veto that he will pull him off.

Somehow, he has made himself completely good with all 3 of them, and yet he's nominating 2 out of the 3. That is just genius! Plus, he said that being HOH this week is good for his game because he will not have to worry about ending up being the only person to vote in the eviction...again...getting absolutely no blood on his hands. Add this to the fact that he has not been nominated 1 an original or a replacement...EVER! How does that even happen? They need to just end the game now and name him the winner, because he frickin' deserves it!

Derrick nominates Victoria and Caleb

Veto Competition

It's a cop theme based on the new show "Stalker"...hint hint...Derrick. They have to use the clues to match it with the mug shot of a former houseguest. My guess is that Derrick will be throwing this so he doesn't have to make a decision on whether or not to use the Veto. I would say that he should go for it anyway...just so Victoria has no chance. However, I can't imagine that this will be the one comp that she will come away with a least I sure hope not.

Victoria is pretty sure that she's doing we see that almost all of hers are wrong. Ha! Typical clueless Victoria.

Caleb is ready to give up because he's stumped. Cody is doing really well...he moves a few pieces, and it's Cody for the win!

Cody is sure that he is safe and it's the boys to the end. Uh oh Cowboy...I don't think so.

The guys all celebrate in the Fire Room. Caleb is so sure he's safe. This is NOT going to end well. This is going to be the first REAL blindside of the season. He has no idea, and he is going to be devastated. And after the devastation wears off...he will remember that he basically volunteered to go on the block for like the millionth time (4th time). One time too many.

Caleb stresses loyalty in his speech and tells them all that they are safe because of what he's done in the game. heart is breaking for him. I do not envy Cody right now.

Cody said that loyalty has been something talked about all game, and he tells them that he and Derrick had a final 2 day on day #2. WOW! I can't believe he did that! He said that this every other decision was made WITH DERRICK. I wonder if Derrick knew he was going to do that. If not, Derrick might not be too happy that he just outed their alliance. He explained that he wanted to be loyal to the alliance he made on day 2 and their best chance in the game was for him to leave. I thought he gave the best speech possible. It was so eloquent and heartfelt. I think he was really respectful of Caleb and the sub-alliance they had. Well done! And good move on his part to pass off some of the blame on Derrick...his hands now have just a little blood on them. I wonder what Victoria thinks of this. She is no longer the person with a final 2 deal with Derrick. Uh oh...

Caleb was definitely shocked, but he handled it like a pro. He walked out of the house without saying a word. He gave some quick hugs, but that was it. But then, he was all smiles when he greeted the audience. It's clear he loves being the center of attention. He will be missed. I will miss seeing all of his judy chops.

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