Thursday, September 4, 2014

Big Brother, Ep. 16.32

Double eviction night! Julie says there's a ton of twists coming our way...oh boy!

Caleb Confesses
Caleb told Frankie that he didn't want there to be any secrets between them, and he said that it did cross his mind to put him up.

Frankie said he would be surprised if they hadn't considered that. He said he could see Cody saying it more than Derrick. But, Caleb said he thinks Derrick is trying to keep Nicole because he knows he has her in his back pocket.

Frankie coyly confronts Derrick and Derrick didn't let on as if it was a serious discussion to put him up. Frankie knows Derrick is lying. Derrick tells Cody that Frankie was fishing for information. Cody is really mad that Caleb would have said that to Frankie.

Votes for Eviction #1:
Nicole "Stop playing Big Baby and let's play Big Brother and make some Big moves." Ha!

Christine -- Nicole
Derrick -- Nicole
Frankie -- Nicole
Cody -- Nicole

And with 4 votes, another unanimous decision, poor Nicole is sent packing for the second time this season.

HOH Competition
They will watch video statements by evicted houseguests. One of the words will be bleeped. Julie will say what the word might be. They have to decide if that word is true or false.

Round 1: Derrick is the only one to get it right!!!!!! With 1 round, he wins HOH! What the heck?! That is frickin' amazing!

Derrick only has a few minutes to talk to everyone individually. It's interesting to hear his thought process with each person.

Derrick says he's going with what the house wants so as not to make waves.

Derrick nominates Victoria and Christine.

Veto Competition

Navigate a ball through 3 rally tough circular mazes. The first to complete it wins. I think it's safe to say Victoria will have no chance at this. For the first time, everyone gets to compete because there are only 6 people left.

Frankie is the first to get to the 2nd maze. Victoria is last. All are on the 2nd maze.

Frankie is the first to get to the 3rd maze, followed by Caleb and Christine.

And it's Frankie for the win! I'm so glad that Christine didn't win this one. Now is their chance to get her out!

Veto Meeting
Before the meeting Frankie and Derrick are already planning next week. In between visits from the others individually, Frankie kept telling Julie he liked her dress and her necklace. Ha!

And after a few quick chats, it was pretty obvious what Frankie was going to do.

And...he chose to not use the Veto, and honor Derrick's wishes. Yes! Wow...just realized that if all goes as planned and Christine is out, Victoria is the last woman standing! How the heck did that happen?

Votes for Eviction #2
Frankie -- Christine
Caleb -- Christine
Cody -- Christine

Another unanimous decision, and Christine is sent packing! No more Cody/Christine cuddling!

In a shocking turn of events, she bolted out of that house with not a hug or goodbye to anyone. And then, she was BOOED, and booed very loudly. Like ridiculously loudly, I'm not quite sure where that came from. I think the boos were louder than any of the despicable cast got last season. I thought for sure that Julie would ask her why she thought she was being booed. The only think I can think of is that people really didn't like her relationship with Cody.

Twists for Next Week
The house is getting a huge golden Reset button. If pushed, the entire week will rewind and be undone...nominees won't be nominated any more, etc.

Also, Jeff and Jordan, aka JeJo will be coming to the house to break some news. Conspiracy theories on Twitter are suggesting it is to announce their extremely longly awaited engagement, which would be fitting with the golden Reset button to rewind where it all began for the BB house. We shall see!

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